Despite the workload and employment, parents need to regularly engage in the development of their child. It is important to form horizons, hand motility, organs of touch and smell. Children of any age are the best perceivers of new things through games and through needlework.
Simple crafts with children 3-4 years old for development
At 3-4 years old, the child already knows a lot and understands the words of adults. He knows what sounds animals make, can formulate short sentences. It's time to expand his knowledge and help open new horizons.
What crafts with children 3, 4 years old can be made? It is important to understand that the baby is just starting to learn. Work should be simple, but focused on the development of logical thinking and motor skills.
At 3-4 years old, children sculpt with pleasure. Giving bought plasticine, not every mom will decide to her child. After all, a little creator is happy to test the material for a tooth. In order not to harm the growing body, it is recommended to use salted dough for sculpting. It is plastic and absolutely harmless. Even if the baby sends a piece into his mouth, it will not harm him. By the way, with the help of salt dough for sculpting it is really possible to wean a child to pull everything in his mouth.
From the test, first begin to sculpt crafts with children 3, 4 years old simple, gradually complicating the task. The kid must independently learn to create balls, cubes, bundles and connect them, for example, into pyramids. After, invite him to make his favorite animal. If you can’t do it right away, be patient and help. A figure made from salt dough can be dried in the oven, and then help the child make it colored with paints. Such fashioned crafts with children 3, 4 years old can become an exhibit for a home exhibition of the works of a little creator.
Pictures of cereals and seeds
Kids really like to create pictures and panels from different cereals, seeds, pasta. Why not do this kind of creativity! All you need is a bowl of cereals, PVA glue and a cardboard sheet. An adult will have to help with the initial sketch. You should draw a simple figure or picture. For example, it can be a flower, a fungus, a tree or a sun with a cloud. Next, the baby should explain his task: with the help of different grains to glue the painted figures. The child in the process will understand that the sun should be yellow, and lay it out with cereals of the corresponding color, for example, corn, and the rays with the help of a long vermicelli. If chamomile is laid out, then white petals need to be picked up to the yellow core, using, for example, pumpkin seeds. Clouds are laid out from curly pasta. It is important for adults to do crafts with children 3, 4 years old together. It brings together and strengthens family relationships. Of course, it will be difficult for the baby at first, but, feeling the support of mom and dad, he will cope with all the tasks.
Origami and applications for the development of children 3, 4 years old
Observe how fun children make paper crafts. He was barely 3 or 4 years old, and tiny little hands skillfully assemble figures, folding a piece of paper in a certain order. Origami - a type of needlework, which is recognized throughout the world as the best activity for the development of young children. They are accustomed to accuracy and accuracy. After all, it is enough to fold the sheet wrong - and the three-dimensional figure will not work. During the creative process, visual memory develops and strengthens. If it is difficult for a child to master origami, it is worthwhile to invite him to do applications. Many colored geometric shapes should be cut out of colored paper and invited to make a child out of them to make any objects. When the task will be carried out lightly, it is worth the process to complicate, allowing the child to independently cut out the details for future applications.
Crafts for Home Exhibition
It’s not enough to organize creative games with tasks for the child. Monotony and constancy he will quickly get bored. Why not arrange home exhibitions of his works. Make the finished DIY photo. For children 3, 4 years old, it is very important to get approval from adults for their work. Let the figures molded from dough flaunt on a shelf, and panels and applications decorate the walls. The child will peer into his work with pride, and over time he will have a desire to master another technique or learn some new kind of creativity.
Pursuing the comprehensive development of the baby, it is important not to overdo it. If the young creator is tired or tired of doing crafts, do not force. Let him rest and gain creative strength.