The Rust game, an overview of which is presented in this article, was developed by the English company Facepunch Studios. The basis was the Source engine. The appearance of the game was influenced by projects such as Stalker and DayZ. The first versions were significantly different from what is presented in the game today. Only thanks to many improvements and additions in the game there was a huge set of opportunities.
December 11, 2013 is the date Rust appeared. A review of the game should begin at this point. Initially, no one had high hopes for Rust. However, two weeks later, the number of sold copies of the games exceeded one hundred and fifty thousand, which indicates great popularity among gamers.
, , 2014 Rust. . , .
, Garry’s Mod. , , , . Facepunch Studios - . Rust, , , . , , .
, , - Rust Rust Experimental. . - , , .
Experimental . , - Rust. , .
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, . Rust , . , Experimental , , Rust.
Rust Legacy. , Rust .
Rust Legacy. . Experimental . Rust, , . , .
, Rust, . . . . , , - .
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. , Minecraft. . , - . . , . , .
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Rust . , . , . , , , . . , .
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