How to make a good mood organizer?

What to give to a person who has everything is an eternal question. One of the freshest ideas is a good mood organizer. What is it? Relatively inexpensive and very useful, as well as a memorable gift. It’s not difficult to do it yourself.

How to make such an unusual gift?

Good mood organizer

A good mood organizer is a folder, the filling of which depends on your imagination and interests of the addressee of the presentation. In this case, the base can be any, most importantly - solid. A hard folder for documents and a folder with a thick cover will do. You can arrange two sheets (spread) or make several pages of thick cardboard. Start with cover art. If the design of the folder suits you, make a caption. Print on the printer a “good mood organizer” or a “good mood folder” with a beautiful font and a suitable color. You can beautifully draw a headline and by hand. The spread or pages to which you will attach useful gifts can also be colored to your liking or decorated with applique. And now the fun begins - the selection and placement of gifts.

We make out a good mood organizer for a girl

A good mood organizer for men

The most popular filling of such a gift is sweets. You can stick a bar of chocolate, a bar or several small sweets. Do not forget to come up with a funny inscription, because every gift should be signed in the organizer. Sweets can be called simply “a charge of positive” or “food for the mind”, or you can write the most real instructions for use, urging you to eat a chocolate bar at the moment of sadness. Many cosmetics manufacturers offer samplers to their fans. In the organizer of a good mood, you can devote a whole page to beauty. Glue the probes of different products, add a package of wet wipes and bath capsules. What else to add, decide for yourself, it can be stockings in a package, notebooks, jewelry or even a pill for a headache. If the pages are dense enough, do not limit yourself to flat gifts, some craftsmen manage to secure even bubbles with shower gel or shampoo in the folder.

How to arrange a good mood organizer for men?

Organizer of a good mood for a girl

Only at first glance it is easier for a girl to make such a gift. Men can also put some chocolate, coffee, and tea in one-time tea bags. If you congratulate a colleague, add stationery, absolutely anything, starting from blocks for notes and ordinary pencils, ending with gift pens. A smoker can be pleased with a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. If you make an organizer of a good mood for a close man, socks, a disposable razor, or even linen are appropriate. You can add a miniature bottle of elite alcohol if you congratulate a close friend. For the motorist, little things will be appropriate that help take care of the car - a set of napkins or an aromatic suspension. Do not forget that a good mood organizer is a great way to give money, but in order to keep the intrigue, stick an envelope on one of the last pages.

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