Breastfeeding is believed to be the only safe and beneficial nutritional option for newborns and infants. And indeed it is. Breast milk contains a huge amount of useful trace elements and vitamins that are necessary for the normal development of children. However, what to do for those who do not have the opportunity to breastfeed? Only purchase special meals. Mixture "Baby" of domestic production compares favorably with many of its kind.
Benefits of Artificial Feeding
Despite all the advantages of breastfeeding, this method of nutrition still has a drawback. Mom should always be around. Or to prepare so much milk that it is definitely enough for the time of its absence. Not every woman has the opportunity to express such an amount, and being around all day does not always work. This is especially true for working mothers. Artificial feeding becomes salvation in this case. Its advantage is that there is no need to be near the baby every minute. Both father and grandmother, and any other person who cares for a child, can feed him.
How to choose a mixture
In many maternity hospitals, babies are immediately fed with food. After discharge, mothers simply recommend the mixture that was used for this. But sometimes the need to switch to artificial nutrition does not arise immediately. How to choose a mixture in this case? Moreover, the choice in pharmacies is huge, starting with products of famous brands at a very solid cost and ending with "budget" options. The latter, by the way, also includes the “Baby” mixture of a domestic manufacturer. There are several different products in the line of this food, which are sometimes difficult to choose from. There are several criteria to choose from.
Mixture "Kid" is offered for different ages. So, for example, there are options that suit newborns. A large unit is drawn on the packaging, which indicates that the mixture is adapted for nutrition from 0 months of life. There is also a product intended for children who are already six months old. The packaging shows a large number 2, the second stage of artificial feeding. For already big kids, who turned one year old, there is a mixture of "Baby", which is a milk powder enriched with vitamins and minerals. This is the third stage of artificial feeding.
Flavoring additives
"Baby" - a milk formula designed specifically for infants of any age and with different taste preferences. So, for example, there is food with buckwheat, rice, oatmeal in the composition. It is suitable for six-month-old children. Each flour has its own characteristics.
Buckwheat meal
It is believed that such a mixture is more satisfying. Indeed, buckwheat flour gives the diet not only a special taste, but also a “heaviness”. With her, children eat up faster, less often ask to eat, which allows you to transfer them to "clear" meals. For example, in the morning, at lunch, afternoon and evening before bedtime. This “Baby” mixture, reviews of which is mostly positive, is quickly bred, easily absorbed by children's stomachs, and is considered hypoallergenic. However, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the child's reaction when entering food. There are children to whom it does not suit individual characteristics.
Rice Flour Meal
This type is considered soothing and nourishing. Mixture "Baby", reviews of which are somewhat contradictory, with rice flour is usually prescribed for restless children who sleep poorly and are often naughty. Why? Rice has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming it. However, there is a drawback. Rice flour can “harden”. That is, the chair will become less, but tougher. Therefore, the mixture is not recommended for those who already have problems with peristalsis. Baby formula "Kid", reviews of which are negative on this item, has been tested by experts. It is really recommended for children, safe, but not suitable for those who are already suffering from problems with a chair.
Oatmeal Meal
By the manufacturer, it is positioned as hypoallergenic and nutritious. That is, it is almost equivalent to a mixture with buckwheat flour, but it differs in taste. It is recommended by pediatricians in the event that none of the meals in the lineup fit for some reason. "Baby" - a milk mixture, which contains oatmeal, rarely causes rashes on the cheeks, colic, any other problems. However, there are exceptions, since all children's organisms are individual. Some babies eat the mixture with pleasure and without consequences, while others even refuse to take it in their mouths.
Why do children refuse to eat?
It so happens that after the mother’s breast, babies generally do not want to eat food from jars or boxes. What is the reason for this? Firstly, the nipple on the bottle may not fit. In this case, you just need to replace it. Secondly, the mixture from the bottle pours faster and easier than from the chest. At first, children simply choke on food, refuse it. Thirdly, an improperly diluted mixture causes discomfort both when consumed and after. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions when mixing water and powder.
How to make a mixture
On the power box there is a simple and understandable step-by-step sequence of actions that you must follow. Water must be warm, otherwise the powder will not dissolve completely, crumple. This causes discomfort when consumed and after, after some time. Mixture "Baby", the composition of which has been checked repeatedly by specialists, is fully adapted for baby food, safe and useful. What does it contain?
If you carefully read the package, you can see that the composition of the Baby formula is quite extensive: vitamins of various groups, trace elements, nutrients. Palm oil, which is very dangerous for health, is not in it. However, prebiotics, probiotics and polyunsaturated fatty acids are also not found. And they are important for the development of the children's body. That is, the “Baby” mixture, reviews of which are sometimes full of statements about its futility, provides saturation, but does not enrich the body of infants too much. Therefore, it is worth thinking about introducing additional vitamins, if recommended by a pediatrician.
Expert Reviews
Specialists often conduct "raids" on baby food in order to track the composition and usefulness. The “Baby” mixture, the composition of which has been studied several times, does not cause concern, although there are some deviations from what is written on the package. So, for example, there is more vitamin C than stated. However, all other indicators are normal. That is, the mixture does not harm children, even useful in some respects. Of course, she is far from breast milk, but it is quite suitable as an additional nutrition.
What moms say
The opinions of the parents about the mixture were divided. Some say that food is categorically not suitable for children, do not recommend it to others, they talk about too sweet taste, unpleasant odor or a lot of foam. Others praise the mixture. Why it happens? Baby organisms are individual. Only expensive mixtures are well suited for someone, and for someone, domestic and inexpensive analogues are enough. It's not the price or the manufacturer, but the kids themselves. Therefore, one cannot say for sure how good or bad the mixture is. From a scientific point of view, it is useful and safe.
Conclusion about the mixture
Should a child buy it? Why not? Some dairy kitchens in clinics themselves offer it for free. And it’s not that the “Baby” mixture, the price of which ranges from 120-160 rubles per box, is considered budgetary. It just really meets all the requirements for baby food. It is worth trying as the first mixture, since it is, however, inexpensive. Even if the mixture is not suitable for the child, pancakes or pancakes can be prepared from it, using milk instead. The only drawback of the product is that the package does not close tightly. But many mummies found a way out - they use the usual clothespin, which fastens the edges of the package. By the way, experts believe that a sealed package does not affect the quality of the mixture if it was stored correctly and the terms prescribed in the instructions were not violated. The powder lasts for only 2-3 days of regular nutrition, and the declared open storage time is 2 weeks. You can use the mixture as a night meal, so that the baby wakes up less often and spends the night calmer.