Do I need to bathe cats? Rules for caring for cats at home

A cat is an ideal animal for those who prefer a calm lifestyle. You don’t need to walk with her; a pet eats much less than a dog. And it does not require increased attention. Caring for a whiskered-striped pet is much simpler than taking care of a dog.

In the article we will talk about how to care for a cat: how to feed an animal, how to care for it, whether it is necessary to bathe cats and whether they need an exhibition career.

Thoroughbred or ordinary?

Let's start the article with the question of who to choose: a cat of "blue blood" or of domestic origin?

There is no doubt that the first is more beautiful. And she has more options. Such a pet can be displayed (if the cat is a show class). Mating is not excluded, but this is a profit for the owner. And it’s always nice to hear how others admire your favorite pet.

Ordinary yard cats have their advantages. They are very responsive to caresses, unpretentious in nutrition, smart and pretty pretty. In addition, such pets can be excellent mousetraps, which is very handy for those who live in their home.

How to contain both those and other pets? How many years live cats at home and how to extend their age? About it below.

Beautiful red cat

Purebred cat: care

The purebred animal is beautiful. Admiring glances and compliments are provided to its owner. But there are more problems with the representative of the breed than with the usual "cur."

Do I need to bat cats thoroughbred? Not so often, by force twice a year. Some members of the breed are prone to colds. Others are simply afraid of water, and swimming is stress for them.

How to care for a thoroughbred pet? Let's start by finding out the cat’s affiliation. If it was bought for the soul, without documents, then there can be no talk of any exhibitions and bindings. But this does not mean that such a cat can be fed with waste from the table, not to care about her health and not to care at all.

If the pet is long-haired, then it is regularly combed out. Three to four times a week, at least. And during molting - every day.

A short-haired cat is enough to comb twice a month.

The claws of cats are trimmed once every three weeks. The procedure is carried out in veterinary clinics, or the owner can do it yourself. If the owner of the animal decided to cut the claws of the pet himself, it is necessary to purchase special scissors for cutting the claws in the pet store.

The ears of animals just do not need to be cleaned. If there is no particular pollution, it is best not to get into your ears. Too much contamination is removed with a cotton swab or cotton swab.

Eyes, if the owner noticed the discharge, wiped with a cotton damp swab.

Teeth are cleaned on the recommendation of a veterinarian with a special toothpaste and brush.

Annual vaccination is necessary for both exhibition pets and simple pets.

Pet cat


How old are cats living at home? It all depends on the life expectancy of the breed. An average of 12-14 years. There are long-livers living up to 20 years of age or more.

In order for a cat to live a happy life, the owner must observe some rules on its content:

  • The pet should have its own bed. Cats are big lovers of sleeping on the master's bed, but sometimes they go to another place to sleep. A lounger is an ideal option.

  • A scratching post for "Matroskin" will help keep the wallpaper safe and sound. Someone removes the claws of the pet, but it is dangerous for the animal. A cat's legs are injured and she cannot walk normally.

  • The bowl should ideally be metal. It is easier to wash. One bowl under water, the other under food.

  • The tray is cleaned in a timely manner. Now there are automated cat litter. But they are quite expensive.

  • The filler is preferably absorbent. A very good filler is silica gel. It is easy to clean and practically does not smell. One pack is enough for about a month if one cat is kept.


Before we answer the question of how to bathe a cat, we end our conversation on its contents. How to feed your pet?

By purchasing a kitten from the breeder, the owner receives the necessary recommendations for feeding the baby. If this does not happen, here's what you need to know:

  • The animal is fed either dry food or natural food.

  • From dry food, premium and super premium are suitable. An ideal option would be holistic, but its price is very high.

  • If the owner prefers to give the pet natural food, then the main diet of the cat is lean meat, cereals and vegetables, fish, dairy products. By the way, milk is only given to kittens up to the age of 3.5 months.

  • Adult animals are fed twice a day, morning and evening. Food should be warm, not from the refrigerator.


We got to the main question of our article: do I need to bathe cats? These animals are washed extremely rarely. From strength twice a year. The fact is that the fur of a fluffy pet contains some protection. And when wetted, it is lost.

If the pet is dirty, and you can’t do without washing, you will have to bathe him.

Wet cat

How is the bathing?

How to bathe a cat? In a basin, if the pet is small, pour water. The water should be warm, you can check it the old fashioned way: with your elbow. If the skin does not burn, it is suitable for a cat.

A rag is placed at the bottom of the basin so that the animal feels more confident and does not slip. After that, the pet is carefully placed in the water and the coat is moistened. Ideally, bathe a cat together. Someone holds, someone moistens. If this is not possible, then the pet is held with one hand, and the other is watered.

