What to do in the winter on the street, at home or in the village? What to do in the winter on vacation?

With the advent of winter, much changes in the mood and life of people. So, during this period of time many festive events are celebrated. If you still do not know what to do in the winter, then this article is created just for you. You will learn many new ideas. Also find out what to do in the winter with children or friends.

Winter season: general characteristic of the period

Surely everyone knows that the classic winter lasts three months. This includes December, January and February. However, in some regions of the country, cold time lasts a little longer or less. So, in the Urals, winter can begin in October and end only in April. In the Kuban, winter time can last no more than one month.

Depending on which region you live in, entertainment may be different. in the Kuban, most likely, you will not be able to go fishing in large snowdrifts of snow. And in the Urals it will be very difficult to skate on the ice cover of the earth.

what to do in winter

What is winter?

Before you figure out what to do in the winter, it is worth saying a few words about this time of year. Winter is cold, sub-zero temperatures, snow, ice and a cheerful mood. It is in this time period that nature is greatly modified. Lakes and other bodies of water are covered with a thick layer of ice, large snowdrifts form from the snow, trees are covered with a beautiful white blanket.

What to do in the winter?

There are many options for choosing a pastime. In this case, it is worth considering your financial capabilities, the amount of free time and the presence of children. Consider the most popular options for what to do in the winter (on vacation).

what to do on the street in winter

Embark on a journey

If you do not like winter, cold and snow, then a trip to warm countries will be your best option. What to do during the winter holidays ? The time of this rest is most often two weeks. It falls on the January holidays. Think over your desires in advance. You can visit the warm countries in which there is no winter, together with children or friends. You can also go on a romantic trip.

This event will be remembered by you for many years. You will return to your cold country rested and full of energy. It is possible that you will have a beautiful tan. It is worth remembering that this option, what to do on vacation in the winter, is suitable only for adults with sufficient income. Such a trip will cost you several tens of thousands of rubles.

what to do in winter at home


What to do at home in winter? If you do not plan to leave your own home all the holidays, then you should come up with a useful lesson. Perhaps you have long dreamed of a new repair or relocation? It’s time to bring everything to life.

Involve all domestic workers in such physical labor. If you live alone, then you should turn to friends for help. You will usefully spend time and be able to chat.

Do not forget that the winter holidays are still created for relaxation. Do not overwork. Try to do everything because of your abilities. Remember that weekends will end soon and work days will begin again.

Come visit

What to do on a weekend in winter? Of course, go on a visit. Visit your relatives. You might want to see a distant relative. Thus, you will get a little trip. Be sure to make sure that people are waiting for you and are glad of such a visit. Otherwise, you can easily find yourself in an awkward situation.

You can also go to visit your good friends or acquaintances. Be sure to stock up on gifts and small souvenirs. You may want to cook some treats with your own hands. This is another option to do in the winter when the weather is bad.

what to do on vacation in winter

Take a rest

If you have hard and hard work, then during the holidays and during the winter holidays it is worth relaxing as much as possible. Forget about all the things and problems. This time is the most ideal for relaxation.

A good way to relax is yoga. Play slow, relaxing music, close your eyes, and take a certain pose. At this point, there should not be any important thoughts in your head. Try to relax as much as possible.

Most residents of Russia prefer to spend the winter holidays on the couch in front of the TV. Perhaps this option will be ideal for you. However, remember that passive rest does not allow you to burn extra calories. For two weeks of vacation, you can add a few pounds.

What to do on the street in winter?

If you feel bored at home, then go outside. Keep in mind that the weather must be suitable. In heavy snow, blizzard or rain it is still worth staying at home. What to do on the street in winter? There are lots of options for good time. Consider the most popular of them.

what to do in the winter in the village

Sculpt from the snow

If you have small children, then they are likely to like this idea. Unlike ideas that tell you what to do in winter at home, these options are very good for your health. Active rest always brings a new portion of strength and energy.

Play snowballs. To do this, you will have to build a barricade and stick snowballs. They will become a safe weapon that will bring joy to your children. You can also make a snowman or a snow maiden. If you wish, you can show your imagination and create cartoon characters and various characters from the snow. After such an activity, you can relax a bit and have a round dance.


If you have a ski base nearby, then you are incredibly lucky. Go skiing with friends or family. It is worth noting that such a vacation can be very active. In this case, you will need to ride a hill and overcome the peaks. You can also prefer a slow walk. In this case, skiing will be safer and slower.

Some people even prefer to buy their own equipment and engage in such sports on their own.

what to do in winter


What to do in the winter in the village? You can build your own ice rink. To do this, you will need a lot of water, which can be obtained from the hose. Freeze the area with several layers of ice. Remember that the surface should be as flat as possible. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

You can also use the nearest pond. Go there and grab your skates with you. However, remember that such entertainment should be safe. Always consider ice thickness and temperature.

Downhill skiing

Another option to do in the winter in the village. Ride from a snowy mountain. You can build an embankment yourself or take advantage of natural resources. Be sure to bring a sled or a special skiing equipment with you.

Some people manage to ride on machine rubber mats or bags. It is worth noting that this may be unsafe. If you have children, then they will appreciate such a vacation.

what to do on weekends in winter

Get ready for the holiday

What to do in the winter at home or in the village? If New Year's holidays are on the nose, then it is worth doing the preparation.

In a private house you can dress up a Christmas tree, which grows in the yard. Hang garlands, lights and tinsel on it. It is better to refuse toys in this case. Otherwise, they may deteriorate.

You can also decorate a tree in your own apartment. At the same time, the way of dressing a Christmas tree can be completely diverse. At the same time you can decorate your home. Hang balls, tinsel and garlands around the house.

Prepare a festive menu. Think in advance what you will cook. Be sure to have a hot dish on the table. Take into account the wishes of all family members. On this holiday, everyone should be satisfied. It is also worth taking care of alcohol in advance. Champagne should be cold and fresh.

what to do with children in winter

What to do in the winter season after the holidays?

When the New Year celebrations end, you will find the usual rhythm of life. In order to enter it with maximum comfort, it is worthwhile to prepare for the beginning of the working week in a few days.

After the celebration, clear the room of debris. Put everything in its place. Wash the dishes and put them in the cabinet. By the time you start your work week, your refrigerator will be already free of holiday dishes. If something else remains there, then it is worth getting rid of spoiled products.

Before the beginning of working days, it is worth spending fasting days. This is especially true for those who spent all their holidays on passive rest. Have a good rest before starting work.

Summary and brief conclusion

Now you know what to do in the winter, being at home, in the country or in another place. Always think and plan your vacation in advance. Only in this case you will not have a question about what to do in the winter on holidays.

Talk with your loved ones, maybe they have any plans or wishes. Make a plan for the winter vacation together. Have a happy winter and happy holidays!

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