If you make a list of the most common childhood diseases, then stomatitis will take pride of place in the top ten. Sooner or later, most babies face this unpleasant ailment. The reasons can be very different, but the manifestations are very similar: pain, loss of appetite (due to the fact that the baby is very painful to eat), deterioration in overall health, ulcers and redness on the mucous membrane. Submandibular lymph nodes may increase, temperature may rise.
Stomatitis in children: treatment
Alternative treatment of stomatitis in children often helps to overcome the disease faster, but the doctor should establish the diagnosis, because with various types of ailment, therapy can radically differ. But much depends on the actions of parents. So, if the pediatrician (dentist) diagnosed stomatitis in a child, home treatment should be rinsed, anesthetized and lubricated with special drugs. In addition, some drugs may be used.
With a disease such as stomatitis in a child, treatment at home necessarily includes regular rinses. The main rule: there should not be food leftovers in your mouth! You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula or oak bark, you can use pharmaceuticals (such as the drug "Stomatidin" and several others), in extreme cases, you can use boiled water. It is necessary to rinse after each meal, as well as in breaks between them (approximately every 1.5-3 hours).
If we talk about such an ailment as stomatitis in a child, treatment at home is not all. It is necessary to ensure the correct diet. The baby should not be given sour, spicy, salty, the food should be as soft as possible and in no case hot! Mashed potatoes (vegetables, fruits), twisted meat, broth, scrambled eggs, dairy products, boiled cereals - such food will not irritate the oral mucosa and injure it. If the child refuses to eat due to pain, it is necessary to lubricate the sores with special means, such as the drug โKamistadโ or a special โtalkerโ, which is prepared in some pharmacies. And after eating, you must necessarily rinse your mouth and avoid any snacks.
With a disease such as stomatitis in a child, treatment at home must be agreed with a doctor. Most often, children have viral (herpetic or aphthous) stomatitis, in which it is simply useless to prescribe antibiotics. However, in some cases, a bacterial infection joins, and then the tactics of treatment change. In addition, children often have a specific type of this disease - angular stomatitis, which is better known as "jams."
Of the traditional methods of treatment, mention can also be made of lubricating the wounds with aloe juice and honey. In no case can you smear a small mouth with solutions containing alcohol (brilliant green, iodine, etc.), because they can burn the delicate mucous membrane.
Stomatitis in infants: treatment
As for babies, they have a slightly different story. Most often, crumbs have
candidal stomatitis or, as it is often called, thrush. It looks like a white film (on the tongue and mucous membrane of the mouth), and in most cases does not cause pain to the baby, but needs treatment. At home, the child needs to treat the mouth with a piece of gauze soaked in soda solution. In more severe cases, special antifungal drugs may be needed, most often ointments, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.