Unfortunately, in recent years infertility has deprived the happiness of motherhood of many women. It is with a request: "We can not get pregnant, help!" most patients from the centers of reproductive medicine turn to specialists. Of course, everyone knows that the cost of such services is hundreds and thousands, and often tens of thousands of dollars, so many are looking for alternative methods that are more accessible to ordinary people.
The main causes of infertility
According to experts, the pathology of the female reproductive system is to blame for the childlessness of a married couple in 70% of cases. There are so many reasons that lead to infertility. At the same time, when the spouses tell the doctor: “We can’t get pregnant,” the specialist recommends a comprehensive examination to both partners. If a woman is still “to blame” for the absence of children, the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and make an accurate diagnosis. With primary infertility, the first pregnancy is also impossible, and with secondary infertility, problems arise with subsequent conceptions. Doctors highlight such main reasons because of which a woman can not become pregnant:
• The pathological structure of the female genital organs. In this case, deviations from the norm in the uterus are most often observed (it can be small, bent, two-horned).
• Change in hormonal levels due to various endocrine diseases.
• Inflammatory processes of the genitals (especially chronic). As a result of such troubles, commissures often form, leading to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which prevents conception.
• Past infections of an infectious nature that affect the change in the functioning and structure of the female reproductive system.
In recent years, an increasing number of women prefer a successful career to motherhood, and it is precisely because of the age of the potential mother that many difficulties arise with natural fertilization. So, skipping the reproductive age, often many women can get pregnant only with the help of artificial methods. The chances of getting pregnant after 30 years are rapidly declining, so doctors do not recommend pulling too long with the birth of a child. With secondary infertility, the following measures can be taken:
• Hormone therapy that normalizes and stabilizes the endocrine system.
• Removal of adhesions in the fallopian tubes by surgery.
• Carrying out Eco.
Artificial Ways to Get Pregnant
Today, there are several methods of artificial insemination. One of the most popular and affordable is intrauterine insemination. Many women turn to doctors with the words: "I want to get pregnant as soon as possible." However, they do not understand that such a procedure takes a lot of time and does not give a 100% guarantee of a positive result from the first attempt. What is the essence of intrauterine insemination? This method of fertilization is based on the introduction of specially prepared sperm of the spouse or donor (in the case of infertility of the husband) into the uterus. After this procedure, conception proceeds almost naturally. In this case, sperm penetrate from the uterine cavity into the tubes, where the egg is fertilized. During normal sexual intercourse, mucus located in the cervical canal may interfere with conception, since sperm can stop at this stage. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, sperm is injected as deep as possible into the uterine cavity (closer to the tubes). As a rule, intrauterine insemination is used in the vast majority of cases of artificial insemination. This procedure is not too expensive, so it is available to almost every woman.
Indications for intrauterine insemination
To carry out the above procedure, the following indications are available:
• Insufficient number of sperm in a man or their complete absence.
• High probability of transmission of dangerous inherited diseases.
• Infertility.
• Problems of an ejaculatory-sexual nature.
• Lack of a partner in a woman.
• Vaginismus and the “cervical factor”.
Degree of effectiveness
Despite the high level of development of reproductive medicine, the effectiveness of this method of artificial insemination is from 5 to 35%. What is the chance of becoming pregnant in this way? According to statistics, it is only 15%. Moreover, artificial insemination shows the best results during the procedure in young women. With age, the likelihood of conception decreases, due to a deterioration in the quality of eggs. In the case when 4-6 fertilization attempts were made, but the pregnancy did not occur, doctors recommend turning to in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Methods of ZIFT and GIFT
Those couples who underwent several procedures of artificial insemination, but did not get a positive result, turn to the medical center with this request: "We can not get pregnant, help us in any way." In this case, specialists can recommend two intratubular methods of fertilization:
1. The transfer of zygotes (ZIFT), in which the fertilized cell is introduced into the fallopian tubes.
2. Gamete transfer (GIFT), when the eggs (one or more) are mixed with sperm and introduced into the tubes.
During this procedure, all operations are controlled by ultrasound or laparoscopy. There are two different ways of introducing seed material. With ultrasound, the eggs or zygotes are introduced through the cervix, and with laparoscopy, from the side of the abdominal wall.
