Best Khajiit mods in Skyrim

Every gamer who is familiar with the Elder Scrolls series in general and Skyrim in particular, probably knows who the Khajiit are. Nevertheless, not all users are satisfied with the appearance of this beast, although the very idea of ​​humanoid cats is to their liking. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation. It is enough to use one or several Khajiit mods for Skyrim, and you can take a look at these furry warriors in a new way. And the best of these modifications will be discussed later.

Beast races retexture

This is a great Khajiit retexture mod in Skyrim. In fact, it simply improves the basic appearance of this beast, making it more realistic. The difference is especially noticeable in relation to the texture of the coat, eyes, claws and other small details.

Beast races retexture

By the way, the mod also affects the Argonian race and works not only for the main character, but also for all representatives of these beasts that are found in the game. The modification for the most part is suitable for those gamers who do not want any global changes, but simply want to improve the quality of the picture.


One of the best mods for Skyrim 5 for Khajiit. Completely replaces the faces of all representatives of this beast, making them more pretty. At the same time, the author used high-resolution high-quality textures to create the modification, so that when viewed close to you you will not find framed sections. The modification works on both male and female characters. Please note that only Khajiit faces are subject to change. If you want to improve also the body, you will have to use additional modifications.

Muscular Khajiit

This mod on the Khajiit bodies for Skyrim completely changes the model of male characters. After installing all the files, you will notice a significant increase in muscle mass in all representatives of this animal. In addition, the modification includes improved texture of wool and other small details.

Muscular Khajiit Mod

Please note that during the installation of the mod you will have the opportunity to choose one of three options for new bodies. So, you can make your furry warrior very pumped up, sinewy or keep the average proportions of muscle.

Feminine khajiit

And this Khajiit mod for Skyrim is intended for female characters. By the way, its author is the same person who made Muscular Khajiit. True, this modification does not add impressive muscle to the Khajiits, but more feminine forms. The mod is presented in two versions: “Leopard” and “Gray kitty”. As you might guess, the color of the coat of your heroine will depend on the choice. Also note that for the modification to work correctly, you must have a CBEE or UNP body replicator installed.

Dagi-khajiit race

This Khajiit mod for Skyrim adds a new variety of this beast to the game. The differences for the most part are the color of the coat, as well as the shape of the face and ears. Despite the great similarity with the original Khajiit, the new race looks very fresh and unusual.

Mod Dagi-Khajiit Race

Another advantage of this mod is its excellent compatibility. So, for example, you can easily use it simultaneously with all kinds of body replayers, as well as sets of new hairstyles, tattoos, colorings and other cosmetic effects.

Khajiit camp

A simple but very useful modification. She adds the Khajiit camp, which can be found next to Whiterun, in the game. By visiting it, you will not only chat with new characters, but you can also use some of them as your companions. In addition, in the camp you will find a blacksmith and a merchant. In addition, with almost all the Khajiit that appear after installing the modification, you can play a wedding. The only exceptions are the blacksmith and the merchant, who will not leave the camp under any circumstances.

Moon trails

This is not just a Khajiit mod for Skyrim, but a whole unofficial content addition. It will allow you to go to the jungle of Elsweyr and, of course, to participate in new adventures. You can visit unique locations, complete many interesting tasks, as well as recruit new associates, among whom there are even pahmers - a special subspecies of Khajiit that is not found in the vastness of Skyrim.

Mod "Lunar trails"

After the modification is installed, you will need to visit the tavern "Dead Honey", which is located in Falkrit. In it you will find Khajiit who intend to leave Skyrim, and after talking with them you can join their caravan.

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