Determining the sex of a kitten: description and photo

The birth of kittens is a little joy. Small, blind and helpless lumps, 2-3 weeks after birth, become like pussies with expressive eyes. And the owner begins to wonder: "How to determine the gender of the kitten?" There are several ways to identify the differences between a boy kitten and a girl kitten.

Best age for sex

The genitals of kittens are formed by two months of life. At this time, it is easiest to find out which of them is a cat and which is a cat. But if you know some subtleties, you can distinguish the male from the female and at an earlier age.

Gender differences in newborn kittens

How to determine the gender of a newborn kitten, if at all possible? Can. It is enough to follow a simple instruction and everything will turn out:

  1. Gently take the kitten and lay it belly down on its own palm.

  2. Bring the baby to your eyes so that everything can be seen.

  3. Gently raise its tail.

  4. In cats, the distance between the genitals and anus is greater than in the kitties. Girls are distinguished by the fact that their genitals and anus are located almost next to each other. And for boys, this distance is quite large.

Cat on the left, cat on the right.

It should be known

It is not recommended to once again pick up newborns. This will irritate the cat and she can abandon her cubs due to the smell of others.

You can not pull the kitten by the tail, this can cause him injury and just scare.

If the baby meows plaintively during the procedure, it should be interrupted and the kitten should be returned to its native land.

Do not hold the kitten in your hands for a long time.

Monthly age and gender differences

How to determine the gender of a kitten (he was just a month old)? Visually. A cat has a thin strip from the genitals to the anus. In addition, these bodies are almost adjacent to each other. A cat will show a colon under its tail. The distance between the genital organ and the anus is much wider than that of the sisters.

Palpation, behavior, shape of the face

How to determine the gender of a kitten in other ways? Several options are distinguished: by color, by palpation (palpation), by behavior, by the shape of the face and with the help of a veterinarian or equipment.

Sex determination by color

It is believed that cats have a brighter color than cats. And there is a 100% guarantee that a kitten with a tortoise color will be a girl. If the baby is “dressed” in a fur coat of red color - 95% of what he refers to the representatives of the cat male.

This is definitely a girl

Palpation method

This method to answer the question: "How to determine the gender of the kitten?", - should be used with extreme caution. In order not to harm the baby and not scare him.

The kitten is picked up and, carefully holding it, the tail rises. Next, the area under the tail is gently probed. If "bumps" or swelling are found there, a funny baby is the future cat. If the whole area is even and smooth, then in the owner’s hand is a beautiful cat.

We look at the behavior

You can resort to this method when feline children turn three months old. During this period, differences in behavior between heterosexual babies become clearly pronounced. What is the difference between behavioral characteristics? Consider in detail:

  1. Cats are more active than cats. They are more playful and mobile.
  2. Sisters differ from their brothers in their cleanliness. Going into a tray for them turns into art. All things are done tactfully and carefully, and the consequences are closed very carefully. In addition, girls wash themselves more often.
  3. Young cats are more sociable. They are drawn to people, more affectionate than cats.
  4. Boys behave more confidently and impudently than representatives of the fair cat floor.
  5. The urine of cats smells sharply. Cat waste is not so fragrant.

Of course, this method is not the most reliable. Each animal has an individual character. A cat can be an independent quiet, and a cat - a storehouse of tenderness and sociability.

Boys are more often red

How to determine the sex of a kitten by the shape of its face?

Breeders with experience can distinguish a cat from a cat in the shape of their faces. Boys have a more flattened "facial expression." But the girls' faces are more rounded and elongated, with smooth lines.

other methods

How to determine the gender of a kitten in 2 different ways using a veterinarian? The first way is to turn directly to "Dr. Aibolit," who will help in solving an important problem. The second method is a DNA test, which can be done in a veterinary clinic with the necessary equipment.

Self charm

Voice to help

An interesting method should not be written off. It is believed that newborn cats are more silent than their sisters. The latter love to "talk" and make squeaky lingering sounds. The boys scream in coarser voices. Although this method cannot be called 100% reliable. Well-fed kittens may be silent at all, and if something hurts, the baby is able to make mournful squeaky sounds that are independent of gender.

The most effective way is to visually identify the differences between feline boys and girls. The method of probing can give the baby an unpleasant sensation. You can find out who the kitten is by contacting a veterinarian.

As for the color and faces - these methods are best entrusted to experienced experienced cat-dogs. It is unlikely that a beginner is able to understand all the tricks.

Kids - Candy


What should be remembered from the article? The main point is how to determine the gender of the kitten, a photo of the visual differences is presented for the convenience of the owners. The determination technique is simple, you just need to carefully handle the baby and not cause him discomfort.

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