Canadian Sphinx: character. Canadian Sphinx: photo. Canadian Sphinx: maintenance and care

What associations does the word "sphinx" have in you? Most likely, these are the pyramids, sands, magic of Ancient Egypt. But today we are not talking about a beautiful and ancient country. Our current heroine is a sphynx cat.

canadian sphinx character

This amazing animal - the smooth lines of the body, the magic of green eyes that look into the heart, the charm of harmony. This is a real figurine - the embodiment of all the best that wildlife is famous for.

Shock cat

This is the feeling you will experience when you first meet the Canadian Sphinx. A real shock from the appearance of this amazing animal. No one will remain indifferent at the sight of this "alien" creature.

The second shock awaits you when you pick up this hot suede calf. You will definitely experience shock when you try on yourself the magic of the personality of the sphinx. When you start to communicate with this handsome man, you will realize that his exotic appearance is just a small addition to his amazing and unique character.

From the history of the breed

If someone believes that the sphinx is an ordinary cat, but without hair, then he is very mistaken. You will never get a sphinx by shaving an ordinary cat. But what is this creature? How did it appear on our earth?

Cats without wool are depicted in the Aztec drawings. It was probably the ancestors of the Mexican hairless cat. Their rare representatives could still be found at exhibitions at the beginning of the last century. These animals differed from modern sphinxes. They had a wedge-shaped head, large ears, amber-colored eyes . In winter, short hair appeared on their tail and back.

In 1938, the geneticist Letard from France announced the birth of hairless kittens in two Siamese cats . After 12 years, another hairless kitten was born to another cat in an ordinary litter.

Modern sphinxes

canadian sphinx reviews

Now it’s quite difficult to say whether the Canadian Sphynx breed is a descendant of ancient cats or the mutation is repeated again. In the nineteen sixty-sixth year in Ontario (Canada), an unusual kitten without hair was born to an ordinary domestic cat . It was this year that went down in history as the year of the emergence of modern sphinxes. Although this is not entirely true. The fact is that, despite the rather serious breeding work with hairless cats, by the mid-seventies the breed practically disappeared. And only the repeated presence of three hairless kittens in the vicinity of the same Ontario gave a “second life” to the breed.

Kittens came to compassionate people who unsuccessfully tried to cure them of lichen. Then the kittens were handed over to specialists. With them began breeding sphinxes.

Canadian Sphynx: breed description

For several decades these cats have been of interest to specialists and lovers of these animals. The Canadian Sphinx, the photo of which you see in this article, has an amazingly smooth outline. His body has no straight lines, they are all rounded, seem somewhat “fluid” and unusually smooth.

This is a medium-sized elegant cat resembling a Chinese porcelain figurine. Another characteristic feature of the sphinx is its unusual skin, which forms folds. Sphynx kittens up to one month old have folds all over their bodies, even on the tail and legs. With age, they are smoothed out, and adults have folds on the neck, head, and a little on the stomach, which makes them look like little old people. The more folds an adult animal has left, the better, but their drawback is a serious vice. By standard, sphinxes should have folds on the chin, neck and cheekbones.

The body of the sphinx is muscular and dense. He should not be thin, on the contrary, he should have a tummy resembling a pear. The hind legs are much longer than the front, which is reflected in the characteristic gait of the sphinx.

sphynx kittens

The skin is very delicate. It resembles suede thanks to a short cannon that covers the entire body of the animal. The cannon is stored on the back of the ears, on the nose, a small amount is allowed on the tip of the tail and on the legs.


It has a rounded wedge-shaped shape. It is slightly longer than wide. The cheekbones protrude, and the forehead is flat. The muzzle is rounded. Pronounced chin.

The eyes are large, round or almond-shaped, elongated to the outer edge of the ear. The outer edge of the eye is slightly higher than the inner. Eye color can be any, but be sure to match the color. Quite often, you can meet different-eyed individuals.

