In order not to spend money later on treating your pet and before taking the animal to the house, you need to study the question of how to feed the dog. Because proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health. To avoid the occurrence of various gastritis, enteritis, pancreatitis and other difficult to cure diseases, you need to feed the dog correctly from the very beginning.
What are the requirements for proper feeding?
- The animal needs to be fed 2-3 times a day. Servings should be small so that there is no stomach strain.
- Fresh water should always be present. It does not matter what kind of food it feeds, dry or cereals, cooked at home.
- The animal must be fed from the stand. The neck of the animal should be located almost horizontally.
How to feed a dog if food is cooked at home? Food should be varied. Do not give spoiled foods. You can’t feed leftovers from the human table, this food is not suitable for her and can even cause illness. Mineral and vitamin top dressing must be introduced into the diet. The feed itself should be moderately warm, preferably 30-40 ° C, or at room temperature.
How to feed a dog and what can not be given as feed?
Well, of course, you definitely need meat. It should be lean, beef is best. And it should be real meat, and not bones, Adam's apple, lung, udder. Fat needs to be cut. There is no need to buy "meat for animals", as meat of sick or dead animals can be used as such. The meat should be fresh, it is better if it has passed sanitary control. It should be from a quarter to half of the total diet. Of course, ideally, the meat should be given raw, but in order to avoid infection with dangerous parasites, you still have to boil it. It is better to cut the meat into pieces, rather than turning it in a meat grinder, such meat is absorbed worse by the animal. Offal products beloved by all dog owners (for their cheapness) can be given no more than once or twice a week, and by weight they should be given 1.5 times more than meat. Very useful liver and scar. Fish in a dog’s diet should appear no more than once or twice a month, without bones and boiled. Very useful chicken meat. But it’s better to use non-greasy, not imported chicken, and the bones from the chicken piece intended for the dog will have to be removed. A couple of times a week you can give the dog chicken eggs.
About bones
As for the bones, this is something you can’t feed the dog. They are poorly absorbed by the dog’s stomach. Their sharp fragments can pierce the stomach or intestines, which will cause peritonitis and death of the animal. Bones give animals with strong teeth raw, previously scalded with boiling water, large (so that she could not gnaw and swallow them). This is done so that, by gnawing the bones, the dog brushed his teeth. Bones made from natural veins that can be bought at a pet store are perfect. Puppies can be given large sugar bones without restrictions . As soon as they can crack them, the bones will need to be replaced with artificial ones. Never give chicken tubular bones. Their fragments are deadly to the dog.
And everything else than you need to feed the dog
Porridge should make up a third of all food. Rice and hercules are best suited. Dog barley and millet are not completely digested by the dog’s stomach. Vegetables and fruits added to porridge should make up a quarter of the diet. These are squash and pumpkin, carrots, apples, cabbage, but subject to its good tolerance. Instead of milk, it is better to give dairy products. And, of course, vitamins, mineral supplements, as well as one teaspoon of vegetable oil can always be added to daily food.