In almost every case, the expectation of a child may be associated with some anxieties and worries. And often they cause discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. It is worth noting that they are present in any woman throughout her life. This is a kind of indicator of natural origin, which assesses the state of the female reproductive system.
And after a successful conception, vaginal discharge changes, in connection with which every woman wonders what they should be at the initial stage of pregnancy. After all, not all of them say that bearing a child proceeds in a favorable way.
About what is the norm
The secret that is secreted from the vagina is a special substance of a rather complex composition, which includes:
- Mucus is a “product” during the activity of the glands of the reproductive system, which are located in the uterus, cervix of the genital organ, and vagina.
- Microorganisms - their constant habitat is the vagina, and the number and type are constantly changing. Under normal conditions, a lot of lactic acid bacteria prevail, which impede the development of other microbes that have got here. At the same time, the presence of microorganisms of another type is not yet a pathology.
- Epithelial cells - they cover the surface of all genital organs and often change. Their dead remains are an invariable component at the initial stage of pregnancy.
What are the discharge during early pregnancy? In terms of functionality, allocations play a major role because:
- Provide protection against pathogens.
- Humidification of the environment during intercourse.
- Promote self-cleaning of the vagina.
Depending on the period of the menstrual cycle, the discharge may have a different shade and consistency. At the ovulation phase, they are of a mucous nature, stretch well, are transparent, and in appearance look like egg white. But some time after conception, usually 10-14 days, the discharge is already slightly different, which is associated with hormonal restructuring of the female body in the event of successful fertilization of the egg.
In this case, the discharge becomes scarce, thick and they are no longer transparent. This is due to the production of progesterone, which, in fact, is a hormone of pregnancy. As for the shade, in the early stages of the allocation of white color, and they are popularly called dairy. Their thickening is caused by the need to create corks in the cervix. And she has an equally important role - to close access to various pathogenic microorganisms to the fetus throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
According to numerous reviews, discharge during pregnancy in the early stages are always there, but they should not bother the expectant mother. After all, this is a necessary physiological process during which her body prepares for the ripening and gestation of the fetus. Therefore, there is no reason to panic and worry.
However, this applies to those cases when the discharge is transparent, white and they are not accompanied by discomfort, itching, unpleasant odor, burning sensation. If there is at least one symptom, you must visit a doctor.
What is not the norm
Allocations can be considered abnormal if they differ in a number of signs:
- Unusual consistency.
- Pungent odor.
- They have a yellowish, greenish, brown hue.
Often, you can notice blood impurities. What all this can testify to is worth analyzing in detail.
White discharge during early pregnancy
White discharge, usual for many women, can be accompanied by many troubles. This is often an itching with burning, which usually occurs after taking a shower, sexual intercourse, and even during sleep. The discharge may have a curdled texture with an unpleasant sour smell.
The reason for this is a disease - vaginal candidiasis, which is also known as thrush. The causative agent is candida fungus, and it is present in the vagina of any woman. At the same time, under normal conditions of pregnancy, he behaves calmly and does not cause anxiety. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics may contribute to its activation.
The acidic environment of the vagina also changes, which also gives rise to the development of the fungus. Many expectant mothers already know this enemy in person, and try to get rid of him with the help of familiar medications.
However, you need to not only know what discharge occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, but also make informed decisions. Taking medications, without coordination with the doctor, is associated with a certain risk to the fetus. And trying to protect herself and the child, the woman thereby gets the exact opposite result. This is due to the fact that most drugs can not be taken during pregnancy.
The secret of a yellowish tint
Not always yellowish discharge in early pregnancy can be considered the norm. At the same time, if they are not accompanied by pain and irritation, then there is no reason for concern. Otherwise, this may signal the onset of the development of the inflammatory process in the presence of staphylococcus, E. coli.
The following manifestations can be satellites of yellow discharge - a sharp unpleasant odor, fever, pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor as soon as possible, since the onset of inflammation carries a potential threat to the child, causing a miscarriage.
Why in the early stages of pregnancy, the allocation of a yellow-green or gray-green tint against the background of foamy bubbles should cause concern? They can be a symptom of a disease that is transmitted only sexually. Among them:
- gonorrhea;
- chlamydia
- trichomoniasis.
The treatment of such diseases is associated with certain difficulties, since doctors have to choose those medications that will not harm the child.
Green highlight
In some cases, a woman may detect green discharge with a characteristic fishy “aroma”. This can be regarded as a sign of bacterial vaginosis. With this disease, the vaginal microflora is disturbed. In some cases, there may be a yellowish tint, but in the presence of the same smell. If the appearance of these signs is ignored by a woman, then subsequently inflammation can affect the bladder, appendages, the inner surface of the walls of the uterus.
Any woman, upon detection of such symptoms, immediately begins to wonder, what should be the discharge during early pregnancy? And the green tint at least guards her. As for the treatment itself, it is not carried out during pregnancy, the doctor’s efforts are aimed at eliminating the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. A full course will be appointed later, after the birth of the child.
What brown discharge says
The appearance of brown discharge may be due to natural physiological processes, which is a generally accepted norm. If at the same time they are scarce and are short-lived (several hours or days), then there is nothing to worry about. This is due to implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall and the onset of germination of chorionic villi.
In the case when brown discharge occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, there are good reasons for this:
- Implantation bleeding.
- Chorionic detachment.
- Ectopic pregnancy.
- Frozen pregnancy.
Implantation bleeding can usually be observed by 7-13 days after conception. This is also associated with the attachment of the ovum to the uterine wall. There is no danger here, unless they persist for quite some time.
Partial detachment of the chorion can result in incomplete fixation of the fetal egg on the wall of the uterus. This can also happen during the formation of the placenta. In this case, a certain space forms, filled with blood, which gradually begins to collapse. It is the dead red blood cells that give the discharge a brown tint. A timely visit to the doctor will save the pregnancy. For this, a special therapeutic course will be prescribed, which should take place in a hospital.
