Anembryony is called a pathological pregnancy, which is characterized by the absence of an embryo in the fetal egg. There is another name for pathology. Very often this phenomenon is called empty fetal egg syndrome. A pathological condition over a long period may not differ from a normal pregnancy.
At the initial stages, a woman may not suspect anything, since pregnancy proceeds without features. Only a doctor can suspect something was wrong.
The egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. However, for some reason, the development of the embryo stops, while the fetal egg continues to increase in size. That is why many women are interested in what causes anembryonia, and what preventive measures should be taken to avoid an unpleasant phenomenon.
More details
In medicine, two types of missed pregnancy are distinguished: the death of an embryo and anembryo. The phenomenon is quite common among women of different ages. Non-developing pregnancy (ICD-10 code - O02.1) is diagnosed in fifteen percent of cases of reproductive loss.
Anembryony is a specific complication. Diagnosed in the first trimester.
The phenomenon in most cases has a negative effect on the psycho-emotional state of women. Sometimes anembryonia can cause depression.
Pathology can be detected both in primiparous women and in the fair sex, who already have healthy children.
There are several types of pathological phenomena:
- Anembryony of the first type. With this type of pathology, the embryo, as well as its remains, are not found during examination. The size of the ovum, as a rule, does not exceed 2.5 millimeters. The size of the uterus does not match the expected gestational age. Most often, the reproductive female organ increases to a maximum of the fifth to seventh week of gestation.
- Anembryony of the second type. A pathology in which the embryo is absent, however, the diameter of the fetal egg and the size of the uterus correspond to the expected gestational age.
- Resorption of the ovum. There may be several. In this case, fetal eggs are found, the development of which is no different from the norm, and regressing at the same time. Often a similar phenomenon occurs after an IVF procedure, if several embryos were planted at once for a woman.
It is worth noting that with a visual examination, pathology cannot be recognized. Anembryony can only be determined using ultrasound.
The exact causes of the pathology have not been established. Experts suggest that hereditary factors can lead to the death of the embryo, the action of which leads to an incorrect distribution of chromosomes. As a rule, in more than eighty percent of cases, genetic abnormalities are detected. To determine the presence of such allows a histological examination of abortive material.
According to doctors, low-quality biological material can become the cause of anembryony. If fertilization of a full egg occurs with a pathologically altered sperm or vice versa, the embryo is inferior, nonviable. As a result, a woman's body rejects a pathological neoplasm.
In addition, according to experts, the following factors significantly increase the risk of anembryony:
- alcohol abuse during pregnancy planning, as well as in the early stages of an “interesting” situation;
- smoking, substance abuse, drug use;
- state of fatigue, constant stress, emotional devastation accompanying the first trimester of pregnancy;
- hormonal imbalance, problems with the thyroid gland;
- radiation exposure to the expectant mother of radiation;
- acute viral diseases such as flu, rubella, pneumonia, cystitis, etc.
The occurrence of anembryo may be due to physical exertion, which the representative of the weaker sex performed in the first trimester of pregnancy. This factor determines the prevalence of this phenomenon in professional athletes who do not reduce the intensity of training.
In itself, the phenomenon of anembryony does not have a negative effect on a woman's reproductive function. However, empty egg syndrome can cause mental disorders.
An undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages proceeds without any symptoms. The condition is not a concern. Signs of anembryo are no different from signs of pregnancy. A woman may feel tired. Menstruation stops. In addition, the phenomenon may be accompanied by toxicosis, like the most common pregnancy. Perhaps coarsening of the nipples, an increase in the mammary glands. In some cases, especially when the pregnancy is not the first, colostrum is observed. The level of hCG with anembryo rises. The size of the uterus also undergoes changes, increases. Due to the similarity of the signs of anembryony with the symptoms of an ordinary pregnancy, it is impossible to detect pathology with a visual examination or by taking blood tests, etc. Only ultrasound can detect the presence of an undeveloped pregnancy.
If a woman does not suspect anything, and the pathological condition is not diagnosed within the walls of a medical institution, the first noticeable sign of anembryony is possible - the appearance of bloody discharge, which subsequently ends in spontaneous abortion, i.e., miscarriage. The intensity of bleeding may be different. As a rule, discharge is accompanied by painful sensations.
Only a qualified specialist can suspect the presence of a pathology of pregnancy. Most often, doctors are concerned about the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the expected gestational age, as well as the insufficiently intense increase in the level of hCG.
Confirm the doctor's suspicions can only ultrasound of the uterine cavity. A study is being conducted in the clinic. Anembryonia on ultrasound is determined quite easily. On the echogram, a fetal egg is clearly visible, in the cavity of which there is no yolk sac or embryo. If the gestational age is very short and does not exceed four weeks, the woman is recommended to repeat the study after seven to ten days. If the doctor does not detect an embryo during a second ultrasound, the final diagnosis is made.
The only treatment is abortion by artificial methods. It is extremely rare for doctors to decide to wait a few more days for the female body to get rid of the defective fetal egg on its own.
Artificial abortion can be carried out in several ways: with the help of medications and surgically. The vast majority of qualified gynecologists prefer the first method, since it is less traumatic. The risk of complications is minimal.
