How in different countries cats are called, what sounds and words

Everyone knows that a cat is considered a freedom-loving animal. For centuries, they have been living with people. In all countries there are those who simply adore these pets, come up with the most unusual names for them. In this article we will tell how cats are called in different countries, what names they come up with, and indeed, what kind of relationship people have with these animals.

So began the story of cats

how in different countries cats are called

According to one version of historians, the first cats were tamed by people in ancient Egypt for more than two thousand years BC. In those days, the rodent killer in this country was considered a sacred animal. Cats were strictly guarded and guarded. Their export abroad was punishable by death.

In those days, the preservation of crops played a big role, only cats were serious rodent exterminators. In Greece and Rome, even ferrets, snakes were tried to tame for these purposes, but nothing came of it. Somehow, the Greek smugglers managed to bring tamed mouse and rat hunters into the country.

So cats appeared in the Roman Empire and in Greece. Now it doesn’t matter how cats are called in different countries, the fact remains that they are all from Egypt.

Cats in our world

Later, cats came to Britain from Italy. Here they were allowed to keep even in monasteries. Their main purpose remained - to protect the granaries from rodents. In the Middle Ages in Europe, cats fell out of favor. They began to accuse them of being connected with witches, they called them minions of the devil, and even burned them at the stake. There was a real war with cats. Poor animals have been blamed for all epidemics, accidents, and diseases. This continued until the middle of the 18th century, when the Inquisition went into the past.

In Russia, the first mention of cats dates back to the 14th century. The pet was very much appreciated, it was an indispensable assistant in the fight against mice, rats. For the theft of a cat a fine was imposed equal to that for the abduction of an ox. Then it was a very impressive amount.

how to call cats in different countries of the world

Recognition in Europe for cats was returned in the middle of the XIX century. Fans of pets began to unite, create clubs. The first unusual breeds began to appear. The beginning of the history of modern cats can be called 1871, then the first official exhibition of cats was held, which was a huge success. Then people still did not know how to call cats in different countries of the world and, perhaps, therefore, in each area their call signs were born.

Why Russian cats respond to "kys-kys"

Each of us, for sure, wondered what attracted our pussies to the call of “kitty-kitty”. As soon as the cat hears these sounds, it rushes towards you, sweeping away everything in its path. The answer, however, will surprise you. So these Russian animals belong to these sounds.

In our country it is customary to call a cat "kitty-kitty". To a greater extent, she reacts precisely to the sound "s". The cat's ear is very susceptible to high-frequency sounds. Even if loudly, clearly pronounce "ps-ps", the cat will surely come running.

Our cats react simply to hissing sounds. But what is surprising, if from birth to call a kitten by name only, he will associate the feeding process with these sounds and then “kitty-kitty” will not attract him in any way.

What are the words calling cats in different countries

Scientists have been struggling for a long time over the mystery of what kind of call all the cats of the world respond to, but the answer has not been found. There is only one conclusion - they all catch the whistling, hissing sounds, which attract their attention. Some animals are wary of the call. Maybe they pick up murmuring or hissing other cats in high-frequency sounds. Although there are such instances that do not respond to anything other than their name.

what words are calling cats in different countries of the world

And now about the most interesting. Do you know how cats are called up in different countries? In each country, in its own way:

  • If in France, for example, you call the cat Russian "kitty-kitty", it will not even turn around. There cats are accustomed to the "mine-mine." Exquisite French invoke them with such affectionate words.
  • In Israel, cats also do not respond to Russian. They are responding to the weird “smack-smack”.
  • The Italian cat will come to you with great pleasure if you call "michu-michu".
  • Korean cats respond to a very strange "nabiya nabiya".
  • In Japan, cats, as if by magic, run up to the calls for "oyde-oyde". Very strange for us.
  • Very cat-like to the appeal in India. There, imitating pets, people call meow meow.
  • In both America and England, cats are called up by Kiri-Kiri.
  • Thinking about how cats are called up in different countries, it should be noted that there are states where the calls are very similar to Russian, their cats may even respond to your sounds. Germany - “ks-ks”, Sweden “kys-kys”, Finland “kisu-kisu”.
  • In Arab countries, it may seem that cats are driven away on the contrary. Their call is "shoo-shoo."
  • Dutch cats will only respond to pus-pus.
  • In Bulgaria, Serbia, a cat is a matska, a cat is a matzah. Accordingly, their name there is very simple "matz-matz-matz."

what are the words calling cats in different countries [1], 1

How cats relate to humans

Many inhabitants still believe that a cat is a freedom-loving animal and it does not care about a person. But the dog is a friend who clearly expresses his emotions. To some extent, this may be so. But those who really adore cats, keep them in their house, strongly disagree with this statement.

Everyone knows how the cat meets the owner from work if she spent the whole day in the apartment. She faithfully looks into her eyes, rubs her legs, and even gently hits you with her paw, asks her to caress and stroke. Those who raised a kitten into an adult cat from birth know what kind of friend and affectionate family member he becomes. Not a single brought up domestic cat will harm the baby, will either tolerate its encroachment, or simply hide.

What is the best name for the cat?

how to lure cats in different countries

How to lure cats in different countries, we figured out, and now discuss what name is better to give your pet. Someone believes that a cat can only be Murka or Muska, and a cat - Vaska or Murzik. In the villages of our grandmothers, perhaps, it was.

Now many owners are trying to name a favorite by some strange or surprising word. Affectionately, affectionately, many call their kitty Nyasha, and someone gives the cat the formidable name Stifler. Some thoroughbred animals bear names that are unique to their "blue blood", those that are written in the passport.

However, it doesn’t matter, as well as what words call cats in different countries of the world. The main thing is to love and take care of your pet, give it all your care and affection, and then your friend will always meet you with a cheerful purr.

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