Epaniol Breton: description, character, photo. Hunting dogs

The group of breeds of hunting dogs is quite extensive. Many of its representatives are well known to Russian animal lovers. Epanjol breton is still not very common in our country. This dog is famous for its excellent hunting qualities, high intelligence, sociability and obedience.

epagnol breton

These are universal pointing gun dogs that can adapt as much as possible not only to the owner, but also to various living conditions. Dog handlers believe that the name of the breed comes from the word espagnol. At the same time, there is a version that the breton epagnol was named according to the style of their work s'espaignir (to stretch, lie down).

Breed history

Animals that are very similar in appearance to modern epannoles appeared in the 15th century in France. Since the 17th century, images of such dogs began to appear frequently on tapestries and paintings by famous artists, for example, on canvases by the Dutchman Jan Steen.

Until 1850, these dogs were not called Breton epagnol. Rev. Davis, describing hunting with dogs that look like pointers, noted that they had longer hair and a short tail. These dogs did an excellent stance, quickly brought prey and were surprisingly obedient.

breton epanyol

For the first time, the Breton epagnol was officially presented at the exhibition in 1896. The first representative of the breed, which appeared before the general public, was a wonderful dog, nicknamed Pincon Royal. Its owner was the Viscount of Brittany de Comboug. The breed club began its work in 1907 in Brittany. In September of that year, the first breed standard was introduced. Today they are the most popular hunting dogs (photos of them are published in dog books) in the USA and in Europe.

Breed characteristics

These cute animals are the smallest among the French long-haired cops. Epaniol Breton is described as a stocky dog, strong and at the same time very elegant. Growth at the withers from 50 cm (males) to 49 cm (females). Weight, respectively, 14-18 kg.


The head of the dog has the correct shape, the front and sides of the skull are slightly rounded. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is quite smooth. The muzzle is straight. The nose is harmonious in color with the color of the animal, wide. The eyes are large, rounded and slightly elongated, very expressive. The color usually matches the color, but preferably dark, although other colors are not considered a defect. The ears are triangular in shape, mobile, located high, medium length. Partially they are covered with soft wavy hair.

hunting dogs photo


The neck is muscular, of medium length. The withers are notable, mobile. The broad chest falls to the top of the elbow. Belly tightened. The tail is set high. Epanjol breton are born without a tail or with a very short tail. The standard prescribes its length is not more than 10 cm, 3-6 cm is considered ideal.


The hind and forelimbs are vertical, with strong and flexible joints. The hips are muscular and broad. Shin is noticeably longer than thigh.

Hair coat

The coat of Breton is slightly wavy, thin. Color is allowed white with spots of chestnut, black or red. Sometimes there are specks on the lips, limbs, muzzle. Almost all colors show a light narrow strip on the head.

Breton epanyol puppies


All deviations from the above requirements are defects (defects). Their severity is evaluated in proportion to the severity of the deviations, as well as their impact on the well-being and health of the animal. Disqualifying defects are:

  • character defect (dog aggressive towards other animals and to humans, biting);
  • cowardice;
  • sizes other than the standard limits;
  • converging lines of the muzzle and skull;
  • excessive variegation;
  • white spots on the ears or around the eyes. bright, multi-colored eyes;
  • strabismus;
  • ectropy and entropy;
  • overshot or overshot bite;
  • depigmentation on the eyelids or nose.


Breton epanol is predisposed to the following diseases:

  1. (CHD) - hip dysplasia;
  2. dysplasia of the elbow joints;
  3. lupus erythematosus (chronic);
  4. epilepsy;
  5. ear infections.


Breton epagnol is a well-balanced, intelligent and very kind dog. She loves to please the owner. Her character is reflected in a smart and welcoming look. Hunting dogs, photos of which can be seen in magazines for animal lovers, are generally very smart, and Breton, according to the owners, just can not talk.

group of breeds of hunting dogs

This insightful dog always very skillfully uses the slightest weaknesses of the owner, surprising resourcefulness. Epaniol does not show aggression against strangers. He is friends and plays with children with pleasure, especially if the dog has grown with them since childhood.

An abundance of energy, a passion for hunting, the presence of vitality and sociability - this is the Breton epanyol. These are very sociable creatures that can make friends with both a dog and a cat. This dog can become not only an excellent assistant to the hunter, but also a sensitive companion and pet. The dog has absolutely no dog smell. Even after returning from the swamps (having cleaned the wool yourself), you can spend the night with you in a tent, and you will not feel any smell.

Probably, someone will find the portrait of Breton epagnol described by us too idyllic. But keep in mind that this cute animal is endowed with a fairly solid character, at some point the dog may be stubborn.


Breton epanyol puppies from a very young age should understand who is the leader for him, whose word is law. The kid should know what to do and what cannot under any circumstances. Raising a puppy will require patience and perseverance from the owner. Without offending the animal, without rudeness, but firmly and decisively should stop all attempts at disobedience that may occur in adolescence.

breton epagnol reviews

Today in Russia about twenty dogs of this breed are officially registered. All adults work perfectly, the owners are delighted with their four-legged helpers.


As we have already said, Breton epagnol is an attentive and intelligent dog. She has a great instinct, perfectly spoils the game (including from cold water), makes a long stand. The manner of her work in the field resembles a setter (at dusk, not knowing that it is an epanyol, you probably say that it is a setter, but without a tail).

However, there are differences: epanyol actively manifests itself in any locality. Breton is an excellent climber, so this dog is indispensable in the mountains. When the hunt takes place in tall grass, then in the search process the epanol resembles a tireless hare - on the run he constantly jumps up, and therefore the hunter never loses sight of him.


In a dense undergrowth, the dog is not lost either. They hang a bell on her neck. As soon as he calms down - the dog is standing. Puppies from 4-5 months old have a passion for hunting and demonstrate excellent working qualities. Dogs are very trainable. The animal needs a lot of physical activity to always be in shape, so it is advisable to use it as a hunting dog. Today it is the most popular hunting dog in the world.

Maintenance and care

Breton should be bathed and brushed regularly. If the dog is used as a hunting dog, it is necessary to banish worms twice as often as companion dogs (every six weeks).

Plant seeds can cause skin problems, so check your pet’s legs regularly. Do not forget that this breed was bred for hunting birds. She does this, if possible. But if epagnoli grow with other animals, they do not see them as an object of hunting, so instinct must be developed. This animal is suitable only for active owners. It is advisable to keep the dog in a country house or in the countryside. It is possible to keep it in a city apartment, subject to availability of walking areas with a spacious sports ground and long walks. And one more important nuance. This dog is extremely emotional and sensitive, so peace and harmony should reign in the house.

Where to buy a puppy?

This can only be done in a specialized nursery - the Russian National Breton Epanol Club. It is located in Moscow, at the address: st. Stroiteley, d.6 (metro station "University"). Having decided to purchase a puppy, contact the club administrator by phone +7 (903) 770-32-55.

Breton epagnol: reviews of the owners

The owners of such a four-legged friend do not hide their delight from this animal. The dog is smart, easily trained, not aggressive, and treats not only the owner, but also all members of the family. Can be a great companion.

But hunters are especially pleased with their purchase. Epaniol Breton works great, understands all commands at a glance, and often even gestures.

Some difficulties may occur when keeping the animal in a city apartment with insufficient physical activity.

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