Today, almost all applications use the scripting programming method - Spring Java. The main advantage of this language is that the user is given the opportunity to develop a program in the form of a simple set of loose-coupled elements that are not tied to each other.
Simply put, the smaller the application blocks are interconnected, the easier it is to register new functionality and at the same time control an existing structure. One of the most striking and simple examples is transaction management. With the help of Spring Java, the management of the transaction structure is carried out regardless of the main logic of database connectivity. Any changes in the design of the logic will not affect the transaction, that is, they will not violate the main idea of the program. Spring is modular.
. , , , Spring Java. , , , IoC, .
Spring Java , , Spring.
Java Spring (, . ). "" , !
" " , , . :
- BeanDefinition (Xml, JavaConfig, Groovy AnnotationConfigApplicationContext). – BeanDefinition. - .
- () – BeanDefinition.
- FactoryBean.
- () .
- .
- .
" ", Java ee Spring (). "". , , Java. .
Spring , ( ). , . :
- – inversion of control. , Java.
- – () Java. Java environments.
- - . , - Java.
- . Java.
- . .
- . Spring Security.
"" :
, Java Spring. .
Java Spring ()
Spring . XML-. Java Spring. java (1.5), tomcat (6), ant (1.7), eclipse (3), junit 4x.
Java Spring, :
- . eclipse - Spring IDE. Springapp war.
- index.jsp. Java Spring web WEB-INF web.xml.
- tomcat. , ANT-, , .
- , . tomcat - : localhost:8080/springapp/.
- Spring Framework .
, . Spring Java config:
- web.xml, WEB-INF. , .
- . '.htm' -.
- WEB-INF/lib.
- springapp.web .
- .
- .
Spring Java? , :
- – index.jsp, , .
- springapp-servlet.xml.
- .
- .
Java Spring Security ?
Spring Security . , , Spring Framework.
Spring Security:
- SecurityContextHolder. , , . SecurityContextHolder ThreadLocal, , , .
- SecurityContext. , , Authentication.
- Authentication. .
- GrantedAuthority. , .
- UserDetails. Authentication . , , .
- UserDetailsService. , UserDetails .
Integration Java Spring – , , . , - :
Spring Hadoop
VMware, - Apache Hadoop Spring. . :
- HBase.
- Batch Spring.
- Java Spring.
- Hadoop.
- Hadoop.
- Hadoop.
- Hadoop.
Java Hibernate
- . , – . . , , . , , .
Java Spring - - ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). Hibernate, . , .
Java Hibernate Spring :
- Increment.
- Identity.
- Sequence.
- Hilo.
- Seqhilo.
- Uuid.
- Guid.
- Native.
- Assigned.
- Foreign.
- sequence-identity.
Java Hibernate Spring:
- Primary Key.
- HQL.
- : Second level, Session Level , , Query.
- .
- Outer Join.
Java Spring "". - bootstrap. html . :
. Java Spring. :
- , Java.
- .
- Spring-boot.
- .
- . - .
- create-read-update-delete.
- jsp.
- .
MVC, Spring
MVC – "", . - . , . front-end-. Servlet API. .
- Model — , .
- View — , .
- Controller — , .
- HandlerAdapter.
- Controller.
- View.
- HandlerMapping.
- ViewResolver.
- HandlerInterceptor.
- LocaleResolver.
- MultipartResolver.
Java Spring MVC (model-view-controlle) :
- .
- .
- .
- API Servlet.
- -.
- "", MVC (model-view-controlle).
, - . BeanFactory, , .
DAO JDBC- , JDBC- . , , , , Pojos ( Java).
ORM API , JDO, Hibernate Ibatis. , O/R- Spring-.
- Spring , Alliance, , , - .
, , NET-.
- Spring - , , - . Spring MVC -, Spring Framework .
JPA , :
- ""- POJO.
- ( final).
- . - .
- Implements Serializable. , .
- , , Primary key.
- .
- getters , . , , Array, . , .
- . Java Spring . , , .
- . , __, "" - .
- WEB. -. , .
- __ . , . .
- " ". ( ).
- . , Transaction Manager. , , , .
- Security. (, . ). 10 , Security.
Java Spring
, " ", . , , , Java Spring. :
- Inversion of Control – IoC – , , .
- – - . "" .
- MVC - Model-view-controller – , , . web.
- WEB , , . .
- ORM- Object-Relational Mapping – ( ) - , .
- DAO "".
- Service Abstraction – ( ) , .
Today you can find a lot of useful and interesting information on Java Spring. Lessons, tutorials, webinars will certainly help you learn this scripting programming language without any problems. If you have any problems writing the application, review the Spring documentation, in which the authors described in detail all the requirements for the Java structure, and also answered questions about how to fix common mistakes.