A newborn baby always looks so helpless that parents immediately have the idea that for a long time he will remain so, it will be many days before their little one crawls to sit and even run. A month, two, three, and now the baby is already beginning to learn everything - to crawl, turn over, make attempts to sit.
Quite often, mothers raising their daughters ask themselves: "What time can I put a girl?" Is it necessary to accelerate this process, or everything will form by itself, will the forming organism be harmed due to early sitting down?
When the baby sits: from numbers to facts
All the first skills of the baby touches the parents, giving them moments of joy and pride. Here the baby smiled, here he turned, sat down and crawled. But not all children develop according to a similar scenario. There are many babies who start trying to sit down already at 4 months; there are those who, even at 8 months of age, have not learned to sit on their own, however, they are good at crawling.
Parents of those children who, at the time established by generally accepted medical standards, do not want to sit, try to provide all possible assistance to their children, so they teach them this on their own. But is it really necessary to do this? Let's try to understand this important issue using the example of girls.
Before looking for an answer to the question of what time girls can be put on the ass, it is necessary to understand the principle of the formation of bends of the spine in newborn children. They come to this world with a spine that resembles an arc: it does not have the usual bends, therefore, it is adapted only for the supine position.
Looking at the baby, you can immediately understand: if you take him in his arms in an upright position, he will involuntarily lie on his mother or father. So far, he has a not very strong back, the spine cannot hold it, the muscles are just beginning to gradually develop and strengthen.
Step by step
First, the formation of the cervical bend occurs: the baby begins to hold his head. Then comes the turn of the chest - the child can now roll over, actively crawl, begins to sit down. The lumbar bend is the last to form, thanks to which the baby stands on its legs. The presented sequence of development is characteristic of all healthy children, so sitting down and trying to put on the legs a baby whose body is not yet ready for this is not only harmful, but even dangerous.
Our girls
How many months can I start to put girls in order not to harm them? Pediatricians unanimously argue that this should not be done until six months.
Parents should know the simple pattern of girls' normal development:
- at 6 months, with the support of adults, the girl can sit;
- for about 7 months she will already learn to independently keep the back in an upright position;
- by 8 months, the child already knows how to move into a sitting position, being previously on all fours or in a supine position.
To accelerate or not worth it?
Doctors are convinced that deviating from this for a month or even a half is not a pathology. The greatest harm during this period can be caused to the child by an artificial acceleration by the parents of the process in which the child masters a particular skill.
It may happen that a girl is born mobile, she is ahead of schedule. In this case, it is very important that mom and dad secure their daughter's playing place and make sure that she is in a sitting position for a maximum of an hour.
Useful advice for parents who are trying to figure out what time they can put a baby girl: do not try to plant a baby earlier than that time, until she is ready to do it.
Training muscles
So, most parents with small daughters are concerned about the question: "What time can I put a girl?" Let us turn to what the famous doctor Komarovsky says. He assures that babies from 5 months old should not be seated, but laid on the floor with their tummy down, spreading a blanket or bedspread in front of this. At a distance of one and a half to two meters from the girl, put some bright toys and in every possible way stimulate the baby's movement in a plastunsky way or somehow differently - relying on one handle or legs - on her stomach.
A wonderful workout for all the muscles needed for sitting will be an evening strengthening massage and swimming. It should be noted that the benefits of water procedures are great. Nobody has yet canceled the daily gymnastics, which must be done immediately after arriving home from the hospital.
As soon as the girl begins to sit, mom can understand which muscles in her daughter are the weakest. If the baby falls back - a weak press; if sitting with a round back - you need to pay attention to the weakness of the neck muscles and spinal muscles; if it falls on a barrel, the lateral muscles should be supported.
How to sit down a girl?
Before you figure out how many months you can put girls on the ass, you need to understand how to properly sit down a child. This can be done safely using an exercise in which a girl grabs her mother’s or father’s fingers and tries to crouch from a prone position.
Parents need to make sure that the baby does not sit completely, but returns to its original position. Thus, during this exercise, she will strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and arms. No more special acceleration should be used, because not only it will not work out any benefit, but you can cause considerable damage to the baby’s fragile spine.
