"Fenistil gel" for newborns - the first tool in the medicine cabinet

Is an addition expected soon in your family? Then it's time to take care of the first-aid kit. You should not buy ready-made sets, it is better to think over everything and complete everything yourself. You will need iodine and brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, cotton buds, cotton wool, potassium permanganate, an aspirator for cleaning the nose, a solution for washing the nose. This is just a short list of what may be required in the first days after discharge. Do not forget about antihistamines: both in drops and in the form of an ointment, for example, Fenistil gel is suitable. For newborns, it is absolutely safe. Many mothers prefer this remedy.

fenistil gel for newborns

Why do I need "Fenistil gel" newborn

From the first days of life, the baby is faced with an aggressive environment. His skin can react differently to cold, heat, insect bites, and even synthetic materials. Any anti-irritation or redness will easily be handled by the antihistamine Fenistil Gel for newborns. It instantly relieves itching and burning, which can disturb the baby and cause him to cry and whims.

In the summer, when mosquitoes and midges are activated, the Fenistil gel for newborns will be a real salvation.

fenistil gel for newborns instruction

Insects often bite babies, in addition, often an unpleasant allergy appears on such bites - itching, swelling. In this case, from the first application, the drug "Fenistil gel" for newborns will help. The instruction says that the action of the ointment begins in a few minutes. This is especially important for babies, as unbearable itching from mosquito bites and other insects can deliver a lot of discomfort.

Forms of drug release

Among other antihistamines, the drug "Fenistil" stands out for its affordability and prevalence. In any pharmacy you will find both Fenistil gel and an emulsion, and drops for oral administration. All these forms are perfectly combined and give good results.

The drug "Fenistil gel" for newborns is absolutely safe. No cases of overdose have been reported. Side effects are possible only if swallowed. Among them, depression of the central nervous system, drowsiness, fever, hallucinations, dry mouth.

fenistil gel for babies Price

Be careful!

When using this drug in children up to a year should be careful if there are extensive skin lesions and inflamed areas. In case of severe allergic reactions, the gel should be combined with Fenistil drops to achieve the best effect.

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to the use of this drug. It does not have teratogenicity or any other negative effect on the fetus.

So, in the summer, the first remedy in any mom’s medicine cabinet is Fenistil (gel) for newborns. Price (depending on the weight of the tube) - from 300 to 400 rubles. It will save the baby not only from mosquito bites, sunburns, but also from allergic uses. This tool will help cope with the itching that always accompanies insect bites.

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