Topics for a personal diary: how to make out and what to write for girls?

So, you have already made the most important decision - you decided to keep a personal diary. Fine! Since tens of years will pass and you will be happy to re-read your young experiences and worries, a smile will harden on your face for a long time with memories of childhood. In addition, in adolescence, it is especially important to share your impressions, emotions and experiences accumulated over the day. A personal diary is always happy to “listen” to all your innermost secrets.

So how do you start keeping a personal diary?

Personal Diary Topics

First of all, it is necessary to decide: you will use a ready-made diary for notes or make it yourself. In the first case, everything is simple: select the notebook you like in the store. To give colorfulness and originality to your diary, you can finish it a little. If you want to decorate your personal diary - a pink theme Great for teenage girls. For example, you can decorate the notebook cover with patterns of pink rhinestones.

With self-made diary you have to work hard. For example, you can take a piece of lace and cut it according to the size of the purchased notebook. After that, it is necessary to cover the cover of the notebook with glue and glue the prepared piece of fabric onto it.

Having drawn up a diary, it is necessary to start filling it out. Let's dwell on choosing a topic for your personal diary.

What to write first?

The very first topic of your diary should be information about yourself: your name, age and contact phone number (in case you suddenly lose or forget the diary somewhere). At the same time, remember: never write your home address.

Personal diary pink theme

Also, an interesting topic for a girl’s personal diary can be a story about her hobbies and interests, for example, about her favorite food, music, TV shows, films or cartoons.

In addition, you can paste your photo into the diary and beautifully design it, for example, draw a frame with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

What else can you “tell” to your personal diary?

The topics for a girl’s personal diary can be completely different: on one day you can write about the events of the past day, about relationships with classmates, about a quarrel with a girlfriend or conflict with parents, and on the next day, you can write down your favorite poems, lyrics or quotes. Also a great topic for a girl’s personal diary can be notes about animals.

In addition, you can draw drawings, paste photos and stickers of your favorite cartoon characters, television series or films. You can also make a "family tree" and paste photos of your relatives in a diary. The main thing, remember, this is your diary - write in it everything that your heart desires, everything that you are so afraid to say out loud, do not hesitate to state all your thoughts.

How to break the diary into sections on different topics?

Personal Diary Topics can be divided into sections according to your interests and events of your life. For example, you can create a chapter called "I am my favorite." Write down in this part of your notebook your compliments, pleasant acts for you, and also write down when you yourself do a good deed for someone. When you feel sad, re-read these pages - you will immediately feel pleased and your mood will improve.

Topics for the girl’s personal diary

Also a great diary section can be a story about your travels. Take a notebook on trips, paste tickets, photographs into it, write about the trip itself: what impressed you the most, what you remember. Write down literally all your thoughts and finds - and you will never forget the bright moments of your adventures.

At a young age, it is especially interesting to interpret your dreams, so you can create a section in your personal diary about your dreams and their interpretation. It will be especially interesting to re-read them over time and to be convinced of the truthfulness of the interpretation of dreams.

If you like to cook on your own or with your mother, the topic of cooking will be useful to you. Write down the recipes you like in a separate section of the diary.

Keeping a personal diary is an exciting and interesting activity. The ability to independently choose a topic for your personal diary helps to reveal your personality, allows you to look into the depths of your own soul, and also forever keep in your memory pleasant moments and experiences that in the future may not be as scary as you thought initially.

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