Sedentary rules for girls
Do not panic if the baby is not sitting at 6.5 months. In most cases, the time has not come yet for this. What time can I start planting girls and how to do it so as not to harm? This can be done by holding the baby in her arms so that she reclines for several minutes.
By the way, while a girl cannot sit independently in her parents' hands, she should be in the correct position, because an upright position can harm her. In this case, one hand of mom or dad is under the daughter's booty, and the other - tightly clasps under the armpits.
If at this moment the parent is sitting, and the baby is “sitting” on his lap, the adult should take a half-sitting position to minimize the load on the daughter’s vertebrae.
We sit down girls according to their characteristics
Only at first glance all babies are born the same. And yet there are some differences between girls and boys both in physiology and in development.
What time can I plant a girl? It is generally accepted that for little beauties the absolute norm is when they begin to sit a little later than peer boys. Why are pediatricians not recommending girls and boys at the same age? Because the former have a more fragile bone system, tissues need to be given more time to form. In addition, if the muscle corset is poorly developed, it will not be able to support the back of the child.
No less important is the psychological moment in the problem of early sitting down: a girl may experience fear when her parents plant her in the ass, which will cause the child to develop insecurity and some discomfort.
So how many months can girls be planted? At the moment when they are most active (closer to six months of age), parents notice that their daughter is trying more and more often to move from one position to another, usually sedentary. It is at this moment that the aspiration must be supported by showing her how it will be more convenient.
Myths about sitting
Many parents are afraid to sit down their daughters before they turn six months old, because adults are sure that such an action will lead to a cervical bend and other pathologies related to women's health. Dr. Komarovsky assures that this is absolute nonsense. Until 6 months, you should not sit down either girls or boys. And it’s not at all because little girls have something wrong in their bodies and can undergo some damage.
The likelihood of a uterine bend is the most common reason mothers fear planting daughters too early. But this theory does not have any medical grounds. This is just a myth. Such a deviation in the physiological structure of the female uterus is not due to the fact that the girl was planted too early. A similar structural feature of the genital organs is provoked by inflammatory processes in the small pelvis or may be a consequence of a genetic predisposition.
Walkers and jumpers
Parents often wonder: "What time can I put girls on a walker?" Experts have not yet come to a consensus on this issue, because the individual characteristics of the child are the determining factor. Such a large toy can be purchased for a daughter, provided that:
- she already sits pretty well without the help of adults;
- there are no diseases of the musculoskeletal system and rickets;
- the girl enjoys the opportunity to play with new toys.
Approximate age of the child, when you can put him in a walker - 6-8 months. Evgeny Komarovsky also does not recommend doing this before.
If parents have made a firm decision to purchase a walker, they should gradually accustom their daughter to them. Finding the baby in them during the day should not exceed more than an hour; never leave the child alone when he is in the walker, in order to avoid traumatic situations.
Are there any contraindications for girls? Girls are more likely than boys to suffer from hip dysplasia, so parents should pay considerable attention to the physical preparation of the baby. The main risk is that if specialists could not establish this diagnosis earlier, the use of a walker can aggravate it. The later the girls are planted, the safer.
What time can I put girls in jumpers? Jumpers also help in the correct sitting of little girls. Attention to them should be paid already from 3 months, but to put while the baby in them is not worth it. Such devices are not recommended to be used until the child has learned to sit by himself.
When she mastered it, she can be placed in a similar design, but not for long. A quarter of an hour a day will be enough. A longer time will contribute to spinal injury and other injuries.
Useful tips from Dr. Komarovsky
Not a good idea for every mom is teaching her baby to sit down. It will be more correct to teach a child to temper, walk and swim.
What time can I put the girl, and when to start worrying if she does not want to sit down? Even if the baby does not sit at 9, 10 and 11 months, this is not so scary, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Until the child turns one year old, you should not encourage him to do something that he himself does not want yet, but which loving and caring parents really want.
When the baby is just starting to sit down, parents need to pay attention to the poses that she does. If the baby sits, folding her legs with the inverted letter "W", such a pose will not bring any benefits, since in this situation the hip joint is turned inside out. It is necessary to carefully adjust the pose of the baby, teaching him to sit correctly.