Princeton and Harvard Computer Architecture

Everyone knows what an invaluable contribution to the development of computer technology made American scientists . Although research has been conducted at many universities in this country, the palm still belongs to Harvard and Princeton. It was there that variants of the architecture of computers were developed that predetermined the concepts of development of computer technology.

Harvard architecture

How it all started

In the mid-1930s, the United States Department of War instructed Princeton and Harvard Universities to create an electromechanical computer system designed to support the artillery of the United States Navy.

As a result, 2 concepts appeared. Today they are known as Harvard and Princeton architecture.

Conceptually difference

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Harvard architecture is different from Princeton


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Apple I. 8- MOS 6502, Apple DOS.

, CISC. 16- . CISC , .

IBM Apple, IBM-PC Intel, . Microsoft — Microsoft DOS. Wintel.

Harvard computing system architecture is different from Princeton

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Harvard computer architecture

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Harvard and Princeton architecture

Now you know how Harvard architecture differs from Princeton architecture and what significance they have for the development of computer technology. Perhaps, over time, new principles of building computer systems will appear that will achieve results that seem fantastic today.

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