Sterilization is a seemingly simple procedure through which almost every other cat passes. But it has many nuances. Every caring owner should know all the basic rules for preparing a cat for sterilization in order to prevent unpleasant consequences.
What it is?
The term "sterilization" means surgical intervention, which results in the removal of the ovaries and uterus. It must be carried out only by a specialist in a veterinary clinic, in sterile laboratory conditions.
The purpose of sterilization is to prevent the pregnancy of the female. Many owners consider this method humane, since it is easier to sterilize than to breed at home or to throw small ones on the street. The entire main procedure is done by a veterinarian. A man only needs to follow all the rules about preparing for cat sterilization and take care of postoperative care.
Operation benefits
Sterilization has many benefits. First of all, this is due to the fact that the cat will not bring offspring home. In addition, she will become more domestic, she will lose interest in cats, and therefore, she will be less likely to ask outside. Such a cat behaves more calmly, it will engage less in fights and behave aggressively. In sterilized cats, the likelihood of developing diseases of the genitourinary system and genital organs is reduced. It is believed that after sterilization, the animal becomes lazy and begins to gain weight significantly, but veterinarians have repeatedly proved that it is wrong.
Sterilization disadvantages
Sterilization is a useful and necessary procedure. But still she has a number of disadvantages. First of all, they are associated with high cost. It is not always possible to get to the clinic with an animal, and it is expensive to call a specialist at home for a surgical procedure. Another negative feature is the possible occurrence of negative consequences. But if you follow all the basic rules for caring for animals before and after surgery, then this negative factor can be avoided.
When is it worth the surgery?
Preparing for sterilization is an important and responsible process. First of all, the owner should know about when to conduct it in order not to harm the growing body and prevent the pregnancy of the female.
The optimal age of the animal for this procedure is from 10 to 12 months. By this time, all the important organs, including the genitals, have already been formed in the pet, and nothing threatens her health at all.
Veterinarians claim that the sex hormones in the animal begin to be produced from another 6 months, it is from this time that the female begins to ask for a cat. But at the age of 6 to 10 months, sterilization is not recommended, as this can harm the full development of the cat, and it will behave inhibited.
Medical examination
The first stage of preparing a cat for sterilization is carried out only in a veterinary clinic. The specialist must be sure that the cat is absolutely healthy, only in this case it will be possible to carry out the procedure.
Without fail, the animal will need to undergo a series of examinations:
- blood test;
- urinalysis;
- ECG to assess heart function;
- ultrasound of the abdomen;
- do all the necessary preventive vaccinations;
- run parasites using special anthelmintic drugs. This procedure is carried out 10 days before sterilization.
In the process of preparing for the operation of sterilization of the cat should monitor its health. If there is a suspicion of its deterioration or the development of a cold, it is recommended to postpone the procedure to another time.
Home preparation
The second stage is preparation at home for cat sterilization. First of all, you need to drink it with liquid paraffin. Approximately this should be done a day before the sterilization. The main goal of this procedure is to free the intestines from accumulated toxins.
The second procedure at home is required to be carried out a little later - 10-12 hours before sterilization. It is required to give the cat a small amount of food so that it can saturate its body. Further, until sterilization is completed, it is not recommended to feed her, so that vomiting from anesthesia does not occur. 3 hours before it, you can only give the pet a small amount of water.
What do you need to bring with you?
In addition to the basic preparation of the cat for sterilization, it is required to prepare in advance all the accessories that you need to take with you to the veterinary clinic:
- First of all, this is a carrying case in which you will need to transfer the cat from home to the clinic and vice versa. It is worth noting that the animal after the operation may feel unwell, so it is important to take care to create a soft surface on which it will lie. If there is no special carrying, then you can use a basket or box, it is important that it is spacious for a cat.
- It is required to take care of the vehicle. If the clinic is far away, it is not recommended to carry the animal in its carrying, the extra shakes do not need him. It is advisable to use a personal or public vehicle so that you can deliver the animal faster to your home.
- In addition, you should stock up on a diaper or oilcloth, which will need to be laid on the bottom of the carrier after surgery.
- Warm blanket if the weather is cool outside.
- Postoperative Pump. Of course, it can be purchased at a veterinary clinic, but it is still recommended to buy it in advance.
- Wet and dry wipes.
- Veterinary passport of the animal.
- Personal passport of the holder.
After the operation, you may have to leave the animal in a veterinary clinic under the supervision of veterinarians. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a tray and food for it.
Care after sterilization
In order to avoid unpleasant consequences and pathological phenomena, it is recommended not only to choose a qualified specialist, but also to master all the rules of preparing a cat for sterilization and postoperative care.
The operation lasts about 40 minutes, after which it is required to provide the animal with complete rest so that its strength is restored. Most likely, the cat after anesthesia will sleep for a long time, do not disturb her sleep. If possible, it is recommended to make her tray in a secluded place so that children and the noise of household and digital devices do not distract her from rest.
Every day, you need to change the sterile diaper in the bed where the cat is sleeping to reduce the risk of bacteria entering the body. If possible, it is worthwhile to control the behavior of the cat, to prevent it from falling and jumping from a height, you should also minimize the raising of the animal in its arms and active games with it. It is recommended not to disturb the animal at all, and if it is weakened, then it is required to bring him food and drink.
Careful care is needed until the postoperative sutures are overgrown, usually this occurs on the 7-10th day after sterilization. During this time, it is required to treat the seams with a special disinfectant spray.
Features of nutrition after surgery
It is important to follow the veterinarian’s advice on preparing your cat for sterilization. He will also report all necessary information on postoperative care. First of all, it concerns nutrition. When the first feeding should occur depends only on the type of anesthesia. The minimum period after surgery is from 6 to 12 hours.
Immediately after sterilization, the cat may completely lose interest in food, this is due to poor health. Do not force the pet to eat. As soon as the cat’s strength is restored, she herself will give the owner a signal about the need to eat.
As soon as the cat woke up interest in food, it is worth preparing for her liquid dishes that will not burden the intestines. It is recommended that you feed it with milk porridge or high-quality liquid food for several days after the operation. It is important that your pet eat small meals. After 3 days, the cat's body will gradually begin to recover, so it will be possible to introduce solid food, but also little by little.
Preparing a cat for sterilization and care after it are important and responsible measures on which the health of the pet directly depends. Therefore, every caring owner should pay attention to this issue and listen to the advice of qualified veterinarians. Only in this case, after the operation, the animal will quickly recover and he will be able to avoid complications.