"Gamavit": instructions for use for birds and animals, dosage, reviews

Pets require constant care. This is a fairly responsible matter, so sometimes you can not do without a veterinary examination and special medications. Today we will consider the complex vitamin remedy "Gamavit", instructions for use, as well as reviews about this immunomodulator.

Drug properties

"Gamavit" for animals is prescribed as an aid to strengthen the immune system and the body's best resistance to various infections. The main active ingredients in the drug are sodium nucleinate and placenta. Thanks to them, all metabolic processes are normalized in the body of an adult animal, and viability is increased in the offspring. Often, to facilitate labor and eliminate postpartum complications, Gamavit is prescribed to cats. Instructions for use position the drug as an effective biogenic stimulant, which allows to increase the resistance of the animal to stress and physical stress.

"Gamavit" for animals

This medicine is in the form of a reddish or saturated scarlet liquid. The product is produced in small cones that are clogged with a rubber stopper. The sterile container must be rolled in aluminum foil. It is worth noting that this is a domestic drug. It should be stored at a temperature of 2-25 ° C in a dry place. It is forbidden to freeze the medicine, and it should be used throughout the year from the date of release. If the liquid becomes cloudy, it is not recommended to give it to animals, as this can be dangerous.

The composition of the biostimulator

The drug "Gamavit" contains the following components:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • polypeptides;
  • trace elements;
  • polysaccharides.

The medicine has the following effect on the animal organism:

  • stimulates the metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • activates reparative processes;
  • improves the reproductive system.

Indications for use

  • Anemia.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Pyometra (inflammation of the uterus of a purulent nature).
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Toxicosis during gestation.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Dehydration.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Poisoning.
  • Exhaustion, stress.
"Gamavit" for cats

"Gamavit" instructions for use recommends use after operations in domestic animals, as well as during the preparation of them for long journeys, various competitions and exhibitions. It should be noted that this drug has no contraindications, since there were no adverse reactions after its use. However, according to reviews, "Gamavit" should not be used if the animal is diagnosed with cancer, since the components of the drug can adversely affect the state of malignant tumors.

How to apply the medicine

Instructions for use "Gamavit" recommends to be administered intravenously through an insulin syringe. It can also be used subcutaneously and intramuscularly. The drug is often prescribed for birds, and for cats, and for dogs. "Gamavit" at the same time pricks at the paws or withers. In the case of small puppies and kittens, the method of drinking is used, when a certain amount of medicine is added to the drink.

"Gamavit" for dogs

For preventive purposes, 0.1 ml of the substance per kilogram of the weight of an adult cat is prescribed. Such procedures are carried out for 2-4 weeks, and the drug goes well with antibiotics and antiviral medications. For treatment, the dosage of "Gamavita" is increased to 0.5 ml, but it all depends on the severity of the disease.

  • In the presence of worms, the drug is prescribed in parallel with drugs to relieve toxicosis. "Gamavit" is administered intramuscularly every other day.
  • If the animal has been poisoned, the medication is administered subcutaneously once, and then using a dropper. In this case, the dose is increased 5 times.
  • To facilitate labor, a double dose of the drug is injected into the muscle.
  • In infectious diseases, the drug is administered for 5 days twice a day. If necessary, repeat the course after a week.
  • For preventive purposes, in order to maintain the immune system and improve the well-being of the animal, Gamavit is administered intramuscularly 3 times a week. This is especially true for weakened and old cats.


  • Fosprenil.
  • Gamapren.
  • "Mastim."
  • "Nucleopeptide".
  • Roncoleukin.
  • "Gala Vet."
  • Neoferon.

However, it is worth remembering that any vitamins and stimulants of immunity can be given to animals only with the consent of the veterinarian. Since only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis, unauthorized treatment of a pet can lead to irreparable consequences.

Gamavit for poultry

Processing chicken eggs with a solution of the drug helps to stimulate the development of embryos and increase the output of strong chickens. Also, the drug has proven itself very well in the transport of birds. After spraying the solution among the chickens, they experienced less stress, so 99.97% of the birds reached their destination. Moreover, on the way they could be up to two and a half days, which is exciting even for more persistent animals.

