What should be the rectal temperature during pregnancy?

Rectal (basal) temperature is measured every morning in the rectum. Her indicators are important for gynecologists and obstetricians. Measuring rectal temperature is one of the reliable methods for determining ovulation. With its help, you can identify possible deviations of the hormonal background, which lead to disruption of the cycle.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy shows whether a woman has enough progesterone. In the event of a shortage, a miscarriage or the threat of interruption, a frozen pregnancy , is possible. In clinics where a wide range of examinations and analyzes are available, this method of monitoring pregnancy is rarely prescribed. Where it is not possible to test for hormones, rectal (basal) temperature can provide accurate information about the state of pregnancy, as well as about the woman’s reproductive system as a whole.

To understand what the rectal temperature should be during pregnancy, you need to understand how the female body works. Plotting a basal (rectal) temperature graph makes it possible to determine the phases of the cycle, determine the time of ovulation, as well as the development of pregnancy.

In the first half of the cycle, the rectal (basal) temperature is below 37 degrees, during the ovulation period it rises slightly (by half a degree), and in the second half of the cycle, the normal rectal temperature is 37 degrees and above. If pregnancy does not occur, the level of the hormone progesterone, which causes an increase in temperature in the rectum, decreases, and menstrual bleeding begins.

If pregnancy has occurred, the temperature remains at high levels for up to 15-20 weeks, after which it decreases. Temperature measurement up to 12 weeks of gestation is especially informative. At this time, a rectal temperature of 37 degrees and above indicates a sufficient level of the hormone progesterone. This means that pregnancy proceeds without complications.

If the rectal temperature during pregnancy begins to decrease, this may be a sign of a spontaneous miscarriage beginning, even if the woman is not worried. A properly constructed schedule allows you to suspect a malfunction in the body and prescribe treatment on time.

In the case of a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature (below 37 degrees) to 12 weeks, hormone therapy is carried out in order to maintain pregnancy.

A basal (in the rectum) temperature should be measured in the morning immediately after a night's sleep. It is advisable to do this at the same time. In the evening, prepare a thermometer, put it near the bed so that you can reach it with your hand. Measure the temperature without getting out of bed, before emptying the bladder and intestines. The measurement time is 5-10 minutes. The obtained indicators are recorded in a special schedule.

The curve of the graph shows how the hormonal background changes in different phases of the cycle. When pregnancy occurs, the rectal temperature rises. Pregnancy proceeds safely if the basal temperature is held at 37 degrees or higher for up to four to five months. Usually it is not necessary to measure the temperature for such a long time while waiting for the baby, the main period is up to 12 weeks, when a miscarriage is possible .

Too high rectal temperature during pregnancy can indicate a possible disadvantage. This happens with inflammatory processes. In this case, the basal (rectal) temperature is kept at the level of 37.7-37.8 degrees. With these indicators, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination and treatment.

Rectal temperature during pregnancy is a fairly informative and also free method that allows you to determine the threat of interruption or inflammatory processes when bearing a child. If the doctor has prescribed this test for you, conduct it in accordance with the instructions.

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