Maltipu - a miniature breed dog

Maltipu is a small dog . Today it is one of the most popular breeds.

History and some facts

Maltipu was bred by crossing two breeds, namely the toy poodle and the Maltese lapdog. This process was not random, but special. Crossing was carried out in order to bring unique puppies. There are several more versions of the appearance of this breed. But mainly dog ​​breeders adhere to this theory.

maltipu dog

Each representative is unique thanks to a combination of genes. The breed has gained recognition in the last fifteen years. Every year its demand increases. The Maltipu dog breed is hypoallergenic. The United States has conducted research on the therapeutic effects of human interaction with dogs. It turned out that this small beast has a positive effect on people who are prone to stress or other similar disorders. Maltipu is a dog that helps a person cope with an uncomfortable condition.

This dog inherited all the best qualities of a Maltese lapdog and toy poodle. Maltipu also lacks the disadvantages of such breeds. These dogs are considered glamorous due to their pocket size and cute appearance, which remains with age.


An adult representative of this species at the withers reaches about 20 centimeters. Although there are dogs and more. The weight of one dog is on average 2 kilograms. Although there are representatives whose weight reaches four.


The colors of the representatives of the breed are different. You can find an apricot dog, black and white. But most often, representatives of the Maltipu breed come in light shades.


The character of these dogs can be called ideal. The breed is truly family. Maltipu is a dog that is always affectionate and cheerful. Distinctive features of the breed - the desire to help, comfort a distressed or sick.

dog breed maltipu

The dog does not like loneliness. If you are constantly traveling, then you should not buy such a beast. The animal will be very homesick without a beloved master. Representatives of this breed get along well with other animals, as well as children. This dog is perfect for keeping in a city apartment. Since maltipu is a very mobile dog, it needs to be walked. But to take to the street is only on a leash. This is necessary for the safety of the pet. Because the representatives of the breed do not know how to defend themselves.


Representatives of the breed are smart, but they are stubborn. When training power and tyrannical methods are prohibited. The owner of this dog must be fair. Teaching her is calm.


The average life expectancy of these dogs is 15 years. Maltipu is a breed that is hybrid. This means that it has fewer health problems than other purebred dogs. If we talk about what diseases are most common in these dogs, then this is a disease of the eyes and skin.

maltipu dog character

Breed Care

It’s easy to take care of these dogs. Particular attention should be paid to wool, because it is very long, wavy. Combing such a dog is desirable daily. Otherwise, the wool will begin to become tangled, mats will form.

You may also need professional trimming. This is especially true for dogs that have very curly hair. It is necessary to bathe the breed as it gets dirty. It is advisable not more than once a month. When carrying out hygiene procedures, a special shampoo should be used.


Now you know who maltipu is. The dog, whose character is almost perfect, is perfect for families with children. This cute dog will not cause much trouble.

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