Usually a disease like vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) affects young dogs. As a rule, this disease occurs in combination with vulvitis and vestibulitis. If you notice that your dog constantly licks the noose, while she does not have estrus, then this is an occasion to consult a veterinarian. Another sign that you need to go with the pet to the doctor is that a viscous liquid is released from the loop, which you can notice on the furniture or on the carpet.
Causes of occurrence
Vaginitis in dogs appears for various reasons. We will consider them now.
Usually juvenile vaginitis occurs in a dog that has not yet reached puberty. The main reason at this time is a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood. Against the background of this disease, the resistance of the genital mucosa to external stimuli decreases. And this, in turn, of course, facilitates the process of introduction and further reproduction of pathogenic microflora.
Outgoing uterine inflammation is also the cause of vaginitis in dogs.
The next cause of the disease is mucosal trauma during intercourse, during childbirth, during the period of gross medical manipulations. The gates for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria (enterococci, staphylococci and others) are just injured tissues.
Why else does vaginitis occur in dogs? Such a disease can appear with a reduced immunity of the animal against stress, due to improper hygiene, unbalanced nutrition. Infection with worms can also trigger the appearance of vaginitis. Another reason is the misuse of antibiotics. Because of this, the normal microflora of the vagina is disturbed, dysbiosis appears, which leads to the occurrence of vaginitis in dogs.
Bacteria can also enter the mucous membrane of the animal when mating.
Vaginitis in dogs: symptoms of the disease
The characteristic signs of this disease are swollen vulva, redness of the mucous membrane. Another symptom is that inflammatory exudate is released from the dog’s loop. It can be of different colors (white, greenish, etc.).
Other signs of the disease:
- the hair around the genitals is glued together;
- itching (combing, as well as biting the vulva, is observed);
- the animal behaves uneasily;
- the appearance of blood or pus is not excluded;
- sometimes there is an increase in temperature.
Forms of the disease, signs
An inflammatory process in the form of catarrhal-purulent, phlegmonous, serous and diphtheria vaginitis can occur. Now we describe how each species is manifested.
- Phlegmonous type. Gray or brown discharge with a clay odor may come out of the vagina. Also, the appearance of residues of different tissues is not ruled out.
- Catarrhal vaginitis is manifested by cloudy, colorless and watery discharge. On the mucous membrane, hemorrhages and ulcers (small in size) can be noticed.
- Serous appearance is characterized by yellow and translucent discharge.
- Juvenile vaginitis in dogs. It is characterized by translucent discharge of cream color.
- Chronic vaginitis is manifested by yellow exudate, its consistency resembles sour cream.
- The diphtheria type can be determined by the following criteria: bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor, fever.
- Purulent catarrhal vaginitis is characterized by thick discharge with pus. Multiple erosions and ulcers can be seen on the mucosa.
The treatment of the disease. What methods are used?
Of course, you need to start treating vaginitis in a dog as early as possible in order to avoid complications. But this must be done under the supervision of a veterinarian.
As a rule, juvenile vaginitis in dogs does not require treatment. It usually passes after the beginning of the first estrus. Other veterinarians offer their own treatment methods. It is necessary to administer estrogen preparations in a reduced dosage for three days (the active substance from 0.1 to 0.6 mg is required per injection).
Treatment of vaginitis in dogs with hormonal drugs is rarely used, since such measures do not always give a positive result, but the negative effect (hormonal imbalance can increase even more) appears in almost every case.
To prescribe the correct treatment, the dog takes a smear from the vagina. He is sent to the laboratory. There they conduct various tests to determine the sensitivity of the resulting microflora to various antimicrobial agents. The choice of drugs depends on the results.
For mature animals, local treatment is almost never used without general antibiotic therapy. These funds are used with a high severity of the disease (with phlegmonous and diphtheria form).
To stop the pathological process with purulent-catarrhal and catarrhal form, ointments are applied to the mucous membranes, which have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. To make it convenient to apply the product, use plastic spatulas or a syringe.
For the treatment of this disease, you can use prednisone, streptocidal, synthomycin, oxycortic ointment and others. What should be the dosage for single administration? Five to ten milliliters.
It is sometimes used to treat douching with a solution of "Furacilin", potassium permanganate or "Miramistin". Processing must be carried out daily until the animal is fully recovered.
Disease Prevention What measures are applied?
For the prevention of the disease, the following recommendations should be followed:
- It is necessary to observe basic hygiene for the dog.
- It is necessary to monitor the immunity of the animal.
- It is necessary to properly and balanced feed the pet.
- It is necessary that the animal has enough trace elements and vitamins.
- Sluchka needs to be made only with a completely healthy male.
- Vaccination should be carried out in a timely manner.
Now you know what vaginitis in dogs is. We examined its types and symptoms. The topic of treatment was also raised. We hope that our article was useful to you.