Indications for ZIFT and GIFT
These artificial insemination options are used for infertility, the cause of which could not be established, as well as for endometriosis. ZIFT and GIFT are effective with good patency of the fallopian tubes. The greatest likelihood of conception exists with the introduction of a zygote (ZIFT). The average result is 30%. If the couple after such a procedure again goes to the doctor with the question: “We can’t get pregnant, what should we do?”, Experts recommend turning to in vitro fertilization.
IVF Benefits
What does it take to get pregnant in this way? From patients only healthy eggs of the woman and sperm of the husband (donor) are required. During this procedure (after special processing of the seed material) they are mixed in a special glass cup at a temperature of 37 ° C. After receiving the embryos (2-4 pieces), the most viable are selected and, using a special catheter, they are inserted into the uterine cavity. The remaining fertilized cells freeze. A week after the procedure, a pregnancy test is done.
The entire Eco procedure includes the following steps:
- Ovarian hyperstimulation to produce multiple follicles.
- Seed collection and egg retrieval.
- Growing embryos in vitro for 2-5 days.
- The introduction of several embryos into the uterine cavity.
- Pregnancy control for 10-12 weeks.
Indications for in vitro fertilization
This method of artificial insemination is used for both female and male infertility. It is also prescribed for women with obstruction of the tubes and in the case when other methods of medical intervention did not bring any result. The degree of IVF effectiveness is very high (30-50%). The end result is largely envy of the cause of infertility, woman's age, body weight. At the same time, at the request of the parents, specialists can introduce an embryo of a certain gender into the uterine cavity (to prevent possible hereditary diseases).
Pills to get pregnant
Despite the fact that in most cases the medication prescribed by gynecologists does not bring the desired results, many women believe that with the help of some miraculous medicine they can quickly conceive a child. Many ladies directly turn to specialists: they say, prescribe me pills to get pregnant ...
However, even an experienced doctor will not give a 100% guarantee of the effectiveness of commercially available products. At the same time, the cost of such medicines is very high, and the probability of conception is quite low. It is almost impossible to answer the question of how much you can get pregnant after taking special medications. Although such therapy can greatly increase the chance of conception (especially in combination with other types of infertility treatments).
All such funds are divided into 3 main groups:
1. FSH (follicle-stimulating drugs) and LH (luteinizing hormone) that stimulate ovulation. These include medicines such as Puregon, Klostilbegit, Menogon.
2. Preparations of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), helping a large follicle to release an egg. These include: “Rotted”, “Profazi”, “Horagon”, “Gonakor”.
3. Medicines containing progesterone. They prepare the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) to fix the zygotes (embryo) in it and help the bearing of the fetus. The following drugs belong to them: "Dyufaston", "Utrozhestan".
The use of all of the above medicines is allowed only as directed by your doctor.
What you need to get pregnant without medication
After several unsuccessful attempts, many women still manage to get pregnant on their own thanks to the observation of their monthly cycle and the compilation of a temperature schedule. Some young girls are poorly aware of their body and the physiology of the reproductive system. So, from them you can often hear the question: "Can I get pregnant the day before menstruation?" Yes, this happens, but very rarely (with deviations in the normal functioning of the reproductive system). Knowing the characteristics of female physiology, you can choose the most favorable moment for conception, which often increases the chances of getting pregnant several times. Ovum fertilization occurs on strictly defined days of the menstrual cycle. They are called ovulation. Thus, the most successful time for conceiving a child is only 1-3 days. Some experts say that even in a completely healthy woman, 2-3 cycles per year can be infertile (there is no ovulation).
