No adapted artificial formula can be compared in composition with breast milk. It is perfect for the baby. Mother's milk is completely absorbed by the body of the crumbs, provides it with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, contributes to the formation of strong immunity. Nature has endowed a woman with a unique opportunity to feed her baby with truly proper food, and her mother’s task is to support natural feeding in all ways. But sometimes there are times when you want to transfer the child to the mixture. How to do it right, we will tell in our article.
Reasons for switching to artificial feeding
Despite all the advantages of breast milk for the baby's body, many women are forced to transfer it to an adapted mixture. Here we are talking about reasons independent of mom, and not about the banal unwillingness to adhere to natural feeding. But before moving on to the mixture, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons.
We can distinguish the following reasons for the transition to artificial feeding:
- maternal health status (HIV, hepatitis C, oncology, acute tuberculosis, heart or kidney failure);
- mental spectrum disorders;
- the presence of staph bacteria in breast milk;
- metabolic disorder in a child;
- lack of breast milk and the need for additional food;
- frequent regurgitation and / or constant colic in the baby, as a result of which special treatment mixtures can be prescribed;
- restless sleep crumbs;
- Mom's exit from maternity leave to work.
If the reasons are less compelling, transferring the child to the mixture is impractical. Choosing the right baby food is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In order not to harm the baby, you need to figure out in advance how to transfer the child to the mixture.
Mixed feeding
Various reasons for the need to switch to a mixture suggest different methods of weaning a baby from the breast. If natural feeding is not possible for medical reasons, it stops completely. If in the mother’s breast there is simply not enough milk to satisfy the baby’s food needs, it is recommended to adhere to a mixed diet. How to transfer the child to the mixture in this case?
Mixed is called nutrition, in which the mixture in the child’s diet is not more than 50%. Such a system involves, if necessary, a quick return to breastfeeding or the final choice in favor of artificial.
There are two ways to switch to mixed nutrition. In the first case, the baby is first breast-fed as required, and then fed with the mixture. This option should be followed if the baby is not enough breast milk. In the second option, the mother completely replaces one or more feedings with the mixture. As a rule, for this, they choose such watches in which the woman produces the least milk. This usually happens in the evening. You can feed the mixture several times a day. Then breastfeeding should be alternated with artificial.
Temporary transition to the mixture
Such a nutritional system involves a complete return to breastfeeding after a change of circumstances, as a result of which it was temporarily discontinued. Usually, the transition to the mixture occurs due to the absence or illness of the mother, accompanied by the use of antibiotics. In order to easily return to the previous feeding system, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for maintaining lactation.
If time permits, then transfer the infant to the mixture, as with mixed nutrition, it is possible to gradually replace each feeding with new food, so that the baby gets used to it. It is important not to forget to express and drink special teas to maintain lactation. And so that the child does not have time to get used to the bottle and does not refuse further from the breast, it is recommended to choose tight nipples with a small hole from which milk drips, but does not leak.
How to choose the right mixture?
Switching to artificial feeding can cause many difficulties. They are associated both with the adaptation of the digestive system of the crumbs to a new product, and with the choice of a suitable mixture for it. Their assortment in stores today is simply huge.
To choose the right mixture, it is recommended to consult with a pediatrician first. He will tell you which product is better to pay attention to and which one should be ignored. But even the praise of friends about this or that mixture does not mean that it will suit a specific child. Often, when switching to artificial feeding, you will have to change a single manufacturer of baby food. That is why you should think carefully before giving up breast milk.
Rules for the transition to artificial feeding
Breast milk is absorbed by the baby’s body better than any other mixture. That is why it is recommended that natural feeding be maintained as long as possible. If the mother is forced to abandon him, then when switching to a mixture, you must adhere to the following rules:
- The transition to artificial feeding should begin with mixed nutrition (supplementary feeding after application to the breast).
- It is important to adhere to the intervals between feedings (3-3.5 hours) and not to exceed the daily norm, corresponding to the age of the baby.
- When preparing the mixture, the instructions on the packaging must be strictly observed.
- In each feeding it is necessary to prepare a new mixture for the child, even if he did not eat milk from the bottle last time.
- If you have problems with digestion and the appearance of allergic reactions to the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Correctly transfer the child to the mixture, both with mixed nutrition, and with artificial, a pediatrician will help. The specialist can determine how much mixture to give the baby in one feeding, as well as which brands it is better to pay attention to.
How to transfer a child to a mixture: scheme
Pediatricians recommend a smooth transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding. So the child’s digestive system will be able to adapt to new food, which will help to avoid a negative reaction from a small organism.
Any, even the best milk formula must first be given to the child in a small amount. Gradually, its volume should be increased, while reducing habitual feeding.
Correctly transferring the baby to the mixture, both when replacing it with a new one, and with a complete rejection of breastfeeding, is recommended as follows:
- Day 1 - 1 feeding per day with a mixture of 10 ml. In other meals and before supplementation, the baby should be given a breast.
- Day 2 - 3 feedings with a mixture of 10 ml each time.
- Day 3 - 3 feedings with a mixture of 20 ml each time.
- Day 4 - 5 feedings with a mixture of 50 ml. The total volume per day is 250 ml.
- Day 5 - 4 feedings with adapted milk mixture of 100 ml each.
- Day 6 - up to 5 times a day with a mixture of 150 ml each time.
Thus, in a week the baby can be completely painlessly transferred to artificial feeding.
Calculation of the amount of the mixture for the baby in one feeding
Pediatricians strongly recommend not to overfeed children with artificial feeding, in order to avoid problems with excess weight in the future. That is why it is important not only to know how to transfer the child to the mixture, but also to be able to calculate the volume of one portion for your baby.
It is very simple to do this: the number of days a child needs to be multiplied by 80 or 70, if the weight of the crumbs is less than 3.2 kg, and divided by the number of feeds per day. For example, 10 × 80/8 = 100 (ml). Such a volume of the milk mixture should be eaten by a child aged 10 days at one feeding, if he was born with a weight of 3200 g or more.
It is worth noting that such calculations are approximate. If the child does not eat up the mixture, it should not be forced. This can cause stool disorders and abdominal pain.
How to transfer the child to another mixture?
To avoid digestive problems, a change in diet should be gradual. First, a new mixture is given only during daytime feedings, before the usual portion. Then the volume of the introduced product is gradually increased, and the other is reduced. The mixture should be diluted in different bottles and also fed separately.
Pediatricians and feeding experts developed a scheme that allows you to transfer to a mixture of both a one-month-old baby and an older baby, completely painless:
- On the first day in one day feeding the baby give 5 ml of a new mixture, after which they feed the usual.
- On the second day in two daily feedings give 10 ml of a new mixture.
- On the third day, a new mixture is given after one feeding of 10 ml. In this case, it is important to monitor the well-being of the baby throughout the day.
- On the fourth day, a new mixture is fed before each meal (20 ml).
- On the fifth day, the portion volume is increased to 50 ml, on the sixth - to 100 ml, on the seventh - 150 ml.
Starting from the eighth day, the child completely switches to a new product.