Choose color

The colors of the Canadian sphinxes are very diverse. They differ due to different skin pigmentation. The most common tricolor and bi-colors, as well as different variations of tortoiseshell colors. Solid individuals are much less common. Very beautiful Canadian black sphinx. His skin is gray. Paw pads black or dark brown, nose black.


We do not get tired of repeating that this amazing animal is the Canadian Sphinx. His character is strikingly different from the character of his other brothers. He is not jealous of other pets or small children. They are extremely friendly, loyal and affectionate. Very often they choose their favorite host and prefer to spend time with him.

You will never see a sphinx looking at a person “from the bottom up” in anticipation of all “goodies”, nor arrogantly, as at its servants. They put themselves on a par with a person, feel like-minded and friends.

mating canadian sphinx

We all know that cats get used to the house, and the family living in it is just an application. The Canadian Sphynx, whose character is very different from other cats, perceives everything differently. With his precious master, the sphinx is ready to live even on the street - comfort is not important for him, he needs communication and love.

Many believe that the sphinxes exchanged the independence inherent in other cats for selfless devotion to the owner. They do not leave him a single step, take an active part in all household chores, spin underfoot, purring under their breath. These amazing creatures prefer to sleep under the covers, resting their heads on the pillow. Sphinxes require more attention than other feline representatives, but not in terms of caring for them, but in communication.

The Canadian Sphinx, reviews of the owners of which are usually enthusiastic, does not tolerate loneliness. Therefore, it is not worth starting a person whose work is connected with business trips. Their whole life is aimed at love for the adored master. Therefore, such a pet really needs to be picked up more often, stroked, and talked to him. In response, you will hear enthusiastic rumbling and other manifestations of cat love. But if you got such a pet, then you need to come to terms with his desire to sit in your arms or on your shoulder.

The Canadian Sphinx, the character of which deserves to be described in more than one article, is extremely smart and quick-witted. When you talk with him, the feeling that he understands absolutely everything does not leave. And often even more than his master. And sometimes you suddenly clearly feel that if the sphinx could speak, you would gladly support the conversation. A more sociable and curious breed of cats in the world does not exist.

than feed the canadian sphinx

Sphinxes are very active and curious. They remember for a long time both evil and good. Offending him is very easy. But the owner should know that having offended his pet once, he will never be able to regain his trust. The Canadian Sphinx, whose character is very affectionate, is most suitable for single people or families with small children. It’s hard to wish for the best pet.

Canadian Sphinx: maintenance and care

Special concerns with the Canadian sphinxes usually do not arise. However, you should know some features of these animals. Their appetite is excellent, in addition, you are unlikely to have a question about what to feed the Canadian Sphinx - these animals are omnivores. You do not have to look for exotic delicacies around the city, but try to make your pet's menu as varied as possible. Do not be afraid to add some fresh greens to the sphinx dish, he will appreciate your concern.

Unlike other cats, Canadians need a regular and gentle toilet. Their skin gets dirty just like human skin. She also gives off sweat. If the animal is healthy, then this is a translucent light brown coating, a bit like wax. But if there are too many secretions, then it is worth showing the animal to the veterinarian - perhaps he needs a nutrition adjustment.

If there are no deviations from the norm, then the sphinx can be cleaned with odorless wet wipes and occasionally bathed with baby shampoo. After that, your sphinx must be wiped dry and warmed well, otherwise it can become sick.

Sphinxes need to clean contaminated ears. This does not mean any kind of disease of the animal, but clean ears always look much more aesthetically pleasing.

Sphynx cats need moderate but regular sun exposure. Drafts and hypothermia should be avoided.


Adult animals get sick quite rarely. But even if this suddenly happens, they quickly recover and remain immune to this infection for life. This is due to increased body temperature (38.5-39 degrees).

Young animals and kittens are more prone to infections, so vaccination is very important for them. Sphinxes always tolerate it quite easily at any age. Inactivated vaccines are more suitable for kittens, since a living one can provoke complications - kittens become ill with the same virus, though weakened and mutated.

canadian sphynx breed description

Sphinxes have the same lifespan as other cats. Among the first representatives of the breed were centenarians. The progenitors of modern animals - Epidermis and Paloma - lived sixteen and a half years, Bambi lived to nineteen.