After the wool is wet, rub the shampoo in a circular motion. It must be special for cats. The last option is baby shampoo. You do not need to rub it very carefully, if the substance remains on the skin, the pet will lick it. And it can be poisoned.

Soapy cat is poured with water from the shower, washing off the foam. Carefully watch that soap does not get in a mouth, eyes or ears. It is advisable not to wet the head if there is no strong need.

After all the procedures, the pet is wrapped in a dry warm towel. When the fabric absorbs water, it is replaced with a new towel. If the pet is not afraid of the hair dryer, you can use it and dry the cat.

Heat and bathing

Is it possible to bathe a cat in the heat? Undesirable, of course. The reasons are indicated above. But you can alleviate the suffering of the animal and put a basin of cool water in the room. The cat can “paw the paws” there.

Cat in the bathroom

Fear of water

How to wash a cat if she is afraid of water? An assistant will be needed here.

The pet is put in a basin or in the bathroom, the assistant keeps it. And the owner is showering. The assistant talks to the animal and strokes it to reassure. Once the cat has been washed, it is immediately wrapped in a towel and dried.

You need to be prepared for cat screams - protests. A pet may use teeth and claws in fear. Scolding, let alone beating him for it, is impossible.

Cat with addressee

Does swimming depend on the breed?

How to bathe a Scottish cat, Siamese or Persian? Just like any other. The procedure is the same: a bowl of warm water, a shampoo for cats, a shower and a towel to dry your pet after the procedure.

Outbred cat: how to care and feed

We figured out the question of whether to bathe cats. To all the indignation that it was a question of bathing thoroughbred cats, we note that all mustachioed-striped take baths according to one pattern.

Now let's talk about caring for simple "mutts" and how to feed them.

Caring for an outbred pet is no different from caring for a thoroughbred. Unless they are being prepared for exhibitions. Combing, checking the condition of the ears, teeth and eyes, treating and vaccinating is nothing new.

As for feeding, many are convinced that a leftover cat will have enough leftovers from the owner's table. The animal’s bowl turns into a garbage can: all the waste merges there, chicken bones are added, and God knows what. And then the cats get sick and die.

Red kitten

If the pet is without a pedigree, this does not detract from its merits. As well as does not detract from the digestive system. Bones should not be given to any cats. The mutts cannot live long lives on cheap feeds. There is no way to feed expensive dry food? Give ordinary food, but not leftovers from the table.

Sample cat diet:

  • Beef, chicken, turkey meat.

  • Cereals: oatmeal.

  • Boiled vegetables.

  • Boneless fish.

  • Dairy products.

Even if there is absolutely no money, you can always buy the cheapest fish and oatmeal. This is better for a cat than economy-class food or chicken bones.

Gray cat

And a little more about swimming

In which water to bathe a cat? In warm, about 37-38 degrees. In such that the elbow when immersed in water does not burn.

The procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. This time is quite enough to wet and soap the pet, wash the wool, and then dry the cat.

Bathing tips

Do I need to bathe cats, we found out. And now let's talk about which cats water procedures are contraindicated:

  • Sick and exhausted.

  • Pregnant - no need for extra stress for the body.

  • Lactating - for the same reason as pregnant.

  • Pets with a weakened nervous system.

  • Kittens up to six months.


From the article you can find out if you need to bathe cats. And also about the maintenance, care and feeding of furry pets.

Outbred kitten

We highlight the main aspects:

  • A kitten is best taken at the age of 1.5-2 months. After weaning from the mother, he is given milk and feed, which is recommended by the breeder.

  • Pedigree cats are more prone to disease than domestic cats. They have weaker immunity.

  • Any cat needs to be vaccinated and fed properly.

  • Economy-class feeds and leftovers from the table are not the best diet for a pet.

  • The cat should have a bed, bowls for food and water, toys and the owner’s love.

  • Care consists in combing out, checking the general condition, examination by veterinarians, good feeding.

  • You can’t bathe your pet too often.

  • The optimal number of times is 2 per year.

  • You can not bathe kittens up to six months, as well as cats that have health problems.

  • The animal is washed in warm water. For the calmness of the cat, they lay a rag under her paws. Shampoo should be special for cats or children.

  • Too thoroughly soap the pet is not worth it. The cat will begin to lick the remnants of shampoo, and this is fraught with consequences for her.


We talked about how to keep cats, and how to bathe a cat often. What is the difference between the content of a thoroughbred pet and the usual? By and large - nothing. Only a cat of "blue blood" can participate in exhibitions, if it belongs to show representatives.

As for grooming and feeding, these items are the same for all cats. We talked about swimming separately and found out that it was not necessary to exercise it regularly. In case of emergency, of course, you have to wash the cat. If the pet has health problems, she is pregnant or feeds the kittens, you will have to refrain from washing.

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