A sufficient amount of time should be devoted to health issues in kindergarten. It is known that many children attending preschool educational institutions have certain health problems. This can be poor eyesight, and scoliosis, and flat feet, not to mention more serious deviations. Therefore, it is so important for educators to consider that there are special health-saving technologies in preschool education, which are aimed specifically at strengthening and maintaining the health of the child.
Types of health-saving technologies in kindergarten
In accordance with modern planning, the following health-saving technologies are allocated in the DOW:
- Allowing to maintain and stimulate health. This group includes: rhythmoplasty, stretching, outdoor games, walking, relaxation, finger, breathing, invigorating, orthopedic gymnastics, eye exercises .
- Teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical education, game therapy, game training, communication games, conversations on the topic of "Health".
- Corrective technologies: fairy tale therapy, art therapy, technology of musical influence and influence by color, psycho-gymnastics, speech therapy rhythm.
The teacher should organize the educational process in such a way that health-saving technologies in the Kindergarten are harmoniously woven into the lesson plan. One of the productive technologies is the dynamic pose mode.
We sat up!
The technology of dynamic poses implies a frequent (every 10-13 minutes) change of children's poses. Basically, sitting and standing poses alternate, but you can add a lying position (when using rugs). It is proved that with free standing children get rid of stress, the load is evenly distributed on both legs (you need to ensure that the child does not "fall" on one leg), the forearms and the angles of the shoulder blades are symmetrical. If you do not know which health-saving technologies in the preschool educational institution to choose for your group, start with the dynamic pose mode. Alternation will have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system of the child, his performance will improve.
Visual gymnastics is one of the most important in kindergarten, so at least five minutes of eye exercises should be included in each physical. occupation. Health-saving technologies in the preschool educational institution involve visual exercises using ophthalmic simulators. Such activities help improve vision, they are interesting and exciting for children. The ophthalmic trainer can be plot, graphic, modular, they are performed in the form of posters. Schemes are placed just above the eye level of children. The essence of the exercises is to follow the eyes of a variety of lines: horizontal, vertical, spirals, etc. Invite the children to "walk" along the line, and then to "go over." You can use a game plot, for example, “Let's find a way in the forest” or “Let's go on a path along the road!”. The head must remain motionless during exercise.
Finger gymnastics
Educational health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution are not only physical exercises, but also the consolidation of a certain material. You can use the following exercises:
- "Dry rain." The teacher hangs multi-colored satin ribbons, the task of the child is to attach a clothespin of the same color to the ribbon of a certain color. Knowledge of colors is strengthened and fine motor skills of the hands are trained.
- "Football". Fingers drive and catch a small ball. You can make football players out of cardboard and put them on your toes.
- "Funny little knots." You will need a rope on which the children will tie 12 knots. For each node, the kids should call the months of the year in order.
Use these technologies, fill your list with yours - and the children in your group will be healthy and strong.