For a healthy animal, small discharge accumulating in the corners of the eyes after sleep is the norm. If a cat has watery eyes for several days in a row - this is a symptom of a disease caused by a viral infection. In this case, the help of a qualified specialist is indispensable. The doctor will establish the cause and prescribe medications to cope with the disease.
A quite common reason that a cat has watery eyes is such dangerous diseases as mycoplasmosis, herpes, or chlamydia. These infections provoke conjunctivitis, which causes lacrimation and purulent discharge. These viruses are dangerous not only for the cat, but also for its owners.
To determine the causative agent of the disease in the laboratory, an analysis of the swabs from the conjunctiva is performed. The main treatment for a viral infection is a course of antibiotics.
The veterinarian not only prescribes the necessary drugs, but also controls the entire process. It is very important to complete the treatment in order to avoid relapse.
With complaints that the cat's eyes are watery, many pet owners turn to specialists. From the experience of practicing veterinarians it is known that often lacrimation is an allergic reaction. Household dust, microorganisms living in upholstery of upholstered furniture and carpets, pollen of plants, even their own long wool can become its cause.
For the Persians, the allocation of tear fluid is the norm, due to the structure of the skull of the animal. Since tears can cause irritation on the skin of the animal, the owners need to properly care for the pet. In veterinary pharmacies today there is a large selection of liquids that can be used to wipe the area around the eyes of a Persian cat.
Mechanical damage or irritation of the cornea can also cause the cat to watery eyes. If the cause of the discharge of tears is an injury, the animal needs urgent veterinary care. You can help your pet get rid of a speck of sand or a grain of sand. It is enough to rinse the animal's eyes with strong tea or a weak furatsilinovym solution (1 tablet per liter of water).
Damage to the cornea in a cat without proper treatment can develop into a more serious disease - keratitis, one of the consequences of which is complete loss of vision.
Cornea can be irritated by tobacco smoke or inappropriate detergents.
If your pet is already far from a young kitten, increased tearing may occur due to age-related changes in the lacrimal tubules.
Of course, this is only one of the reasons that the eyes of an elderly cat watery. Therefore, it’s nice to visit a veterinarian with your pet.
It happens that a cat's eyes watery due to congenital hypersecretion of the lacrimal glands. But this pathology is quite rare.
If the cat has watery eyes, while the animal sneezes and coughs, there is an increased separation of mucus from the nose, fever, possibly pneumonitis in the animal (cat flu). The causative agents of this infection enter the animal through the hands and clothes of a person. Bacteria can exist in cat food containers if hygiene is not observed. Treatment is with tetracycline preparations. Timely vaccination does not help to avoid infection, but significantly facilitates the course of the disease and shortens its duration.
To summarize all that has been said. If you want your pet to be healthy, take care of his timely vaccination. Follow the rules of home hygiene. The diseased animal must be isolated from the rest until complete recovery. Keep in mind that a cat in a smoky room is not only harmful, but even dangerous. Do not expose your pet to such a risk.
In this article, we deliberately do not give the names of medications, since their uncontrolled use can worsen the condition of the animal.