Instructions for Microsoft Office Excel: how to insert a function in Excel

In order to understand how to insert a function in Excel, you need to find out exactly what we need. The Excel program allows you to reduce the time for counting numbers and bring to average values. It is suitable for office employees, busy people, a lot for anyone. This is really an excellent program.


Adding a function of Microsoft Excel 2

Microsoft Excel - allows you to work with spreadsheets using various methods of automation of processes. Works with a large list of spreadsheets.

How to insert a function in Excel

Add Microsoft Excel 3 Feature

First you will need to create a new book, if there is already created, then open it.

Adding a feature in Microsoft Excel 10

This is the most difficult option, but it is the best practice for learning programming. Allows you to create functions yourself, which will be executed as you need. You determine the execution period, the complexity of the function, what to combine with or how all components should work. Let's start the method of adding a function through Visual Basic:

  1. Open the spreadsheet.
  2. Go to Visual Basic. Press Alt + F11 on the keyboard.
  3. Select the module to add to the book.
  4. Moving on to creating headers or prototypes. It can have a large number of parameters, and their type must correspond to the basic data type of Excel or the type of objects, for example, Range. Parameters are "operands" that the function can work with. For example, SIN (45) to calculate the sine of 45 degrees.
  5. Now write your function code. To carry out such manipulations, you will have to learn the VBA language, you can use another, but this one will be native to Excel. Usually functions have a small number of code blocks.
Adding Microsoft Excel 4 Feature

The first additional way to insert a function in Excel:

  1. Select the cell where the function will be located.
  2. We find the tab "Formulas" and in the list "Library of functions" select "Insert function".
  3. In the "Function Wizards - Step 1 of 2" window, in the "Categories" column, open the entire list of functions and find the desired category.
  4. After click on "Select function".
Add Microsoft Excel 5 Feature

Second additional method:

  1. In an open sheet, select the cell in which the function should be.
  2. Hold Shift + F3.
  3. Use the method described above.
Adding Microsoft Excel 6 Feature

The third additional way to insert a function in Excel:

  1. Now on the open sheet, select the desired type of function.
  2. We follow the instructions of the first method.
Add Microsoft Excel 7 Feature

The fourth method.

  1. Enter an equal sign (=).
  2. Enter the name of the desired function and open the parentheses without a space.
  3. Enter the arguments and close the brackets.
  4. Press Enter or Enter.
Add Microsoft Excel 8 Feature

The fifth way.

  1. Again open sheet where the function should be located.
  2. On the formula bar, click on "Insert Function".
  3. Repeat the steps from the first method.
Add Microsoft Excel 9 Feature

VLOOKUP function in Excel for dummies:

= VLOOKUP (A4; $ F $ 3: $ H $ 23; 3; 0)

Similar functions are used to calculate price and value.

Examples of how to use functions in Excel:

  1. = B1 + B2 + B3. The function of summing the values ​​in cells B1, B2, B3.
  2. = SUM (B1: B10). Calculates the sum in cells B1 to B10.
  3. = TODAY (). Returns the current date.
  4. = CAPITAL ("ball"). The text "ball" in "BALL".
  5. If (B1> 0). Such a function checks the values ​​of cell B1 for the presence of a number greater than zero.
Adding a function of Microsoft Excel 11


We have considered many ways to create functions, but do not forget that due to the possibility of introducing programming languages ​​into your table, their assortment increases significantly. For this, you will have to learn a programming language, but this opens up additional opportunities for work.

In fact, there are a lot of functions in Excel, use the one you need.

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