Canadian sphynx puberty occurs around the age of about a year. Before knitting an animal, it must be shown at the exhibition, in an open class, to receive high marks and access to breeding. Usually cats for mating are searched through the club where your cat is registered. But you can contact other city clubs. In nurseries, many manufacturers are closed.

From 6000 rubles and above you will cost knitting. A Canadian sphynx manufacturer with a good pedigree, an interesting color, having titles, is much more expensive. Knitting with it will cost from 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

If your cat has not been exposed and does not have a adjustable rating, then you will not find a pedigree cat owner who agrees to bind his pet with your cat. As a rule, knitting occurs without problems. The Canadian Sphinx accepts the "bride" on its territory. The instinct of procreation prevails over all others, and mating is successful.

Due to the lack of hair in these animals in the room, a comfortable temperature should be created, both sphynxes should be clawed, as skin damage in case of aggressiveness of one of them can be very serious.

If the mating was successful (sphinxes fail very rarely), after about sixty-five days you will see charming babies.

Kittens sphinxes

When acquiring such an unusual animal, you must understand that you need to know a lot of rules that must be observed in order not to harm these wonderful and gentle creatures.

canadian sphinx Price

Kittens are born weighing 80-110 grams, in their litter there are four or five, although there are cases of 7 or even 9 babies. The eyes in newborns are closed, but they open much earlier than in cats of other breeds - on the third or fourth day. The ears of Canadians for a long time remain hanging. They begin to rise by about a month old.


Kittens of the Canadian sphinx need feeding since four weeks of age. And this is even if they still get breast milk. For complementary foods, boiled, well-ground beef and cottage cheese are suitable.

From one and a half months you can start to give eggs, paste, pre-soaked dry food for kittens. Up to three months, babies are fed at least six times a day. In the fourth month of life, fish and cereals, as well as fresh herbs, are introduced into the diet. From six months, the kitten can be transferred to three meals a day, and by nine - to two meals a day. Smoked pork is categorically contraindicated to the small sphinx.

How to choose a kitten

First of all, look at the conditions in which adult animals are kept, at how well-groomed babies are. Be sure to pay attention to their psyche and compliance with standards. If at least one of the listed items is in doubt, do not rush to buy a baby.

The breeder must submit documents on the birth of the kitten - a pedigree certificate (which then changes to a pedigree in the club) or the pedigree itself. This document does not guarantee the animal a career at the exhibition and does not give the right to breed, but testifies to its origin.

The Canadian Sphynx, whose price at the age of three months is about $ 300, should be purchased in a well-established nursery or from experienced and conscientious breeders. Otherwise, you risk buying a non-purebred animal.

Sphinx in the house

Thanks to the developed intellect, the sphinx is simply indispensable in families with small children. These animals are very attached to people, and therefore for kids they become a teacher, nanny, good friend. If the adults are busy, the Sphinx will play with the child with pleasure. These animals are extremely mobile, they can endlessly entertain children. In addition, they are very patient with the pranks of kids. They withstand any incorrect behavior of the child. A cat can be pulled by the ears and tail - the sphinx will never show aggression in response. Such relationships develop tolerance, love and understanding of animals in children.

breed canadian sphinx

The owners of the Canadian sphinxes need to monitor the health of their pets, vaccinations on time. Sometimes sphinxes should be walked in the fresh air. Dignity and wisdom, strength and power are symbolized by the Canadian Sphinx. Feedback from the owners of these unusual animals suggests that they are the most faithful, affectionate and kind creatures. They are always friendly and ready to cuddle all day.

All sphinxes are sure that nothing can happen without their participation - this also applies to cleaning the house, planting flowers in the garden, and cooking. Sphinxes love all family members, get along well with other pets.

Amazing appearance that will not leave anyone indifferent, gorgeous, livable character, good health, lack of coat and simple care make the Canadian Sphinx an ideal animal for home keeping.

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