Pedigree database of Chihuahua "Ingrus": features of use, reviews of breeders

Is it possible to know the ancestors of the dog and their titles, knowing only the puppy's nickname? Yes, if you use the Ingrus pedigree database. If the dog is listed in it, then the user will have access to information about the puppy itself and about its ancestors up to the eighth knee. How to learn to use the Ingrus chihuahua base on your own? Learn from this article.

Happy chihuahua

Chihuahua dog breed

These tiny babes have a whole army of fans. Chihuahua dog is friendly, active and very attached to its owner. Babies are very smart and easy to train. According to the standard, the weight of a chihuahua should not exceed 3 kg. These are long-lived dogs, they will delight the owners with their presence of 14-18 years.

Now the market is oversaturated with Chihuahuas, and dozens of offers are published daily on any virtual bulletin board. But how to choose a purebred individual? Here, the owner will come to the aid of the Ingrus base of Chihuahua pedigrees. On the site you can get acquainted with the ancestors of the puppy and with information about the little one.

All colors except merle are allowed in the breed. In this case, the dog has a marble coat color. A dog with Merle color will be disqualified at the show, so its owners will not be able to obtain admission to breeding. The fight against this coat color in the breed is because it is associated with genetic problems in Chihuahuas. Puppies with Merle coat color are often born with deformities and die in infancy.

Chihuahua dogs can have both long and short hair. Due to its small size, this breed is not recommended for families with preschool children. Veterinarians recommend feeding the chihuahua a quality dry food. If the dog began to leak eyes, then this may be a symptom of a food allergy.

Male chihuahua

Why is Ingrus needed?

The site contains information about dogs from different countries. It will be interesting to both breeders and ordinary owners. Using the site is easy, it has an intuitive interface. Here you can find out information about your own dog, plan mating with a specific manufacturer, and find out the contacts of the breeder. If you wish, you can get a link to the Chihuahua pedigree and paste it into your blog or website.

All data is entered on the site by professional breeders themselves. As soon as the babies are born in the house, you can create your own pages for them in the pedigree database of the Ingus Chihuahua pedigrees. This will greatly simplify the sale process, because you will not need to conduct long conversations about the ancestors, you can just send a link. And it will immediately become clear to the customers themselves how roughly the baby will grow. If the puppy is needed for exhibitions and breeding, then the owners of the site will be able to familiarize themselves with his relatives and understand whether he is suitable for them.

Fluffy chihuahua puppy

How to enter the data of your dog in the database?

Usually this procedure is performed by the breeder himself some time after the birth of the puppies. He himself enters all the data on the baby, including the correct name of his color, date of birth and nursery in which he was born. But some breeders do not, for example, due to poor orientation on the Internet. In this case, entering the puppy in the pedigree database of Chihuahua "Ingrus" falls on the shoulders of its new owners.

First you need to register on the site by reporting your email. Next, in the menu, select the subpoint “Add a dog”. First you need to specify the parents. If they are already registered in the database, then the owner can simply select them. If the ancestors of the dog are not in the database, then you need to contact your breeder for information about them.

After the data about the parents are entered, you need to add a photo of the puppy. It will need to be changed as the baby grows, it is important that it is always relevant. After that fill in the data about the breeder. If he is already registered with Ingrus, he can be found by his first and last name. If there is no breeder on the site, then you will have to add data about him yourself. After that, enter data on the puppy's weight, his color and coat length.

Cute puppy

Reviews of breeders

Dog breeding includes the selection of a pair for breeding, which is greatly simplified thanks to this site. The breeders' feedback on the Ingus Chihuahua pedigree database is mostly positive. On the site you can find out all about the ancestors of the dog of interest, its titles, weight, country of residence. But some breeders noted that sometimes they encountered inaccurate information on the Ingrus.

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