Many cat owners face diseases of her reproductive sphere. Not everyone is in a hurry to take the pet to the veterinarian, and in vain, because an illness that is not cured in time can harm the health and even take the animal's life. One of these diseases is endometritis in cats. Symptoms and treatment of this disease will be described in the article. Also consider the forms of the disease.
About the disease
Endometritis in cats is an inflammatory process that occurs not only in the uterus, but also in the appendages. The disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that have fallen into the uterine cavity and are fixed on the endometrium, that is, on the mucous membrane inside the uterus. These organisms begin to multiply actively, further exacerbating the disease. Endometritis in cats has several forms, each different in symptoms. If you do not start treatment on time or even start the disease, then you can ruin the ability of the animal to reproduce or even endanger the life of a pet.
Forms of the disease
The nature of the disease, which has two forms - acute and chronic, is also distinguished.
- The acute form has pronounced symptoms and most often appears in animals after childbirth. If the cat has given birth difficult, then this disease may appear, but it does not last long and after a few days can go away with the right treatment.
- Chronic endometritis in cats is difficult to determine, as the symptoms are blurred. This form of the disease usually lasts a long time.
Types of inflammation
In addition to forms, there are types of inflammation:
- Catarrhal or mucous endometritis in cats. A clear-colored discharge may indicate this type of inflammation. The disease is characterized by the fact that the localization of harmful microorganisms occurs on the surface of the endometrium.
- Purulent endometritis in cats. Microorganisms begin to penetrate and multiply not only on the surface of the endometrium, but also in the deeper layers of the mucosa. The cat develops purulent discharge and an unpleasant odor. In this case, the animal does not feel well, his temperature rises due to intoxication of the body.
- Fibrinous endometritis in cats. This species is accompanied by yellow-brown discharge.
- There are two types of postpartum endometritis in a cat, and the first can develop into the second if the necessary treatment is not applied. The first is a necrotic appearance. With it, dangerous microorganisms penetrate into the deepest layers of the uterine mucosa, necrotic zones begin to appear. The second type is gangrenous. This course of the disease is very dangerous for the life of the animal, as the uterine tissue decays and dies.
Causes of inflammation
The causative agents of the disease are opportunistic microorganisms. Many of these bacteria are usually found in the external microflora on the genitals of the animal. It can be Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogens. Infection occurs mechanically, and provoke it:
- complications after childbirth;
- low immunity of the animal;
- failure in the endocrine system - hormonal failure.
Consider each factor in more detail.
Postpartum Complications
This is the most common cause of endometritis in cats. In an animal, childbirth can take a long time, with complications, and all this leads to the development of inflammatory processes.
If a cat does not have a lasting effect for a long time after childbirth, vaginitis or vulvitis occurs (harmful microorganisms enter the uterus from the external genitalia), as well as uterine atony after childbirth, then the likelihood of developing endometritis is very high.
Hormonal imbalance
If the disease arose in a young, not yet giving birth to a cat, then it can be considered caused by hormonal imbalance. During estrus, when a cat prepares to fertilize and bear kittens, her body is very weak, and the uterus is sensitive to bacteria of a different genus, they can easily cause inflammation. The exudate secreted by the animal during estrus is easily amenable to infection by pathogens, even those already living in the microflora of the external genital organs. This condition is exacerbated by the fact that leukocytes cannot get to the pathogenic bacteria, that is, the immune system does not resist them at all, and the development of an inflammatory disease begins.
Endometritis in elderly cats is most often a chronic form. And the disease occurs due to hormonal imbalance, which occurs with age.
Endometritis also occurs due to the fact that the owners too often give the animal hormonal drugs, wanting to reduce and completely eliminate its sexual activity.
Sterilization of the animal is the best option if you do not want the cat to bring offspring. And the animal will be more healthy, and you do not have to think about where to put the kittens.
