How to give Enterosgel to a dog: purpose, administration features, dosage, composition, indications, contraindications and advice of veterinarians

A healthy dog ​​is always active, he joyfully wags his tail to the owner, ready to play a variety of games. A good owner will always notice signs of his pet's disease: anxiety, apathy, loss of interest in everything and appetite, lethargy. If such symptoms are accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, then urgent measures must be taken to treat. This article addresses the question of whether the dog is given Enterosgel. To get started, get acquainted with the drug itself, find out why it is intended, what is its effect. Next, we will figure out how to give Enterosgel to a dog - the dosage and the number of doses per day.

Gastrointestinal problems in dogs

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The dog’s gastrointestinal tract is more sensitive than humans. Therefore, in a variety of circumstances, a dog may develop diarrhea. The reasons why even a pet may develop diarrhea are discussed below.

At the first signs of the disease (bloating, increased gas, diarrhea), you need to bring the animal to the veterinarian. But before that, you can give your pet first aid in order to alleviate his condition. In such situations, people begin to review their first-aid kit, in search of a suitable medicine, and if there are any, they often ask themselves: “Is it possible to give Enterosgel to a dog?” This drug is designed for humans, but it has found application in veterinary medicine. Therefore, if you have this medicine in your medicine cabinet, you can safely give it to an animal. How to give Enterosgel to the dog and in what dosage will be described below.

How does Enterosgel work?


The digestive tract of the animal has a special film that protects the organ tissue from damage. If toxins enter the body (due to the life of the parasites, from food or water, from toys and so on), then it appears irritation, diarrhea or vomiting, or all together. Enterosgel works like a broom, it collects toxins and removes them from the body naturally.

In addition, the medicine is endowed with a fixing effect, and diarrhea should stop in the very near future.

The drug does not harm the microflora of the digestive organs, it has no taste, the color of the stool does not change after use, so you can safely give the dog "Enterosgel".

Why should dog diarrhea be treated?

Some people find that dog diarrhea or vomiting is normal. That is, the dog ate something wrong, and there is nothing wrong with everything with a chair or vomiting. But this is a serious misconception. Diarrhea or vomiting, if not eliminated, leads to dysbiosis in the body. "Bad" bacteria occupy a predominant position, begin to act more strongly on all organs. At this time, the “good” bacteria can not cope, they are becoming smaller and smaller, because the majority leaves the body with feces or during vomiting.

In addition to dysbiosis, the animal faces dehydration, which occurs if the symptoms of the disease are not eliminated. With feces and during vomiting, consumed food and water come out that did not have time to digest during a violation of the work in the digestive tract.

We have already figured out the question of whether the dog can be given Enterosgel. With vomiting, as with diarrhea, you need to help the body get rid of toxins that have led to disruptions in the digestive tract, therefore, in this case, the medicine is applicable.

Do not forget that the pet needs to be given, in addition to the drug, a lot of water, until the symptoms become less acute or completely disappear.

Causes of Dog Vomiting and Diarrhea

when the dog got sick

Dogs of some breeds are predisposed to disruption of the digestive tract, and diarrhea, as well as vomiting, can appear for no apparent reason. But this is still a rarer reason than the rest. The main factors that cause diarrhea and vomiting are:

  1. Poisoning. For example, a dog during a walk “snatched” a bone or a piece of sausage from a clearing where the walk took place, or the owner himself gave the pet poor-quality feed or expired food (canned food, sausage, soured porridge or soup, and so on). In this case, intoxication of the body begins. As previously written, Enterosgel removes toxins, but, in addition, it reduces the load on the liver and kidneys when toxins act on them.
  2. Allergy. It can be hereditary (pedigree) or for any products, feed, household chemicals and so on. Enterosgel also removes allergens.
  3. Change of feeding or feed schedule, stress, overeating. In this case, this is a normal reaction of the body, and Enterosgel will help stop the symptoms, preventing the development of dysbiosis and dehydration.
  4. Parasites.
  5. Enteritis, plague and other diseases.

The most dangerous scenario for a dog is poisoning, because toxins affect not only the digestive tract, but also damage all organs. In case of poisoning, be sure to consult a doctor, giving before taking to ease the state of "Enterosgel". How to give the dog this medicine if she refuses to take it voluntarily? This is described below.

Can I self-medicate?

the dog has a stomach ache

If the cause of diarrhea and vomiting has become the above factors, except the last, then Enterosgel can be given, but you should still contact your veterinarian after that.

If the symptoms appeared after a walk very quickly, or the dog began to vomit during the day for no apparent reason, then you need to take her to a specialist urgently. The fact is that a foreign object could enter the intestine, cause irritation and diarrhea. Moreover, blood is often present in the stool of the animal.

Traces of blood to the feces also indicate that the animal has a dangerous viral disease (plague, enteritis, rabies, and so on). Vomiting with foam is a sign of poisoning with strong poisons. Such an organism can enter through the fault of the so-called dog hunters. These people deliberately leave pieces in the yards and places of dog walking, smelling delicious for dogs, but also life-threatening. Procrastination in the treatment of dangerous diseases and poisoning by poisons leads to the death of the animal.

Other signs of poisoning by strong poisons

the dog is sick

If immediately after the walk the dog became lethargic and apathetic, you need to conduct the first diagnosis yourself. The poisons left by the doghunters act very quickly, and when the following symptoms are identified, you need to get to the veterinarian as soon as possible:

  • the temperature of the animal decreases, the nose becomes very dry;
  • breathing goes astray, it becomes heavy, the tongue sticks out;
  • the dog refuses water despite the fact that there are signs of thirst;
  • mucous membranes become pale.

In addition, the dog is at first restless, then lies down, refuses to get up, and sluggishly reacts to irritants.

How to rid a dog of diarrhea?

dog in the toilet

In case of food poisoning or for other reasons that entailed loose stools, Enterosgel can be given. With this dog you need to organize a diet. The dog should not starve at all, but harsh components should not be present in food, they will irritate the mucosa even more. Give your pet liquid soups, just meat broth, specialized canned foods. Such a menu should take place in the diet for at least two days, even if the symptoms have passed. If the diarrhea does not stop after 2 days, take the animal for examination, most likely the reason is much more serious.

Drive the dog through if parasites are the cause. Next, give Enterosgel, and diarrhea will pass quickly.

Is the cause of allergies? Transfer your dog to hypoallergenic food, change household chemicals and personal hygiene products. If you look for a specific allergen, it will take a lot of time, and the dog can get complications (baldness, dermatitis, and so on).

In any case, it is impossible to leave the disease unattended, such an attitude can entail serious consequences, even death.

The following is directly addressed to the question of how much Enterosgel to give to the dog.

Dosage for dogs

how does Enterosgel work

Depending on how severe the disease is, the dosage of Enterosgel is calculated. If the dog once defecated liquidly, or once vomited, then dilute 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight in a triple volume of water, and let the animal drink. If diarrhea is frequent, then you need to breed more, up to 2 grams of the drug per 1 kilogram of the dog’s weight.

Some animals enjoy drinking the drug if sweetened. But how can I give Enterosgel to a dog if she refuses to take the gel voluntarily? Pour the mixture on her cheek, holding her head up. Wait for it to swallow.

A day, you can solder the medicine to the animal 2-3 times with the right dosage.


We figured out how to give Enterosgel to a dog with diarrhea. We examined the causes of the disease and the effect of the drug. But they did not talk about one important point: what will happen if the dosage is calculated incorrectly and overdone?

Nothing terrible will follow. Of the side effects of an overdose, only constipation can be noted. If this happens, stop giving Enterosgel until function is restored.

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