Dopplerography of the fetus. Fetal Doppler

Woman is the creator of humanity. And let men not be offended by the background, but it is precisely inside a woman that a new man grows and develops. For 40-42 weeks, a lot of complex and interesting processes occur inside it that are interconnected. From one single tiny cell, a baby is formed - and this is the most wonderful miracle on earth!

Proper balanced nutrition, special physical education for pregnant women, intake of good vitamins, support and love of loved ones and daily walks in the fresh air are the basis of the health of an unborn baby.

Waiting for a baby is perhaps the happiest time in every woman’s life. And at the same time, every future mother is worried: is everything all right with the baby and is the long-awaited pregnancy normal?

To carefully monitor the entire pregnancy process, the gynecologist usually prescribes many different tests, each of which is carried out in a particular week of pregnancy.

fetal dopplerography

The very first analysis, which confirms that the baby settled under the heart of the future mother, is an analysis for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, which appears only in pregnant women).

When the expectant mother will be registered, the gynecologist will give out a direction for such tests:

  • blood test for HIV AIDS;
  • analysis of RV shelter (Wasserman reaction, in other words - analysis for syphilis);
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry.

In addition, the laboratory will take a blood sugar test, and a general urine test will also need to be taken.

dopplerography during pregnancy

If the future mother has a negative Rh factor of blood, and the father of the child - positive, then throughout the pregnancy the doctor will prescribe blood tests to examine the presence of antibodies in relation to the red blood cells of the future baby.

And, of course, not a single pregnancy proceeds without such important studies as ultrasound and fetal dopplerography. All together, it allows you to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and the baby, and quickly respond if something suddenly goes wrong.

fetal dopplerography

Research innovation

Dopplerography of the fetus is a relatively new method of examination, thanks to which you can examine the blood flow in all the organs of an unborn man, see if his heart, kidneys and liver are developing correctly, and also evaluate whether the vessels in the umbilical cord, placenta, and uterus of the future mother function properly. This method is based on the Doppler effect and for the given period of time is the most effective for precise monitoring and providing the most accurate information about the state of the crumbs.

Doppler Opening

The Doppler effect was discovered in 1842 by the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler. He found that ultrasound changes the frequency indicators when reflected from an object that is moving. An ultrasound scanner captures the reflected ultrasound wave, calculates the difference between the performance of the wave being sent and sent back, and displays the results in a complex graphic pattern.

For the first time in medicine, a dopplerographic scan was performed in 1955 by scientists from Japan, who in this way examined the operation of heart valves and blood vessels. In gynecology and obstetrics, ultrasound dopplerography of the fetus was performed in 1964. Subsequently, the devices for ultrasound dopplerography were improved, and standards for indicators of the state of fetal development were also examined and approved.

Everything's under control

Doppler ultrasound

Dopplerography of the fetus is planned for all expectant mothers at the 32nd week of pregnancy, therefore, one does not need to be upset early and think that something is wrong with the baby. This is the standard procedure, thanks to which the doctor examines the condition of the crumbs and the mother-umbilical cord-child system, and if there are any alarming moments, he will take measures to eliminate them in time.

Early dopplerography during pregnancy is prescribed in case of complicated or multiple pregnancy at 22-24 weeks or just for additional control over the placenta, umbilical cord and baby.

Risk group

In addition to standard planned studies, there are additional indications for unscheduled ultrasound of the fetus with dopplerography:

  • eclampsia and pre-eclampsia of a pregnant woman;
  • increased pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the expectant mother;
  • kidney problems during pregnancy;
  • smoking pregnant;
  • Rhesus conflict of the fetus and mother;
  • pathology in previous pregnancies;
  • preeclampsia, toxicosis;
  • congenital or hereditary diseases.

Eclampsia is a severe toxicosis that manifests itself in late pregnancy, it is accompanied by convulsive convulsions and damage to the central nervous system. There is a high probability of a coma, so eclampsia is very dangerous! It is preceded by preeclampsia, and if it is determined in time and appropriate treatment prescribed, the condition normalizes.

Forewarned is forearmed

The most important reason that Doppler ultrasound is a mandatory study in obstetrics is the threat of fetal hypoxia.

The umbilical cord, which connects the future mother with her baby, has one vein and two arteries. In the arteries from the mother’s body, the baby receives all the substances necessary for its development of life, including oxygen. Decay products are excreted through the umbilical cord vein. It is very important that everything functions correctly. If there are any abnormalities in the umbilical cord, for example, blood vessels are narrowed - blood, and with it nutrients, come slowly and in insufficient quantities. Intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus develops, as a result of which the baby suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrition, and its organs cannot develop normally.

At the initial stage of hypoxia, you can notice that the baby is pushing very actively, but if measures are not taken, the crumbs continue suffering, the frequency of movements is significantly reduced.

The sooner hypoxia is detected, the faster the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and the baby will be born healthy.

fetal dopplerography protocol

How is the examination

Dopplerography of the fetus is done exactly like the most ordinary ultrasound scan. As a rule, most modern ultrasound machines are equipped with a doppler. This is not painful or scary at all: the doctor will apply a gel conductor to the pregnant woman’s stomach and begin to carefully drive the ultrasound mouse over it. The result of the study will be reflected first on the monitor of the device, and then the fetal dopplerography protocol will be printed on the printer.

Norms of indicators

The results of any study are usually compared with generally accepted indicators and fetal Doppler ultrasonography is no exception. Finding out whether everything is normal is impossible without a doctor, since the fetal dopplerography protocol includes a huge number of digital indicators that a person cannot understand without a special medical education. The main indicators of the study are IR (resistance index), PI (pulsation index) and SDO (systolic-diastolic ratio).

dopplerography in obstetrics

No harm

Dopplerography of the fetus poses absolutely no danger to the baby and the expectant mother. Quite the contrary - this is the best "assistant" that controls the course of pregnancy and helps to respond quickly in case of any abnormalities.

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