Low immunity
Endometritis can develop when it enters the uterus not from the outside but from the inside, bacteria enter the organ from already infected organs. Contributes to this low body resistance, that is, a lack of immunity. The reason may be poor animal welfare conditions, unbalanced nutrition, overweight cats and lack of exercise.
Endometritis can occur against a background of a sexually transmitted infection. Chlamydia becomes a common cause of inflammation. The risk group includes:
- cats that walk on the street;
- individuals up to the age of five, which the hosts reduce stably;
- a cat may have a hereditary predisposition, even if she doesn’t walk, they do not reduce her, but her mother had chlamydia or endometritis.
Symptoms of acute endometritis in cats
As in any disease, after infection, the incubation period begins. It can last from 2 to 5 days, and the cat will behave normally.
The onset of the disease is usually acute, and it affects the general condition of the animal. The cat becomes lethargic, lethargic, does not eat. The temperature rises above normal, the cat begins to worry, meow plaintively, crouch and bend - all this is caused by acute abdominal pain.
If endometritis occurs after childbirth, the cat will begin to leave the kittens, refuse to return to them and feed. This is not the absence of maternal instinct, but the acute pain of the animal. If you touch the cat’s stomach, it will be hard to the touch, and the uterus will be enlarged, as during pregnancy.
If the uterine neck is open, then the cat will begin to discharge. They can be seen by the damp hair under the tail. Sometimes the discharge is so plentiful that after the cat there are puddles. The nature of the discharge indicates the degree and severity of the disease.
- with catarrhal endometritis, the discharge is transparent and odorless;
- with purulent - purulent discharge, green-brown, there may be an admixture of blood, and at the same time an unpleasant odor spreads.
In the case when there are all symptoms of endometritis, but there is no discharge, then this is a bad signal. The fact is that the fluid accumulates inside the body, begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream, greatly poisoning the body. The infection can begin to spread further - rise to the kidneys through the ureters. Moreover, sepsis can begin if purulent fluid accumulates inside the uterus.
Signs of chronic endometritis
Symptoms of a chronic disease are difficult to determine. Discharges can be, but very small, and the cat will simply wash them.
Sometimes an animal can behave strangely, will crouch, as if it wants to go to the toilet, but not in the tray. This does not indicate that the animal wanted to harm, it speaks of discomfort in the stomach.
If there is cause for concern, and you suspect endometritis in a chronic animal, then pay attention to the hair near the tail, below the tummy and on the hips. If there is a hormonal malfunction, then the wool in these areas will begin to fall out symmetrically.
The chronic course can last a very long time, up to several months. Further, it will develop into an acute form of any kind, if you do not start treatment on time.
If any symptoms appear, you must show the pet to the veterinarian. He will direct to collect an anamnesis, it will be necessary:
- pass smears;
- take urine and blood tests;
- undergo ultrasound or radiography.
Treatment of endometritis in cats
To save the life and reproductive abilities of the animal is the main task in the treatment of endometritis. The earlier you went to the veterinarian, the greater the chance of recovery without surgery.
The main treatment:
- Removal from the uterus of a fluid that contains a huge number of harmful microorganisms.
- "Pituitrin", "Proserin" and other hormones can be prescribed to improve blood circulation in the uterus and increase its tone.
- Inflammation is removed by taking antibiotics.
- Antifungal drugs are prescribed only if the fungus has also joined the inflammation.
- Glucose or Ringer's solution is administered dropwise to eliminate intoxication.
- Prescribe drugs that increase immunity.
If the medications do not help and if the disease is advanced, the animal removes the uterus and ovaries.
Veterinarians advise:
- During the recovery period after an illness, adhere to a diet prescribed by a specialist. Do not let the animal go for a walk, as the immunity is still weak, and the cat may get another infection. Do not take the animal to the time recommended by the veterinarian.
- If the cat does not have breeding value, you do not expect offspring, then do not feed the animal hormonal preparations, but simply sterilize it.
- If the cat is a pedigree, you want to breed kittens, then bring it on time.