The doctor prescribes a representative of the weaker sex, the constituent components of which contribute to an increase in the tone of the muscles of the uterus. Some time after taking the medication, the fetal egg is expelled, in which there is no embryo. Medical abortion is possible only until the eighth week of pregnancy. After this period, doctors resort to surgical procedures. It is best if the pathology is eliminated by taking medication before the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy. In this case, the risk of unpleasant consequences for the female body is minimal.
The surgical method of abortion is curettage of the uterine cavity. This method, as a rule, is used if an incomplete miscarriage has occurred. An indication for surgical manipulation is heavy bleeding.
Abortive intervention may be a vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity.
After the operation, the doctor is forced to conduct the histology of a missed pregnancy. In some cases, genetic testing may be necessary.
The intensity of pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the duration of the rehabilitation period and the likelihood of developing early and late complications, depend on how artificial termination of an undeveloped pregnancy is carried out in the early stages.
After abortion in one way or another, antibiotic therapy is carried out. For this, the doctor prescribes special medications, the action of which helps to strengthen the body's immune system.
After artificial termination of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary, the results of which will determine the success of treatment.
If a representative of the weaker sex is in a poor emotional state, and there is a risk of developing depression, specialists can prescribe antidepressants and tranquilizers. In any case, even if the woman’s emotional state is normal, the advice of a qualified psychotherapist is recommended.
You must understand that a new pregnancy can be planned after six months. Earlier conception can lead to serious consequences.
Possible consequences and complications
It must be understood that anembryony in itself does not adversely affect the state of a woman's reproductive function.
This pathological phenomenon can lead to serious psychological problems. A woman may experience frequent insomnia, apathy, depressive states, as well as a loss of interest in what is happening around the phenomena. In addition, in some cases, the representative of the fair sex after such a shock may have a fear of repetition of the experience.
In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that artificial termination of pregnancy is associated with certain risks. In the process of surgical manipulations and taking special drugs, complications may occur. A woman may have bleeding from the uterine cavity, accompanied by severe pain, as well as damage to the cervix. In addition, uterine rupture and bleeding disorders may result from surgery. In exceptional cases, manipulations can cause the development of secondary infertility.
Toxic lethal shock resulting from endometritis can be fatal. It should be understood that the mortality rate from artificial medical abortion is less than one percent. The consequences of manipulations depend directly on the method of termination of pregnancy and on the gestational age at which medical actions are performed.
The prognosis for a woman is in most cases favorable. After the artificial abortion procedure, it is very important for the fair sex to carefully monitor her health. If there is the slightest discomfort in the lower abdomen in the area of the genital organs, you should immediately seek advice from a medical institution.
The next pregnancy should not be planned before six months. Pregnancy at an earlier date is fraught with serious consequences. In most cases, six months is enough to fully restore the body. The following pregnancies, as a rule, proceed normally and end in childbirth on time. The reappearance of anembryony is possible in the case when one or both spouses have any genetic diseases.
There are no specific measures to prevent anembryo. To prevent the development of pathological pregnancy, men and women are advised to be as responsible as possible about planning for future offspring.
Before the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, both spouses must undergo an examination to exclude problems of the organs of the reproductive system. All existing diseases must be cured in advance, because during the period of bearing the child the disease can worsen, causing discomfort to the expectant mother and jeopardizing the health of the fetus.
To reduce the risk of developing anembryony, it is better to abandon bad habits. You need to give up cigarettes, excessive amounts of alcohol. The use of drugs is strictly prohibited. It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right. Necessary moderate physical activity, long walks in the fresh air.
From the first days of pregnancy, a woman needs the supervision of a qualified specialist. During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to abandon increased physical exertion. It is useful to perform exercises for pregnant women both for the expectant mother and for the baby.
With repeated pregnancies, a woman is observed by a geneticist. If for the first time it was found that the cause was a hereditary factor, it is recommended that the couple resort to IVF treatment.
Instead of a conclusion
The phenomenon of anembryo is quite common. An undeveloped pregnancy (ICD-10 code - O02.1) in the early stages occurs in fifteen percent of cases of reproductive loss. The exact causes of empty egg syndrome have not yet been established. Risk factors include an unhealthy lifestyle, as well as malnutrition, the presence of genetic pathologies.
With a visual examination, it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis. Anembryonia is detected during an ultrasound scan. There are no other effective diagnostic methods. And all because the signs of anembryo are similar to the symptoms of an ordinary pregnancy. When should the operation be performed?
It is best if the treatment is carried out before the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy. Artificial abortion is performed. Most often, for these purposes, special medications are used, the constituent components of which cause rejection of the defective fetal egg by the body. As a result of taking such funds, a miscarriage occurs. Another way is to perform a surgical operation, which includes curettage of the uterine cavity. Vacuum aspiration is an effective treatment for anembryony. The timing of rehabilitation depends on which week of the defective pregnancy an artificial termination was performed.
The pathology itself does not harm the female body and does not affect the state of reproductive function. As a rule, unpleasant consequences can be the result of improper treatment. That is why it is very important to contact a highly qualified specialist and throughout the entire period of treatment to be under his strict supervision.