Bartholinitis during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, treatment and recommendations of a gynecologist

The female body is particularly sensitive to various diseases during pregnancy. Bartholinitis is no exception. This disease carries a threat to both the expectant mother and the fetus inside the womb.

Medical certificate

Bartholin glands are paired organs that are located on the eve of the vagina. Their main purpose is to develop natural lubrication. It prevents damage during an intimate act. Similar discharge appears both during mechanical action and during sexual arousal.

Bartholinitis is an inflammatory disease. It is characterized by the formation of a purulent abscess in one of the glands. Over time, it swells, provoking a pain syndrome. Pathogenic microflora penetrates into the tissues of the mucous membranes through microscopic lesions, causing infection of the organ.

Is bartholinitis dangerous during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman is worried not so much with inflammation and the discomfort that accompanies it, but with the purulent contents of the formation. Initially, it accumulates in an abscess or cyst, but rather quickly pathogenic microflora goes beyond the focus.

Once in the bloodstream, the infection threatens the development of the fetus. In the early stages, bartholinitis can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or fading. The development of an acute inflammatory process 1-2 weeks before birth threatens the infection of the baby when it passes through the birth canal. As a result, after the birth of a baby, conjunctivitis, damage to the umbilical ring, pneumonia can be diagnosed. In especially serious cases, meningitis occurs.

Bartholinitis during pregnancy has an effect on the body of the expectant mother. In addition to severe pain, a developing abscess causes an external change in the labia. In addition, difficulties arise in the delivery process. Inflammation interferes with the natural process, threatens the life of the child.

the risk of bartholinitis during pregnancy

Reasons for the appearance

Bartholinitis affects after puberty. In childhood and adolescence, the disease is excluded, since the glands are not yet a sufficiently formed organ.

Inflammation occurs against the background of the penetration of the following bacteria into the body: streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, etc. This happens during sexual contact or through the household.

The following factors can provoke the development of an infectious process during pregnancy:

  • frequent hypothermia of the body;
  • the use of low-quality or too tight underwear;
  • pathology of an infectious nature;
  • weakened immunity;
  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

According to reviews, bartholinitis during pregnancy can have a favorable outcome if therapy is started on time.

Clinical picture

The disease has 3 forms of the course: acute, subacute and chronic. Each of them has a specific clinical picture. However, the following symptoms are common to all forms:

  • the appearance of swelling on the genitals;
  • temperature rise;
  • body aches;
  • redness of the base of the labia majora;
  • purulent secretion with pressure on swelling;
  • painful discomfort during intercourse.

The progression of the disease only complicates the condition of the pregnant woman. In the place of the abscess, ripple occurs, and the temperature remains stable at around 39-40 degrees. The labia acquire a bright red hue, inguinal lymph nodes increase. On palpation, their compaction is noted. Exposure to the site of swelling is accompanied by severe pain.

Sometimes bartholinitis during pregnancy is asymptomatic. A woman may not notice changes in the genitals until a secondary infection occurs. It is characterized by a deterioration in overall well-being, weakness and loss of strength.

pregnancy temperature

Diagnostic Methods

To diagnose the disease, an examination on a gynecological chair is enough. However, to confirm the final diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is required, which includes:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • a smear from the vagina, from the cervix and the affected Bartholin gland;
  • Bakseeding on flora to determine sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • PCR study to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor selects therapy.

blood analysis

Gynecologist's recommendations for treatment

In most cases, patients seek help from a gynecologist too late and only with the appearance of severe discomfort, pain at the lesion site. However, during pregnancy, bartholinitis is diagnosed mainly in the early stages, as women often visit a doctor.

The basis of therapy is antibacterial drugs. They are prescribed even for pregnant women. Currently, there is a wide range of antibiotics that do not harm the fetal development. The main condition for this is the correct dosage.

Gynecologists also recommend bed rest for the entire period of therapy. If necessary, topical medications may be prescribed. In especially serious cases, surgery is performed.

Drug therapy

Comprehensive treatment of bartholinitis during pregnancy involves the use of drugs from different groups.

Disinfection of the affected area is carried out using "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin." To relieve inflammation, ichthyol ointment and Levomekol are usually used in pairs. If the pathology is accompanied by severe pain, analgesics are prescribed. During pregnancy, No-Shpy is allowed. In the case of a chronic course, it is advisable to use drugs to restore the vaginal microflora (“Acylact”, “Lactonorm”) and immunomodulators.

Bartholinitis is an infectious disease. Therefore, treatment with antibacterial agents is indispensable. It is preliminary recommended to pass a test for the sensitivity of pathogenic flora to drugs of this group. The following drugs are most effective: Azithromycin, Ofloxacin, Ceftriaxone. The standard course of treatment is at least a week.

antibiotic treatment

Surgical intervention

When bartholinitis during pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of an abscess, surgical treatment is recommended. Two options for intervention are possible:

  • extirpation of the bartholin gland;
  • marsupialization.

Marsupalization is understood as a procedure during which the doctor performs an incision of the inflammation and removal of its contents. After the disinfection of the affected area, the installation of a drainage tube to remove the purulent secret is required. It is removed after a few days.

Removing the bartholin gland is a radical treatment. The procedure is performed under anesthesia. First, the doctor makes an incision from the inside, then removes the gland. At the final stage, stitches are applied. A similar method of treatment is resorted to in exceptional cases.

surgery for bartholinitis

Help traditional medicine

The use of recipes for folk doctors with bartholinitis in women during pregnancy can stop the symptoms. However, such treatment should be used only after consultation with a gynecologist. It can not be considered the main method of combating the disease. The following are the most effective recipes:

  1. Herbal baths. For this purpose, oak bark, St. John's wort, calendula and chamomile are used. Medicinal plants relieve inflammation well, have an antimicrobial effect.
  2. Salt compresses. In warm water, a small amount of edible salt must be diluted. A gauze dressing should be moistened in a solution, wrung out and applied to the affected area.

If, after using the listed recipes, the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

alternative treatment of bartholinitis

Prevention Methods

In the photo, bartholinitis (during pregnancy or not, the process doesn’t matter) is rather unpleasant. To avoid its occurrence, it is important to adhere to the following prevention rules:

  • take a shower daily;
  • wear only high-quality underwear made of natural materials and not restricting movement;
  • during sexual intercourse use barrier contraceptives;
  • eat right;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • visit the gynecologist regularly.
bartholinitis prophylaxis

With timely access to a doctor, bartholinitis is well treatable. At the same time, the harm done to the baby in the womb is minimal. The expectant mother should set herself up for a positive outcome of therapy and clearly follow the doctor's recommendations.

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