Chocolate Day - July 11

Chocolate is a delicacy without which it is difficult to imagine the life of mankind today. People love this sweetness so much that they even came up with a special day to extol it! The world celebrates chocolate day on July 11th. For the first time, such a holiday was organized by the inhabitants of France relatively recently - in 1995.

From the history of chocolate

The history of chocolate is closely connected with the Olmec tribes living in Mexico. The then amateur cooks collected cocoa beans, roasted them, ground them and, after dilution with water, added hot pepper. This mixture was called "kakava". Later, cocoa beans began to be popular among the Maya Indians, who not only loved the chocolate drink, but also used beans like money! It was the Mayans who engaged in the cultivation of cocoa, transferring their business to the Aztecs.

Thus, chocolate migrated to Europe from America. The culprit of this is the notorious Christopher Columbus. It was he who gave the Spanish king a new drink, however, he was not prepared correctly and did not like the monarch. After several decades, the sailor Hernan Cortes, while in Mexico, found out the recipe for making mysterious chocolate and brought it to Spain. Pepper was replaced by cinnamon, sugar and water were added to the mixture and set on fire.

The recipe came to the French at the beginning of the 17th century thanks to the union of the French king Louis XIII and the Spanish Anna Anna of Austria. It was to the enterprising French that it occurred to me to celebrate Chocolate Day for the first time.

Chocolate today

Nowadays, finding people who don't like chocolate is simply not realistic! That is why congratulations on Chocolate Day sound not at all strange, but very appropriate and interesting. In addition to Chocolate Day, in some countries so-called "chocolate days" are organized. In Russia, there is even a museum dedicated to this delicacy!

Many believe that chocolate is harmful to the figure, while others are sure that this sweet is very beneficial for health and normal existence. That is true, but remember that only real chocolate, which consists only of sugar, grated cocoa and cocoa butter, can be called useful. Chocolate causes the production of hormones of happiness, which is why even its smallest piece can increase working capacity and cheer up. If you eat chocolate from time to time (not only on Chocolate Day) in moderate doses, this product will replace half your home medicine cabinet. It helps to cope with migraines, suppresses the excitation of the central nervous system, improves memory, resists stress, has a beneficial effect on the immune system and regulates cell metabolism.

Interestingly, chocolate has the properties of the strongest aphrodisiac. According to legend, Casanova himself used it once!

More recently, chocolate began to be used in cosmetology in the form of chocolate masks and wraps. Today, SPA salons offer customers even chocolate baths that can help improve the appearance and overcome peeling of the skin.

In its traditional application, this sweetness can exist in different shapes and sizes. Chocolate Day is a great occasion once again to treat yourself to tiles, bars, medals and various chocolate figures. Many chocolate factories around the world offer the sweet tooth all sorts of manifestations of this product.

Summing up, we can confidently say that chocolate is firmly entrenched in the diet of modern man. This is the main joy, a cure for a bad mood, a forbidden fruit for slender girls. It can be bitter, milky, white, with fillings and additives. Both children and adults love him. Congratulations on Chocolate Day will be a pleasant surprise for your friends and family! Do not miss this day! Give your beloved a piece of chocolate happiness!

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