How do pregnant women leave water?

Pregnancy is coming to an end, all mom in anticipation of meeting with her baby, waiting for the onset of labor. Most often, the onset of childbirth is associated with the discharge of amniotic fluid, many mothers are waiting for this signal and wondering how the water leaves in pregnant women.

In fact, the opening of the bladder before the onset of contractions occurs only in 10-12%. Then tangible fights can begin right now, or they can within 24 hours. Most often, the water leaves during labor, when the mother already feels intensifying pain. It is not excluded that the waters will drain during the busy period just before the baby's appearance. So, far from always this is the beginning of labor and a signal to gather in the hospital. The surest sign is intensifying contractions.

So, how do pregnant women leave water ? And again there is no specific scenario, all individually. A bursting bubble causes a sharp pop, followed by an abundance of water flowing out in a stream. But this does not always happen. An autopsy may resemble involuntary urination, many women in labor confuse the discharge of water with it. Possible gradual leakage in small volumes.

The doctor must know when and how the water from the pregnant women leaves, what they were. Therefore, if they moved home before the start of contractions, you need to detect the exact time, amount of water, their color and smell. This information is very important.

Quite often, expectant mothers suspect water leakage. In most cases, this is erroneous; enhanced excretion is taken for water. But, if there is the slightest suspicion of leakage, this should be urgently checked. If there is no way to see a doctor, you should call an ambulance. This can be very dangerous and result in fetal death!

At home, you can put a clean light diaper between your legs, leaking water during pregnancy will leave a characteristic stain. Diagnosis in the laboratory is carried out using analysis to identify cells of amniotic fluid taken from the vagina. For urgent analysis, special amnesties are used, which are sold in pharmacies. They are very sensitive and respond well even with a small leak.

During leakage, there is a huge risk of infection, a decrease in the level of amniotic fluid can cause detachment of the placenta, as a result of which bleeding or acute hypoxia of the fetus is not excluded, premature birth is possible. At an earlier date, a woman needs urgent hospitalization and the appointment of an examination and course of treatment. Leakage seen at a later date most often leads to stimulation of labor. If there is even the slightest suspicion, you must definitely inform your doctor about this.

Green or turbid waters during pregnancy are caused by intrauterine passage of the original stool (meconium) in the fetus. Most often this occurs with a postponed pregnancy. If suddenly the houses that move away have a green tint and small dark flakes, you can not ignore this, the doctor in the hospital must be informed immediately. Such waters cause fetal hypoxia and stress. In an emergency, the fetus, its activity and heartbeat are checked, with a deviation from the norm, it is possible to send the mother to a cesarean section. When deciding on independent childbirth, the child and his condition during all contractions are observed by the CTG apparatus.

The main thing is not how the water in pregnant women departs, but their appearance. If they are normal, clean and odorless, you can slowly gather in the hospital. Only after leaving the water you can not take a bath in order to avoid infection, it is better to just take a shower.

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