Oranda goldfish is extremely popular among aquarists due to its unusual appearance. On her head she wears a growth that looks like a hat. This fish is quite sensitive to changes in conditions of detention, and therefore is not suitable for a beginner. Consider the appearance, maintenance rules and features of the reproduction of goldfish oranda.
General information
There are over 125 species of goldfish. One of their most popular and unusual representatives is the oranda goldfish. It was bred in China, from where it later spread throughout the world. Due to the large red growth on the head, this fish got another name - the little red riding hood.
Fish live 10-15 years, and in ideal conditions they can live up to 20 years.
This fish externally significantly stands out among other varieties of goldfish due to the huge red growth that is located on the top of the head. The growth begins to form at the age of 3 months. At the age of 1-2 years, it becomes visually noticeable, and finally formed at the age of 3-4 years. The fish has an oval large body, all fins, except the dorsal, are paired. This fish belongs to the veiled tail, it has long beautiful fins. The scales of the fish glisten in the light, although there are also matte varieties.
Oranda goldfish can be either one-color or carry different color combinations. Color combinations usually include the following colors:
- the black;
- white;
- red;
- chocolate.
More recently, breeders have developed the blue colors of the fish. One of the most popular colors is white with a red hood.
The body length of the fish is 5-18 cm, and it depends on the volume of the aquarium. In the pond, it can reach even more impressive sizes. The record was recorded in Hong Kong, where the fish reached 38 cm in length.
Features of care and maintenance
Oranda goldfish is very demanding on the conditions of detention. This is why a beginner may not be able to handle it. Her cap is vulnerable to infections and bacteria, so in an insufficiently clean environment, the fish immediately begins to hurt. It is important for oranda fish that they have a lot of space. When choosing an aquarium, you should pay attention that fish need a rectangular container with a large surface area of the water. One fish needs an aquarium of 100 liters. Further, for each subsequent individual, it is necessary to add 40 liters to the total area. Goldfish produce a lot of waste, which is why they need large volumes, because they are polluted more slowly. A powerful filter must necessarily function in the aquarium.
The optimum water temperature for oranda is considered to be 18-22 degrees. If the temperature drops below 16 degrees, the fish may die. Oranda loves to dig in the ground, in addition, they can easily hurt their luxurious fins on the convex and sharp scenery. For them, it's worth picking up simple smooth backgrounds without sharp ends. For soil it is better to use finely rounded gravel.
Gold oranda fish do not like to jump out of the water, so you can do without a cover over the aquarium. They also do not need lighting, which is important only for algae in the aquarium.
Replace the water in the aquarium every week. At the same time, it is worth updating at least 30% of its volume. In a small aquarium, water changes need to be done much more often. It is very important to monitor the cleanliness, to clean the glass surface, soil and decorations on time.
These are pretty voracious and unpretentious fish. They will eat as much food as you give them. It is worth remembering that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed. Fish are prone to obesity, from which they often die. The daily diet of oranda should not exceed three percent of the weight of the fish. Feed in the aquarium you need to pour as much as the fish can eat in 10-15 minutes, the rest must be removed from the tank. If the fish suddenly begins to swim, leaning on its side, this may indicate overeating. To avoid the death of a pet, you do not need to feed the fish for two days.
The diet of the fish (Little Red Riding Hood) should be varied. It should include dry and live food. From live food you can offer: daphnia, tubule, bloodworms, worms. To feed aquarium fish, it is important to use special live feeds, not caught in nature. Otherwise, infection with parasites is possible. It is necessary to feed young growth twice a day: in the morning and in the late evening. A one-time meal is enough for an adult fish.
The goldfish of the oranda does not swim well, and besides, it has a reputation as a scavenger. She can easily fall prey to even smaller fish. For example, guppies often eat its fins. Fish flicking back and forth will disturb the floppy oranda goldfish. Difficulties can arise in feeding, as you need to carefully monitor that the fish does not overeat. Although it is a peaceful inhabitant of the aquarium, it is better to settle it in a container separate from other species. It is permissible to settle with other types of egghead fish: telescopes, lion heads, etc.
Oranda goldfish reaches puberty by the age of two. An aquarium of 80 liters is needed as a spawning ground. It is advisable to plant small-leaved plants in it. The bottom should be sandy. Before spawning, the fish are fed live food for some time. The day before landing in the spawning fish stop feeding. After spawning, fish should be removed from the spawning grounds so that they do not eat caviar. All white unfertilized eggs from the aquarium must be removed. Five days later, the first larvae begin to appear. You can start feeding them after 2-3 days, when they learn to swim. To do this, use special feeds that are suitable for fry. When the aquarium becomes small for fish, they should be transplanted.
Thus, the oranda goldfish is very interesting for aquarists for its unusual appearance. This is a peace-loving fish, but keeping it in an aquarium with other species is undesirable. One fish needs an aquarium of 100 liters. Little Red Riding Hood can die from overeating, so you need to carefully monitor its nutrition. In addition, low temperatures are mortally dangerous for her.