What to do on maternity leave: hobbies, earning at home

What to do on maternity leave? This issue is tormented by a large number of women. It is no secret that most of the time a modern person spends at work.

And even after learning about pregnancy, many mothers are not ready to leave work. Therefore, going on maternity leave, women are faced with the fact that they can not occupy themselves in their free time, which is now much more. What to do with yourself, waiting for the baby to appear?

what to do on maternity leave

The simplest and most affordable is to start watching some fascinating series, for which there was not enough time on workdays. Psychologists advise choosing films with a light plot, for example, comedies or melodramas with a happy ending, because even the most harmless scenes of a future mother can cause absolutely unpredictable emotions. Leave thrillers for later when the hormonal background returns to normal. Rest as much as possible, because with the advent of the child all attention will be devoted only to him, and it may turn out that there will be no time left for rest.

Rest above all

Another affordable and very useful advice for those who do not know what to do on maternity leave before giving birth is a recommendation to sleep, because then you may have problems with a full sleep. An infant requires attention twenty-four hours a day. But at the same time, do not forget about walks in the fresh air. Ideally, this should be a forest or park away from the roadway, where there will be fresh and clean air, which is so useful to the child.

what to do on maternity leave

Do not forget that you breathe for two, listen to your baby, if during a walk he begins to actively kick, this may mean that he has little oxygen and the air is not clean enough.

Movement is life

This motto is especially relevant during pregnancy. Muscles and joints should not stagnate, especially for those who have been active in sports in the past. Of course, it will be useful to combine a little physical activity with a walk, if this is not possible, you can do light exercises in the morning. Before you start doing exercises, you need to consult a doctor and find out if it will be dangerous for the future baby.

what to do on maternity leave to earn

While walking in the park, do not hesitate to get acquainted with future mothers like you, because acquaintances by interests will not only brighten up your leisure time, but will allow you to walk together later, only with strollers.

What to do on maternity leave before childbirth? Start preparing for the appearance of the baby and his education.

Gaining experience

Expecting the first child, the family is in the dark, because she has no experience in how to take care of the little man. Well, if my grandmother comes to the rescue. But if she is not there, do not despair. Experience can be gained. For example, sign up for thematic courses on maternity, ask for advice on the forum, or read specialized literature. There is no particular difference in the way of obtaining new knowledge in this case. It is especially important to learn about how to breathe properly during childbirth, how to care for a baby and breastfeed it. Another pleasant way to spend time for those who do not know what to do at home on maternity leave is needlework.

Do it yourself

For those who have been fond of creativity all their lives, finding an occupation will not be a problem, because pregnancy is just that wonderful time when there is a lot of free time. If earlier with needlework you were on "you", it does not matter. Just choose what you really like, it can be embroidery, knitting, drawing, sculpting, decoupage, mosaic or sewing. For those who love to cook, cooking can be a great pastime. Make as many preparations as possible for the future, for example, dumplings, meatballs or vegetable mixtures, all that will be perfectly stored in the freezer.

Fitness for pregnant

What to do on maternity leave? Fitness. By 24-25 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus becomes heavier, pain in the back, legs and joints may appear. There are many ways to solve these problems. For example, buy a subscription to the pool, do water aerobics or yoga for pregnant women. It is important to remember that not all women benefit during pregnancy, so before making a decision about all of the above, you should consult a doctor and find out about possible contraindications.

what is useful to do on maternity leave

What is useful to do on maternity leave? Prepare the room for the appearance of the baby.

It is time to make out the rubble in the cabinets, make repairs in the room, buy everything you need for a child. Collect a bag at the hospital, wash and re-iron all children's things, order a chemical cleaning of upholstered furniture. Remove dangerous items. Buy a stroller, crib, bottle, pacifier, powder, bath for bathing, diapers and diapers. Do not believe in signs and buy clothes for the baby after childbirth. Then there simply will not be time for this.

Work at home

Having gone on maternity leave, many women start looking for work at home for three reasons:

  • Additional income;
  • free time that you need to take something;
  • change of activity and new opportunities for self-realization.
    what to do on maternity leave

In order to find out what to do on the decree in order to earn money, simply open the Internet. After all, only in it you can find remote work for every taste.

Ways to work at home:

  1. Needlework - for those who like to sew, knit, etc. Take a job to order or sell finished products in thematic groups.
  2. Provide home services. For example, with proper education, you can work as a hairdresser, massage therapist, do manicure or makeup.
  3. Engage in trade, if you really like it and you have a commercial vein. Order items and cosmetics online. And offer it to friends or open a “home shop”
  4. What to do on maternity leave to earn money? Write term papers and essays for money on specialized text exchanges.
  5. For those who graduated from art school or just talented, writing paintings, portraits, landscapes or still lifes to order is suitable.
  6. Engage in website promotion and web design.
  7. Become an online assistant or consultant. Lead thematic groups on social networks.
  8. Participate in paid surveys, write reviews, comments or fill out questionnaires.

Time with your loved one

What to do on maternity leave for a pregnant woman? Give time and attention to her husband. For example, to cook unusual breakfasts in the morning, make small surprises, share his interests, talk about a child, pick a name together, walk, go to museums and theaters, watch favorite films. Make a lot of joint photos, because it is very important to capture such an unusual moment. Many couples approach this with humor and make very funny photos.

what to do at home on maternity leave

It is very important during this period to explain to the husband that after childbirth the child will need to devote a lot of time, but this will not mean at all that with less attention, your feelings will cool down.

Another important point for those who do not know what to do on maternity leave before birth can be shopping. No matter how strange it may sound. But shopping is something that many lack.

A newly made mom may need a ton of things that are best purchased in advance. For example, clothes for breastfeeding, bandage, special underwear. Do not forget about the basic wardrobe. Indeed, if it happens that with the birth of a child extra pounds will appear and all the clothes will become out of size, there should be something in which it will not be embarrassing to go to the hospital or for a walk with the child.

What to do on maternity leave

For those who already have children, this question will be very relevant. It is not enough to prepare for childbirth yourself, it is very important to prepare the oldest child. After all, after the appearance of the baby, he can decide what you no longer need. Talk to him, make it clear that the baby needs your joint help. Tell stories from his childhood. Prepare for independence. Do your best to avoid jealousy. The child must wait for the replenishment and be ready to take care of the baby.

things to do on a hobby decree

What to do on maternity leave? Beneficial hobby. For example, enroll in cutting and sewing courses, learn how to cook, make soap or make beautiful cards.

The main thing is that all hobbies bring pleasure and satisfaction.

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