Rottweiler with a tail: breed features, description, photo

Rottweiler is a service dog. Used to search for narcotic substances, explosives and detention of criminals. But he lives quietly in the apartment as a companion dog.

What is the difference between a standard dog and a rottweiler with a tail? We will talk about this topic in the article.

Many dogs

Origin of breed

As mentioned in the annotation, the Rottweiler is a very old breed. It is known that in the pedigree of the breed there are Roman dogs. True, in a very distant generation, but it all began with ancient Rome.

Once these powerful dogs, along with the Roman regiments, crossed the Alps. And they ended up in Germany. According to history, there the Roman dogs met with the local. Crossing has occurred. Very interesting puppies were born. It happened in a city called Rottweil. Hence the name of the breed.

Initially, the Rottweilers served the butchers as a guard dog. Representatives of the breed were called: the Rottweiler butcher dog. At the beginning of the 20th century, dogs were tested for selection for the police service. So the rottweilers became service dogs.

Rottweiler puppy

Breed standard

Pictured is a rottweiler with a tail. According to the breed standard from 2000, it was then that amendments were made that the dog is allowed to leave a long tail.

Let's go in order about the breed standard:

  • Rottweiler is a large muscular dog. The minimum weight of a male is 47 kilograms. The weight of a bitch starts at 42 kilograms.

  • Male growth varies from 61 to 68 centimeters. Bitches less - from 55 to 63 centimeters.

  • The head of the dog is medium length. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced.

  • The eyes are medium, almond-shaped.

  • Large nose.

  • Lips are dry, tightly compressed.

  • The jaws are powerful and wide.

  • The neck is dry, moderately long, muscular.

  • The back is straight.

  • The chest is very deep.

  • The limbs are straight, muscular.

  • There are rottweilers with a tail and without it.

  • The color is black with a dark brown or red tan.

Show male

Previous standard

Why do they stop the tail of the Rottweiler? Because initially the standard of the breed did not provide for a long tail. This was considered a significant drawback.

Disputes about this are still ongoing. Other breeders claim that a rottweiler with a tail is simply fashion-conscious. Someone says that stopping is not necessary, because it spoils the appearance of the dog.

In any case, if you turn to the old books on cynology, then everywhere appears the Rottweiler with a docked tail.


Why do rottweilers stop the tail? In the old days, breed representatives performed a number of functions. This included not only security and shepherd's skills. Unfortunately, these dogs did not escape the fate of fighting.

And in order for the dog to be the least vulnerable, its tail was stopped. Now, according to many breeders and owners, this is completely optional. A Rottweiler with a tail is supposedly more intelligent than its tailless counterpart. The opinion about the dependence of the presence of mind on the length of the tail seems strange.

Okay, we got distracted. Let's talk about the nature of the dog.

A rottweiler puppy has appeared in your house? This is excellent, the breed is wonderful. If you properly raise a dog, get a true friend. Have you never kept big dogs and don’t know how to raise them? It does not matter, seek the help of a professional dog handler.

In general, a rottweiler is such a dog, which needs to be raised under competent supervision. For it is impossible to make mistakes in her upbringing, due to the nature of the breed, then these errors are almost impossible to fix.

The main advantages of rottweilers:

  1. Devotion to the master.

  2. Affectionate attitude to their own.

  3. Well-developed security features.

  4. Cleverness.

  5. Curiosity.

  6. Physical stamina.

  7. Easy adaptability to various conditions.

  8. Courage.

Representatives of the breed are very smart. They quickly figure out how to act. And if the owner thinks the dog is too soft, the pet will immediately sit on his neck.

Animals are wary of strangers. With proper training, these dogs are able to tolerate the presence of a stranger in their territory. If he does not show excessive activity, trying to make friends with a guard dog. In which case, the representative of the breed is able to put in the place of an outsider.

There is an opinion that a rottweiler with a tail (as well as without a tail) is a great nanny. This is not true. If a dog is patient with children, this does not mean that he wants to be a nanny. You can not let the child bother the pet, and moreover, treat him rudely.

Dog portrait

Negative breed qualities

Is it possible to stop the tail of the Rottweiler, we found out. Not just possible, but this is the original breed standard. Now animals with a long tail are allowed to the exhibitions. It used to be considered a marriage.

Distracted again. Let's go back to the downsides of the breed.

  1. With improper upbringing, and the lack of authority of the owner, the dog becomes a "killing machine."

  2. Very stubborn dogs.

  3. Stubbornness may refuse to obey. Therefore, the owner must be firm and persistent.

  4. Other representatives of the breed have excessive aggressiveness.

  5. They do not like cats and small dogs.

We make a reservation right away that rottweilers are not entirely suitable for beginners. This is a pretty tough dog that requires a very responsible and persistent approach to himself.

Proud dog

Maintenance and care

A rottweiler with a tail and ears (uncropped) is suitable for an apartment, or for a country house. We have noted above that these dogs easily adapt to different conditions.

In a country house with a large plot and a warmed aviary, the dog will be much more spacious than in an apartment. But if the owners are ready to walk the dog for at least four hours a day, then she will live in peace in the apartment.

What is needed to keep a dog?

  • Availability of free time for walking.

Rottweiler in flight

  • Regular physical activity.

  • A spacious insulated enclosure if the animal lives on the street.

  • A cage or box for housing. There the dog will be able to take refuge when he wants to be alone.

  • Bowls for water and food. From any material, the main thing is to be large and easy to wash.

  • Super premium food.

  • Toys

  • Combs for hair care.

  • Possibility to visit a veterinarian.

Before you start such a large and serious breed, think about whether you can "pull" it in every sense. Both financially, physically and mentally.


Above we mentioned super-premium food. You can buy a special feed made taking into account the characteristics of breed A. You can simply choose a universal feed. It must be of high quality - this is the path to the dog’s health.

A good super-premium food (holistic) costs about 6,000 rubles. Pretty impressive amount for a bag, which is enough for a month. But if you calculate how much money will be spent on natural products, then it’s cheaper to buy quality food. It is at least fully balanced.

Decided to feed "naturalka"? We list here the necessary products:

  • Lean meat: veal, turkey, beef. Chicken is capable of provoking an allergy, it should be approached carefully to introduce it into the diet.

  • Vegetables - a side dish for meat.

  • The main cereals that are given to the dog are rice and oatmeal.

  • Sea fish is low-fat, boneless.

  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, cheese.

  • Boiled eggs.

  • Fruits: apples, unsweetened pears.

  • Offal.

  • Rusks made of black and wheat bread as a treat.

An adult pet is fed twice a day. Morning and evening.

Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity. Be careful not to overfeed the dog. His ribs should be palpated. If, having laid a hand on the dog’s ribs, the owner discovers a thick layer of fat, it is time to review its diet. And make adjustments in a single serving, reducing it.

It is important

We found out which tail the Rottweiler has and why it is being stopped. Now let's touch on the most frightening character trait.

Other individuals are very aggressive. But not being able to relieve this aggression, the dog accumulates it in itself. And goes crazy. In the literal sense of the word. The animal becomes simply uncontrollable, able to rush to the owner.

To avoid this situation, take care of your dog regularly. Let her exercise as well as moral.

Rottweiler lies


Rottweiler with tail is the same as tailless. They differ only in appearance, and the characters are the same.

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