Medical food for cats - "Royal Canin Recovery"

Cats are naturally endowed with good health, unlike some other pets living next to humans. But no one is safe from diseases, including purring pets. They, like many animals, can get serious ailments caused by a number of reasons, which include violations in the endocrine and urogenital systems, may fade and stray wool in the coils, or begin to sour eyes.

Faced with such problems, of course, the first thing to do is to consult an experienced veterinarian. He will surely understand the causes of the ailment and assign the necessary therapeutic feeding (for example, Royal Canin Recovery recovery food). The diet will contain all the nutrients in an easily digestible form and will quickly restore the health of the pet.

What is therapeutic feed?

Let's talk about the Royal Canin Recovery medical feed for cats. This is not a cure. Properly selected nutrition components in the medical feed for a cat play a very important role in her life. Taking care of your pet is not only about playing with it, cuddling, or stroking it. Taking care of a cat means treating it as a full member of the family, providing it with food and, if necessary, treatment. For medical feeds that are recommended by veterinarians, the Royal Canin Recovery also applies.

royal canine recovery

Medicinal Feed Manufacturer

The manufacturer is Mars, Incorporated Masterfood, its main office is located in the city of Emargues (France). The company producing this brand of feed is positioning itself on the market as a developer in the field of balanced nutrition for pets. The company produces a series of animal feeds that have a certain age, skin and hair problems, and lifestyle. As well as feeds such as Royal Canin Recovery, are designed to fully restore the condition of a cat after a disease and to increase immunity.

Since 1992, the company began regular supply of food to the Russian market. The very first products, including Royal Canin Recovery, gained popularity among owners of cats and dogs. Due to the growing demand for these products, it became necessary to open an enterprise in Russia. At the moment, the Russian history of Royal Canin has more than 15 years.

royal canine recovery how to feed

About a diet product for cats

Canned Royal Canin Recovery diet food for cats is considered medicinal. Veterinarians prescribe it:

  • during the recovery period after a cat’s disease or intensive care;
  • animals suffering from anorexia;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindication may be acute pancreatitis and hepatic encephalopathy. The duration of administration depends on how quickly the cat's health is restored. Available in cans with a key for convenient opening weighing 195 g. The cost of one bank is approximately $ 1.5 - $ 2, and if mailing from the pet store is provided, then the cost of the delivery service will be added.

royal canine cat recovery

Daily ration

In cats, a decrease in appetite and weight loss are often observed during the recovery period or after an illness. But this food is so tasty that the pet eats with pleasure the portion reserved for him.

The high content of useful and nutrients in the diet makes it possible to compensate for the smaller amount of Royal Canin Recovery medical food consumed for cats. How to feed a cat so that it recovers and gets stronger as soon as possible? It all depends on how mobile the animal is and what is its clinical condition. Depending on these factors, the amount of feed consumed must be regulated.

The food is a paste, which includes a complex of antioxidants (vitamins C and E). The main components are poultry meat or pork, offal, ground bones as a source of calcium, egg white, fish oil, taurine, lutein. Of the mineral components - it is iron, copper, zinc.

Product Reviews

Quite a lot of pet owners, including cats and cats, speak well of useful and necessary food. Positive feedback on the “Royal Canin Recovery” for cats can be heard from pet owners who, after giving birth, lost a lot of weight and didn't want to eat anything. The paste recommended by the doctor helped out in this situation. The cat began to eat it and was recovering. She liked the taste of the paste. Moreover, the hair became shiny and the hollow belly rounded.

royal canine cat recovery reviews

Royal Canin Recovery feed feeds kitty owners even after sterilization. And they are very satisfied, since it is suitable as a full-fledged postoperative nutrition. There are enough 6 cans for the full rehabilitation period, which lasts 10 days. Due to the liquid content in the paste, the cat drinks less water.

Good reviews about the feed and recommendations for its use are given by owners of animals that were so weakened that they poured this paste into their mouth through a syringe. Cats quickly gained weight and recovered.

Royal Canin is a diet for cats that does not cause an allergic reaction and does not create an additional burden on the digestive system.

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