Шерстяной ковер - произведение искусства древнего Востока

Most of the traditions of the Asian people are associated with the history of the appearance of carpets. Nomadic tribes in the East were engaged in farming and livestock. Processing meat and wool was the basis of their activities. Scientists suggest that the art of carpet weaving came from Central Asia. Carpets for nomads were a bed and a house, a door and decoration. And now in Central Asia, people living in the steppe far from the center, always have with them a small woolen carpet that can be spread on the canal, dine and pray on it.

Woolen Carpet

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The history of carpets is surrounded by mysteries and secrets. They could tell a lot through the drawing. Islamic clergy forbade drawing people and animals. Maybe that's why the masters conveyed through drawings, composition and color

Wool rug

the gamut is what they thought and dreamed about. Many heard the legend where the captured prince wove carpets, in which he told through the drawing where he was and who captured him. Sold carpets fell to the people of the prince, and they saved him. Then it was believed that even rulers and their children should know the honorable craft - carpet weaving. Sometimes this skill saved their lives.

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Buy woolen carpet

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