Everyone knows that the best food for the baby is mother's milk. It will not be replaced by any, even the most expensive and vitamin-rich mixture. But often a young mother raises the question of
how to properly feed her baby with breast milk. After all, conflicting information comes from all sides: the maternity hospital advises putting a baby to the chest on the clock with a mandatory night break, while consultants recommend giving the baby a breast on demand. And the newly minted mother is often at a crossroads ...
How to feed a baby breast milk? If we talk about newborn baby and baby of the first months of life, then the most optimal option is feeding on demand.
Moreover, both the peanut and the mother can demand it (especially in cases if the baby was born lightweight and weakened). Breastfeeding counselors advise not to consider the number of applications, but simply to offer breasts to a daughter or son at the slightest concern. However, such a regime, or rather, its complete absence, can very quickly tire a mother. Feeding a
baby with breast milk should be fun on both sides, so you need to try to choose the option that will satisfy everyone to the maximum extent. It may not be worth giving your baby the first squeak, however, strictly adhere to the schedule and observe the 3-hour interval should not be.
By the way, it should be said that nightly feeding is very important not only for the baby, but also for the mother, because it is at night that the body produces the most prolactin - a special hormone responsible for the production of milk.
Many mothers ask
how to properly breastfeed - sitting or lying down? It doesn’t matter at all, the pose can be any, the main thing is that mom and the little one should be comfortable. What really matters is whether the baby is breastfeeding correctly. It should be remembered that in his mouth should be not only the nipple, but also most of the circle around it (areola). This will make it possible to reduce the risk of cracks and abrasions. In addition, you need to ensure that the baby's nose is free so that he can breathe normally.
How to feed a baby breast milk when he is a little older? Much depends on the regime established from a very young age. But in any case, the number of feedings will gradually decrease. However, if the baby is used to getting breasts on demand, he can be applied to her very often (sometimes just for a couple of seconds).
If such an option suits the mother, it’s fine, because the breast for the baby is not only and not so much food as a remedy for sedation. Otherwise, you can gradually transfer the little one to a certain mode, accustoming him to calm down in other ways.
Also, many people are interested in the answer to the question of how much to feed a baby with breast milk. However, the only correct answer to it does not exist. Some doctors say that after a year it is almost pointless to feed the baby with breast milk, because it no longer contains any useful substances. But in fact, this is not entirely true, and mother’s milk remains useful for the peanut after a year, and even after two. Again, remember that feeding should not cause irritation. Therefore, if the mother, having fed the baby for a year (one and a half, two, etc.), feels that she is already tired of this process, one can begin to curtail him without a twinge of conscience. And if you have the strength, then it is quite possible to feed before self-weaning (3-4 years).