What is the MAC address of a computer?

Regardless of whether the user is in wired network mode or wireless, the hardware address known as MAC is common to both modes. To transfer data from one computer to another requires network software and hardware, so you need to understand what is the MAC address of the computer.

Along with the IP address (which is network software), there is also a PC hardware address. Typically, it is tied to a computer connection device, called a network interface card, or a network adapter that allows the computer to connect to the network.


, MAC, . IP- TCP / IP ( ), , MAC-. . , (NIC) .

Mac address device

, ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), IP- MAC. ARP , IP- . IP- MAC- - , . , , MAC- , , .

: 00: 1a: 3f: f1: 4c: c6. MAC IP-. , , .

Dell, Belkin, Nortel Cisco. ( , OUI) . MAC- «00-14-22-01-23-45»? OUI - : «00-14-22» Dell.

Mac Address Theory


  1. Dell: 00-14-22.
  2. Nortel: 00-04-DC.
  3. Cisco: 00-40-96.
  4. Belkin: 00-30-BD.



, , IP-, . MAC- , ? , MAC, .

Mac Address Vin7

MAC. , , MAC-, , IP- DHCP. , , IP-, , . Windows (, Ethernet Wi-Fi) , , IP- MAC.


. , Windows.

Windows 7 Vista:

  • «» .
  • « » .
  • «» .
  • MAC- ? .
Mac address


  • «».
  • «» - «» - « ».
  • , ipconfig / all ( g /)
  • . MAC .

Windows 10

, Wi-Fi Ethernet Windows 10:

  • « Windows» « ».
  • .
  • Wi-Fi, Ethernet .
  • , MAC- Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi.
  • .
  • « ».
  • «», IP, ( MAC) .
  • Ethernet Ethernet, - «».
  • «» IP-.

. , . MAC- , , IP- . MAC , , , .

Mac address laptop

MAC- , . , MAC- Windows, . , . ipconfig (Windows) ifconfig (linux), MAC- .

, MAC-, Apple Macintosh, Mac. «MAC-» , , , Macintosh. IP- . IP- : 123.456.78.9. . PPP, «».

MAC- , , . , RFC 1700, .

Mac Address Protection


  1. DHCP IPv4 «».
  2. «» «». , .
  3. «», .

Apple , MAC- Wi-Fi, . , , . Apple , . Windows , , Windows, MAC-.

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