The water in the aquarium becomes cloudy. What to do?

Nothing is more fascinating for a person than the movement of fish in a home aquarium. Yes, you can spend hours enjoying the view of a virtual aquarium by looking at a computer monitor. You can watch the fish on the TV screen. You can, in extreme cases, go to the oceanarium and see real, living fish. But the owner of a real home aquarium receives the brightest, most impressive observations.

However, the entire impression of the observed spoils the muddy, greened water. Why is the water in the aquarium rapidly cloudy? The reason for this may be either improper water replacement, or improper feeding of fish.

Turbid, polluted water sometimes leads to the death of plants or even fish. When the new aquarium is filled with water for the first time, the so-called “bacterial outbreak” occurs, when unicellular organisms begin to multiply very rapidly. Therefore, you can’t immediately run the fish into the aquarium. We must wait until the water is clear, i.e. balance will be restored in water. Water at this time does not need to be changed, because again it becomes cloudy. The fish is populated in the “new house” after six to seven days, and to speed up the restoration of balance, you can add water from the old aquarium.

The water in the aquarium becomes turbid even when the fish are regularly overfed. The little inhabitants of the aquarium eat so funny, so you want to feed them endlessly. But not eaten food settles on the bottom, on the walls of the aquarium and leads to pollution of the water itself. The situation is further complicated by the felling of food residues between stones, into the ground, where it is not visible.

With poor filtration, the water in the aquarium also becomes cloudy and therefore it is important to have a good water purification system, because the breakdown of products can cause poisoning and death of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

If a lot of organic matter has accumulated at the bottom of the aquarium or there is an excess of sunlight, then microscopic plants are growing rapidly, and water is blooming. You can deal with flowering by reducing the illumination of the aquarium in direct sunlight. And if it is impossible to move the aquarium to a darker place, then you just need to temporarily block it from the sun with some translucent material. This is most often done using ordinary tracing paper.

When, on the contrary, there is not enough light, then the algae begins to die, rot and become brown. When a specific smell of cloudy water is heard, the reason for this may be the rapid growth of blue-green algae.

When the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, what to do will prompt you careful observations.

If you determine that the cause of turbidity is the overpopulation of the aquarium, then it is urgent to reduce the number of fish or to increase the purification of water.

When the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy because there is still half-eaten food left on the bottom, reduce portions or settle the fish that live on the bottom and feed on food that has settled on the bottom. Food should be completely eaten in 5 - 10 minutes.

When the water blooms, you must either replace the aquarium, or install a new, good lighting system.

To prevent algae from growing in the aquarium, add some snails or fish that feed on vegetation. This will save you from decomposition of plants in the water, and, therefore, from turbidity.

It must be remembered that a good filtration system is required to maintain the aquarium. When the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy, special additives are added to it that allow you to purify the water. But this is not worth it, because living water is the interaction of microorganisms that live in it. Create certain conditions and wait a bit, and the correct balance will be restored. And wrong actions can lead to even greater imbalances.

A significant role in maintaining balance in the aquarium is played by the correct replacement of water. It is necessary to change a small amount of water! With a small volume of the aquarium, the water in the aquarium becomes cloudy and this leads to the death of the inhabitants of your underwater world. First you need to check the quality of the water, the temperature and its acidity, and only then start the replacement. In a new aquarium, water must be changed three months after equilibrium is established.

Therefore, immediately you need to purchase the right equipment for the aquarium, and only then populate the fish.

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