Almost every mother is faced with the problem of choosing a milk mixture when it comes time for the baby to tear off her breast or to feed her newborn. On forums, the most recommended infant formula is Nestogen, or Nestogen, which we will discuss in more detail in this article.
What are the advantages of the Nestogen mix?
- the child stabilizes the stool;
- this mixture has a sweetish flavor;
- infants are less concerned about colic;
- affordable price.
Normalization of the stool and the absence of colic indicates the absence of individual intolerance to this mixture. This is facilitated by the prebiotics (natural dietary fiber) that make up the mixture , which improve the intestinal microflora and prevent the occurrence of constipation.
In addition to prebiotics, the Nestogen formula contains vitamins and minerals that are necessary for one age or another. Therefore, watch what box you buy for your baby. The numbers on the packaging indicate the recommended age for feeding this mixture.
If a newborn is given a mixture for six months from the first days, then he will begin to have pains in his stomach, allergic rashes, regurgitation and problems with stools, since his intestines are not ready to accept such an abundance of substances. But the one-year-old baby will not get any discomfort, if he eats a mixture for newborns, he will just be hungry.
What are the disadvantages of this mixture?
According to mothers, the “Unbeaten” mixture (the review was taken from the Babyblog product directory) causes the following problems:
- stool is broken in children, there is a multi-day constipation (2-4 days), the color of feces is green, plasticine consistency;
- sprinkling curd;
- allergies in the form of rashes and plaques on the body and face;
- mixture with GMOs (the presence of soya lecithin).
Stool disorder is associated with intestinal intolerance of the newborn. This does not mean that the manufacturer ("Nestle") of the mixture is unscrupulous, just the child needs a different complementary foods. Constipation can occur when changing food, and spitting up due to poor hygiene. However, if these symptoms appear after each feeding, then this indicates intolerance to this mixture.
Allergic reactions can occur due to intolerance to the child:
1) protein of cow's milk (casein);
2) lecithin.
But the manufacturer indicates that only for healthy children is the mixture “Nestogen” intended. The recall of mothers in whom children are not prone to allergies confirms this. In case of a rash, take tests for dysbiosis and allergies, maybe a mixture of goat milk is right for you.
Now consider the presence of soya lecithin in the mixture. Lecithin for the human body in small quantities (not more than 7 grams) is simply necessary for the growth and regeneration of cells, the absorption of vitamins A, D, K, E, for the formation and functioning of the central nervous system.
Lack of lecithin in the body leads to speech underdevelopment, lack of weight, impaired memory, decreased attention, and unstable mental development. Well, a newborn in the absence of lecithin simply will not absorb the above vitamins necessary for its development, growth, weight gain.
What components are included in the Nestogen mixture: a review of the composition of the mixture
So that every mommy can evaluate the advantages or disadvantages of a mixture of this brand, we suggest reading its composition for newborns (+1): skim milk, GOS (galactosaccharides), demineralized serum, lactose, soya lecithin, maltodextrin, vegetable oils, FOS (fructooligosaccharides), citrate calcium and potassium, sodium chloride, calcium and magnesium, taurine, vitamins, zinc sulfate, manganese, iron and copper, L-carnitine, sodium selenate, potassium iodide. It does not contain GMOs, flavorings, preservatives, dyes.
The lack of names of vegetable oils is alarming in this composition. For example, palm oil complicates the process of assimilation of food, while rapeseed oil is part of technical fluids. Caution should be exercised by mothers in whom children are prone to allergies, since lecithin and cow's milk protein are strong allergens.
But the presence of L-carnitine and taurine has a beneficial effect on brain development and vision, and due to iodine and selenium, the load on the kidneys decreases. Prebiotics (FOS and GOS) improve bowel function. Please note that the baby is indigestible due to individual intolerance to the components (as indicated by the manufacturer on the box), as well as expired or improperly prepared mix “Unstable”. You can write a review about this brand in the comments under this article.