Pregnancy is the happiest time in the lives of many women. What could be more wonderful than carrying a small miracle, a son or a daughter under your heart? But during pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is depleted, many organs do not function as they should. The thing is that the body must work in an enhanced mode, share vitamins and nutrients with the baby. Many women are forced to take different medications to maintain health and help themselves.
What is Creon?
"Creon" is a natural enzyme medicine that is made from pork pancreas. "Creon" makes up for the lack of enzymes that are produced by the pancreas. The medicine acts in the duodenum, disintegrating into small particles that secrete enzymes. With the help of this drug, food is better digested, much more useful substances are absorbed into the blood. Creon is able to break down fats into glycerol and fatty acids, proteins into amino acids, carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates. This facilitates the absorption of substances through the small intestine. All these actions are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the immune system, strengthen the whole body. This is due to the normalization of the stomach and intestines, improved metabolism. The dosage and number of doses is calculated only by the attending physician.
"Creon" during pregnancy
During pregnancy, "Creon" is prescribed by the doctor if the need arises and the risks of the mother outweigh the risk to the baby's health. "Creon" during pregnancy is indicated for use if the woman has developed toxicosis or gestosis, if the uterus has squeezed the intestines or gall bladder, if pancreatitis exacerbation (inflammation of the pancreas) has begun, if digestion is disturbed, appetite is gone, stomach discomfort and bloating appear. "Creon" can cause side effects - this is nausea, allergic skin rashes, constipation (this happens due to overdose or if the drug is used incorrectly).
Creon and early pregnancy
The first weeks of pregnancy are the most responsible. It is in the first trimester that the developmental pathologies of the baby are revealed, at this time the fetus is rejected by the body of the woman. From the first days of pregnancy, it is important to protect yourself and your unborn baby, give up bad habits, minimize the consumption of drugs based on a chemical basis, and if necessary, use medicines based on herbal natural products. Take "Creon" during pregnancy in the early stages - it is safe for the baby. Scientists have not identified toxic effects on the fetus in the early stages. The medicine should be prescribed only by a doctor, if there is evidence. This may be toxicosis, intestinal slagging and loss of appetite by the expectant mother.
The last trimester of pregnancy and Creon
The last trimester is the most difficult for a woman and her body. The weight of the baby can squeeze the intestines, contributing to the occurrence of constipation, and this is a very unpleasant condition. Another huge problem of the third trimester is gestosis. This is intoxication of the body due to the ingress of placental fluid into the blood. Often gestosis is confused with toxicosis. The difference is that the first occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy and most often does not pose a threat to the health of the baby and mother, and gestosis is an insidious, dangerous disease. If treatment is not started in time, that is, the probability of the baby's death due to a lack of oxygen, even the death of a woman is possible. Gestosis can trigger a stroke, cause chronic kidney disease. In case of gestosis or constipation, the doctor prescribes Creon. During pregnancy, the 3rd trimester is a real test for mom and baby, you need to follow the recommendations of a specialist, in no case do self-medication.
How is Creon tolerated by pregnant women?
If pregnancy goes without problems - this is very good, few women can boast of the absence of complications. If there are diseases associated with an interesting situation, then you should start taking medications, and not let everything go by its own accord. "Creon" during pregnancy is prescribed by the attending physician if a woman has encountered a digestive problem, gestosis or constipation. Prescribing this drug ourselves is not recommended. To apply "Creon" during pregnancy is possible or not - only a specialist decides. There may be contraindications. This is a chronic disease of the pancreas, individual intolerance to the components contained in the drug.
Basically, this is a safe drug, not a single case has been identified that “Creon” became the culprit of the illness of the baby or mother, caused complications. It consists of natural ingredients, which is why it is recommended for the treatment of "Creon" during pregnancy. Reviews about the drug are the best both from doctors and from women. Doctors note that the results of analyzes of expectant mothers are significantly improved after the use of "Creon", note its effectiveness and safety. Pregnant women notice improvement in general: nausea and heartburn stop, heaviness disappears, stool normalizes. A healthy appetite appears, strength is restored.
"Creon" while breastfeeding
"Creon" during pregnancy can not harm the baby and his health, does not cause him discomfort. Is it worth it to take it to a woman who is breastfeeding a baby? The drug passes into the blood and breast milk. An infant may not like the taste of the food in which the medicine will be. The child will begin to act up and refuse to feed. This is not the only negative. "Creon" can cause a baby's abdominal pain and bloating, pain in the stomach. The stool of the child will become frequent up to fourteen times a day. Conclusion - you can not take "Creon" when feeding. If there is a need to use this particular drug, then it is worth transferring the child to a mixture. After the last dose of Creon, at least a day should pass, then you can resume breastfeeding. In any case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.