"Gamavit" in poultry farming

Parrot Health

"Gamavit" for parrots is prescribed during breeding and molting. It was at this time that birds most of all needed the intake of a sufficient amount of trace elements. However, the medicine must be used very carefully, it is best to consult with a specialist first. "Gamavit" is not combined with other supplements in order to avoid the development of hypervitaminosis. It is also necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage, so the instructions for use of "Gamavit" should be studied in advance.

The vitamin supplement is suitable exclusively for adult birds that are more than a year old. Before using it, make sure that the feathered one does not suffer from renal and hepatic pathologies. It is also recommended to check the parrot for individual intolerance to the components of the drug, since birds often have allergies.

"Gamavit" for parrots

The feathered medicine is prescribed in courses that last no more than a week. In this case, the dosage is 0.5 ml of the substance per 50 ml of boiled water. The liquid should be added to the drinker, however, since the drug is not stored for a long time, the drinker should be changed every 4 hours. If your bird calmly goes into your hands, you can give her medicine from a pipette 3 drops per day. Please note, if you have a large parrot, then the dose should be increased 2 times. If the pet's condition worsens, taking the supplement urgently needs to be stopped. In some cases, the fever is given an antihistamine.

"Gamavit" for rabbits

Let's look at the cases in which Gamavit is used for rabbits:

  • The drug is used during artificial feeding of newborns rabbits, since mother’s milk is almost impossible to replace. Various milk mixtures can only support life in a small body, and without vitamin supplements the animal will grow up very weak and sick with rickets. "Gamavit" is also shown in the case when one mother has rabbits giving birth to more than eight, and there is not enough milk for all.
  • The drug helps maintain health in case of poisoning with chemicals, antiseptics and poisonous grass. For the introduction of the solution using the marginal ear vein.
  • As well as for dogs, Gamavit is prescribed to rabbits in order to quickly eliminate viral diseases.
"Gamavit" for rabbits

  • In rabbits, prolonged births often occur, when the female for a long time can not give birth to offspring, which every hour becomes larger and larger. Gamavit helps stimulate this process by preventing cramping and minimizing the possibility of uterine rupture. If the rabbits die without being born, a double dose of the drug contributes to the rapid and safe removal of dead fruits from their mother's body.
  • The medicine is also prescribed to relieve symptoms of intoxication in lichen, eczema, dermatitis, ear mites and helminthiases.
  • Veterinarians use Gamavit before surgery, so that later the sutures heal faster.
  • When mating, the preparation we are considering is also used to avoid false coatings. Its composition helps to reduce excessive aggression of males, as well as increase sperm activity and the number of fertilized eggs in females.

"Gamavit" for cattle

In modern animal husbandry, various immunomodulatory agents are often used. They help to correct the biological reactivity of the body, stimulate sexual cycles and increase live weight of the offspring. In this case, the use of such drugs should be taking into account the climate and natural features of a particular zone, as well as the physiology of cattle. It is important to adhere to the correct dosages of vitamin complexes.

Gamavit for pets

To date, the biostimulating product "Gamavit" has proven itself very well on farms. According to the results of numerous studies, we can conclude that this drug actively stimulates the reproductive function of cows. Also, after its application, an increase in live weight of calves is observed.

Cost of funds

"Gamavit" can be freely purchased at any veterinary pharmacy, since it is produced in our country. The price of the drug depends on the packaging. For example, 6 ml of a substance costs from 75 to 85 rubles, and 10 ml will have to pay from 130 to 140 rubles.

What are the advantages highlighted by pet owners

  • "Gamavit" supports the body in the treatment of various diseases.
  • It does not cause adverse reactions, it is safe.
  • Especially often used "Gamavit" for cats.
  • Instructions for use describe in detail the use of the substance, which allows you to enter it yourself.
  • It can be used for preventive purposes.
  • It interacts well with antibiotics.
  • To buy the drug, a doctor’s prescription is not needed.
  • Affordable price.

The only drawback that livestock breeders have identified is the release form. Without special skills, it is very difficult to give an injection to a pet.

Reviews of specialists

Veterinarians are positioning Gamavit as another way to make money. They claim that this product contains very few useful components, so the supplement can not positively affect the body. Experts warn that owners of animals do not abuse such funds, since they are not a panacea for all diseases. These are just vitamins, nothing more.

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