2K16: What does this expression mean?

This article will not focus on a completely standard concept, but rather on the expression 2k16, what this set of letters means and how it generally appeared.


So 2k16, what does this expression mean? Yes, many Internet regulars may well know the answer to this question, but not everyone is so versed in Internet concepts and in general slang.

2k16 what does it mean

However, if you think carefully, then many will be able to guess on their own, and not necessarily understand the youth memes. In physics, the letter "K" is "Kilo", that is, the number 1000. Now if you look at the expression 2k16, then it will read like "two thousand and sixteen."


So, we have already figured out 2k16, what does it mean, we found out, now it's time to talk about where this concept came from.

which means 2k16

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