High Cholesterol Nutrition

Cholesterol is a fat-soluble substance found in all tissues of the human body that acts as one of the products during metabolism. Most of it is found in foods of animal origin - these are eggs, or rather yolks, liver, meat. High cholesterol begins to gradually create problems such as atherosclerosis, cholelithiasis, and vascular pathology.

The main diet for high cholesterol should be organized in such a way as to almost completely eliminate saturated fats from the diet . This method aims to reduce the total amount of animal fat in the body. It is advisable to eat only lean meat and chicken without skin. To a minimum, you need to reduce fatty sour cream, butter and mayonnaise in the diet.

Nutritionists recommend a diet with high cholesterol, which includes a high percentage of fiber, and the amount of fat taken per day should be less than 20 percent of the total number of calories. Such a rational diet will delay the development of angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, heart attacks.

People who have an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis need to adhere to a lifestyle where proper nutrition with high cholesterol will lead to weight loss and, in general, to overall health improvement.

So what should be nutrition with high cholesterol?

If you carefully study the diet prescribed for this disease, then one fact is immediately evident: all recipes for dishes with high cholesterol are prepared only in olive or sunflower oil. It is better to season salads with olive oil with the addition of lemon juice. Instead of meat, you need to eat fish, beans, peas or lentils. And if the meat is still added to the diet, then it should be completely non-greasy. Be sure to eat porridge, black bread made from rye flour, dairy products with low fat content - kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese every day. Food needs to be steamed with minimal salt intake, and sugar should be completely eliminated. With high cholesterol, you need to limit the intake of by-products, such as brains, kidneys, and liver.

Sunflower seeds, flax and sesame seeds help to lower cholesterol , and fruits that contain pectin remove it from the blood vessels. These include watermelons and citrus fruits. It is very useful to eat bran on an empty stomach, 2-3 teaspoons, washed down with water or tea.

An important role is played by the consumption of a large number of fruit juices, such as apple, pineapple, orange or grapefruit, any berry juices are also desirable.

Of the hot drinks, green tea is the most recommended, which lowers blood cholesterol.

Sample menu for a day:

Breakfast: yogurt, buckwheat porridge, tea with low-fat milk;

Snack: salad with seaweed;

Lunch: pearl barley soup with vegetables, steamed cutlets, vegetable side dish, 2 apples;

Dinner: fish baked in foil, pilaf with dried fruits, tea or kefir.

And what foods increase blood cholesterol? These are those products whose consumption must be strictly limited or completely eliminated, namely, wheat white bread, various sweets - confectionery, preserves, ice cream, chocolate, pastries, marinades and pickles, strong coffee or tea, meat and chicken broths, spicy seasonings, snacks and so on.

If the human body is healthy, then he himself regulates the cholesterol content, and he should not interfere with this. And when the cholesterol in the blood is temporarily elevated, this may be some kind of forced measure used by the body to bring another process back to normal.

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