Sometimes the cause of a brown discharge during pregnancy in the early stages is an ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg under certain circumstances may not be fixed on the wall of the uterus, as expected, but in completely inappropriate places for this. And in most cases it is a fallopian tube. In this case, nothing but an abortion remains. Moreover, the sooner such a pathology is detected, the better for a woman. Otherwise, the consequences are very dangerous, even fatal.
There are many different reasons for a frozen pregnancy. In this case, the development of the fetus stops and it dies. For some time, the ovum begins to be rejected by the mucous membrane of the uterus, and this happens unevenly. As a result, hematomas are formed like retroplacental. In this case, the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, intoxication of the body against a background of worsening general condition. The treatment in this case is only surgical, which is done by curettage.
Spotting in early pregnancy
No wonder the red color in many people is associated with danger. Moreover, one does not need to go far for examples; in nature itself there are insects that are masked with the help of this shade to ensure their own safety. The same applies to spotting, which indicate a threat to pregnancy or the health of a woman. Only pronounced discharge should be taken into account. A few drops on underwear or sanitary napkins still do not say anything.
Blood impurities can be in the presence of certain diseases such as uterine fibroids, or due to polyps in the cervix, defect in blood coagulation, trauma. As a rule, the woman herself knows perfectly well about the presence of such a condition, but consulting a specialist will not hurt.
And if this is not discharge in the early stages of pregnancy without pain, then the causes of blood may be:
- The risk of spontaneous abortion.
- Pseudo-erosion of the cervix.
- Bubble drift.
Among all cases of the appearance of blood in the discharge, the threat of abortion is in the first place. At the same time, the woman feels pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen, which are given to the sacrum and lower back. In this case, do not hesitate - you need urgent hospitalization, accompanied by maintenance therapy. If the miscarriage that has begun has passed to the next stage, the pains become cramping in nature, accompanied by heavy bleeding. It is no longer possible to save a pregnancy; a woman needs to be hospitalized because such a condition threatens her life.
Fresh blood inclusions in the secretions are insignificant and may appear after intercourse, intimate hygiene. In some cases, they are discovered by chance during a routine gynecological examination. It can also provoke small spotting in the early stages of pregnancy. There is no threat to a woman or child.
Fortunately, cystic drift occurs in very rare cases. This pathology is characterized by the fact that the chorionic villi, instead of starting to form a placenta, begin to transform into small vesicles. In this case, the embryo cannot develop and dies. For the woman herself, this condition threatens not only with heavy bleeding, chorionepithelioma begins to form. Urgent hospitalization and surgery by curettage are needed.
At the same time, in the first week of pregnancy, you may notice small blood spots. This is due to the fact that uterine blood supply increases. But in any case, at the slightest suspicion, you need to visit a doctor for advice.
Treatment features
Based on the cause of the discharge, the necessary treatment is prescribed, which is individual in each case. If this is placental abruption, then help is urgently needed. The treatment course will be aimed at preserving pregnancy when using hormonal drugs.
In the event that the reason for the discharge in early pregnancy before the delay is the threat of premature termination of pregnancy, the woman needs to be hospitalized as soon as possible. In this case, it is extremely important to observe strict bed rest, hormone therapy is carried out, and with heavy spotting, hemostatic agents are prescribed.
With erosion of the cervix, the woman will be examined and she will be prescribed the necessary medications. As for cauterization of erosion, for the period of pregnancy this manipulation is not done for obvious reasons.
The situation is different if, during a routine examination of a woman or in connection with her complaints, the doctor discovers an alleged missed pregnancy. The patient is urgently delivered to the gynecological hospital. And with a confirmed diagnosis, the fetal egg is removed from the uterine cavity by curettage, mini-abortion, or vacuum. It all depends on how long the pathology was detected. Whatever the reason, only the attending physician has the right to prescribe treatment!
Elementary rules
Each woman monitors not only her health, but also personal hygiene. However, not everyone does it as it should. But these rules are simple and uncomplicated. And so that the discharge in the early stages of pregnancy does not disturb their appearance, sometimes it is enough to do the following:
- Before daily procedures, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
- When washing the external genitalia, this should be done only with your own hands, dispensing with sponges and washcloths. So you can protect delicate skin from damage.
- The washing itself should be done from front to back, which will avoid the penetration of various kinds of microorganisms.
- Throughout the pregnancy, do not take a bath or is in the pelvis, as there is a high risk of infection. It is better to do with a light shower, and in its absence, use a bucket or a plastic bottle.
- Douching or special baths are recommended only with the approval of a doctor.
- At the end of the procedure, you need to wet the surface of the skin with a clean towel, and it should be individual. If the family has several women, each has its own.
- The genitals should not be rubbed diligently, it is enough to get wet several times with a towel to remove moisture.
- It is not recommended to wear underwear immediately, you need to walk for at least 10-15 minutes without it - the skin will have time to relax.
If these easy rules are followed, many women will be able to protect themselves from the development of diseases of the female genital organs associated with improper hygiene. Allocations in the early stages of pregnancy bother every woman, but you just need to pay attention to their nature. What they should be, has already been said, so if you find even the slightest suspicion, you must immediately visit a doctor.
And what can be done while on long trips where it is impossible to take a shower? In this case, you can use napkins for intimate hygiene. In addition, it is necessary to change the gasket every 4 hours in order to avoid the development of various microorganisms.
On the Internet you can find a considerable number of sites where women share experiences with each other regarding pregnancy and give practical advice. But one correct conclusion should be made - in no case should you neglect a visit to the doctor if you find abnormal discharge. There is a chance that everything else can be fixed.