Vaccinations for cats - the key to their safe existence

Many people keep cats at home, but not all of them know that furry pets require almost the same attention as children, and in some cases even more. In order for the animal to be healthy, it is necessary to adhere to certain preventive measures, which primarily include vaccinations for cats. Since it is vaccination that can protect your charming fluff from various infectious diseases, and it can be performed starting from 2-3 months of age.

There is an opinion that supposedly a cat leading a domestic lifestyle, which practically does not happen on walks and is completely deprived of the opportunity to contact with her brothers, is completely and completely protected from infection by infectious diseases. Therefore, many of those who hold this opinion do not vaccinate cats. It is worth noting that this opinion is fundamentally wrong and has no right to exist, since you yourself can bring any of the truly ubiquitous viruses to the house on the sole of your shoes. And picking up such a nuisance is quite likely on the street, where there are many stray animals, which for the most part are carriers of various infections. Their feces, along with pathogens, remain in the soil, dust gets on the shoes and, as a result, the domestic cat is completely incomprehensible, as many believe, the way it can become sick. Vaccinations for cats are one of the preventive methods of fighting infections and are able to completely protect animals from all sorts of misfortunes and relieve them of suffering.

Vaccination is done to an absolutely healthy individual by the method of administering a vaccine, which is made from weakened (neutralized) living pathogens of the disease, as a result of which the body receives a kind of impetus and begins to increase its defenses - immunity. Vaccinations for cats are done in another way. Serum is prepared from the blood of immunized animals, which already contains substances that can eradicate the disease - it is administered as a preventive measure. The procedure preceding the vaccination itself is the release of the cat's body from worms, and this measure is strictly mandatory and, regardless of when the last time such actions were performed, it is recommended that they be repeated again before vaccination. Otherwise, the vaccine can lead to serious complications, and sometimes end up completely deplorable - the death of the animal.

Vaccinations for cats, the scheme of their conduct

  • The animal is first given an anthelmintic drug, following the instructions attached to the selected agent. Do not save on medicines for your pets; avoid shopping at the market; purchase them at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. The following drugs are tested: "Cystal-Kat", "Polyvercan", "Kanikvantel".
  • The deworming is repeated after 10 days, this is due to the fact that the larvae do not die at one time and it is impossible to completely rid the cat of parasites at a time.
  • After another decade after treating the animal from worms, the first vaccination is made, for example, Quadricat, which includes a vaccine against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis and rabies.
  • If vaccination of animals is carried out for the first time, then it is necessary to do revaccination 21 days after the first vaccination, this measure is a fixing effect. For this purpose, you can use the drug "Leukorifelin", which includes vaccines of all diseases, with the exception of rabies, for which revaccination is not needed.
  • In subsequent years, it is necessary in the same period of time when the vaccination was performed for the first time, repeat the procedure, excluding revaccination.

Do not forget that none of the vaccines protects 100%, but only 99%, and despite the fact that your pet is vaccinated, do not allow it to come into contact with sick or stray animals to exclude the possibility infection.

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