At the beginning of the cycle, an egg in a healthy woman in the ovary begins to grow and develop rapidly. In the middle (about 14 days after the onset of menstruation), ovulation occurs, during which the egg leaves the ovary and passes through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. There she is met by a sperm. As a result of fertilization, the conception of a child occurs. A fertilized egg, called a zygote, moves along the tube into the uterine cavity, where it “implants” into its inner layer (endometrium). The probability of conception at the time of ovulation is very high, so a woman who wants to become pregnant should regularly measure basal temperature in the morning. Normally, her indicators in the first phase of the cycle are below 37 ° C. A rise of 0.4 ° C or higher indicates ovulation. And already 1-2 days before menstruation, a strong decrease in basal temperature occurs. When the graph looks like a uniform curve with slight fluctuations within 36.9 ° C, ovulation does not occur, which means that the chances of the onset of conception are very small.
Little female tricks
There are other ways to get pregnant. Poses during sex also increase the chance of conception. If a woman wants to become pregnant, she must choose those positions in which the penetration of the penis is maximum. The optimal positions are those in which the partner's hips are raised. In this case, the sperm reaches the uterus faster, which allows more sperm to penetrate into its depths. Also, one should not immediately wash thoroughly after sexual intercourse, since in this case most male germ cells simply leak from the cervix and are washed with water. Some women resort to douching with soda, which reduces the acidity level of mucus. Thus, sperm have a better chance of penetrating the uterus. This procedure is carried out 20-25 minutes before sexual intercourse.
How to get pregnant (folk methods)
Many women who do not want to resort to artificial insemination or do not have money for such procedures turn to folk recipes. Before engaging in such self-medication, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice, since the use of many folk remedies often leads to a deterioration in a woman’s health. Most often, traditional medicine recipes help with the diagnosis of secondary infertility. At the primary, unfortunately, such methods show an extremely low result. Alder is considered very effective in the treatment of infertility. The following are recipes with this ingredient.
Infusion of alder roots
This ingredient can be bought at the pharmacy. The root is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. In a thermos fall asleep 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw materials and pour it with 1 liter of boiling water. The infusion should be in a sealed state for at least 10 hours. The cooled liquid is filtered and used for douching. This procedure is best done before going to bed. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. After a 7 day break, therapy can be repeated. In the presence of adhesions, up to 5-6 courses may be needed. Using this procedure can significantly increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant. Days during which douching is carried out are contraindicated for intimate relationships.
Alder powder
Many women who complain: "I can’t get pregnant for a long time, tell me an effective folk remedy", do not understand that such self-medication cannot guarantee a 100% result. For those who still want to try the recipes of traditional medicine, you can recommend taking alder powder inside. Due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, this natural product has a very beneficial effect on the overall health of a woman. Take the powder as follows: in a glass of warm boiled water add 1 teaspoon of alder and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey. After thorough mixing, the contents are drunk in small sips. This medicine is taken twice a day (on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime). At the same time, one should not forget that the best result can be achieved only with complex therapy of infertility. For this, in addition to taking the powder, it is necessary to do douching according to the method described above.
Drink Vitamins to Get Pregnant
All specialists in reproductive medicine argue that the likelihood of fertilization increases significantly due to an improvement in the general condition of the future mother's body. To stimulate fertility (the ability to produce normal offspring), a whole complex of vitamins is prescribed. They increase the overall tone of the entire reproductive system and improve the overall health of the patient. In most cases, their reception is shown to men.
Vitamins to get pregnant:
• E - a natural stimulant for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Every woman who plans to become a mother should include in her diet the maximum amount of foods rich in tocopherol. These include: pumpkin pulp, berries and sea buckthorn juice. If the amount of such products in the diet is minimal, you need to take vitamin E, which is sold in a pharmacy. As a rule, they drink it three times a day. Even after conception, doctors recommend continuing its use.
• B9 (folic acid) - found in vegetables (cabbage, green onions, broccoli, peas, asparagus, beans) and greens (parsley, spinach). It is found in citrus fruits, peaches, walnuts, cod liver and cattle, cottage cheese, caviar, cheese. This vitamin is a prerequisite for successful conception, so if it is deficient, you should take pharmacy folic acid.
• Vitamins A, B2, B1, C, D are also important for stimulation and normalization of reproductive function.
It is difficult to say how likely it will be to become pregnant after using the above methods of fighting infertility, but only those who are engaged in a comprehensive struggle with this problem can win and give birth to a healthy baby. The road will be overcome by a walker Good luck and good health!